
First Click


I opened my eyes as I felt the summer heat touching my body. I got up on my bed and go straight to the bathroom to take a shower. In the middle of my bath time in the tub I heard a knock in my room.

I’m now in Hawaii, enjoying my summer and currently staying in a cabin on one of the finest resorts here in Kauai.

I heard the footsteps of the person who just entered my room.

“Who’s there?” I ask from inside.

“It’s me” the person outside answered

I don’t need to ask him his name. That slightly deep voice tells me it’s Andrei. I met him last year here in Hawaii. He works here as a crew manager that’s why he can enter my room freely. But he is not a creep if that’s what you think. We are just really close like siblings.

I got out of the bathroom with my robe and find Andrei in the kitchen preparing my food.

“I thought I’m still gonna wake you up when I get here. Good thing you’re up.” He said then gave me a knowing look. I know what he’s thinking

“Shut up! I slept early last night. And just for this time stop thinking that every time I go here, I always get laid” I said while walking in the closet. I choose to wear a simple summer top and a mini tennis skirt.

As I walk in the kitchen Andrei is not there anymore. Maybe he still needs to work.

And I am right I found a small note on the table.

“I need to work. Make sure to let me know if you’re already living the resort and the country. Eat your breakfast, B*tch! – Love… No I don’t love you. From me, your handsome friend :P”

I smiled at the note. This piece of sh*t.

I ate my breakfast and after that I decided to arrange my things and prepare them for my leave. I’m going home now. And my life will be back to normal again. I guess?

Giesel and Claire doesn’t have the time to accompany me here cause they are both busy with their works.

After I fix my things, I left it in my front door. I’ll let a crew to put it in my car. I’ll go for a walk first.

I was walking on the shore just in front of my cabin. It’s been six months when I got out of the hospital after my therapy.

I looked at the sea for a while and decided to go to the Lobby of the resort to say goodbye to Andrei.

As I enter the lobby, I felt that someone is looking at me so I look around to find the gaze. As I turn to my left I found a familiar face, but I really don’t know the guy. I walk towards him

“Excuse me, do I know you?” I asked even though this is embarrassing. What if I don’t even know this person or what if he’s not really looking at me. My gosh what are you thinking Karl?! Whatever I already did ask him. I just can’t help it. Seems like we really know each other. There’s no turning back.

“I know you but maybe you forgot about me” he said in a monotone.

I got confused on what he said so I just stared at him for a minute and trying my best to remember him but nothing came up.

Maybe he read my mind so he stood up and held a hand.


“Halzton?” he said as if that will remind me of him.

Not to be rude I reached out my hand to shake his. But I still don’t know who he is

“Karl… Karleishia” I said. And still look at him in with questions in my mind.

“I know. It’s been years. We met before and now I’m sure that you probably don’t remember me anymore.” He said with a slight smile while still looking at me.

I chuckled a little to hide my embarrassment. I looked at our hands that still holding each other so I suddenly let got of his and hide my hand behind me. I don’t find him creepy but I’m still confused about this whole thing. So I just stand there looking at him trying to find him in my memory

“Yo! Karl!”

I heard Andrei so I turn my head to him and his now walking towards us. As soon as he got on my side he suddenly put his arms around my shoulder and look at Halzton.

“Who’s this babe?” He said still looking at the guy in front of me.

I tried to remove his hand on my shoulder.

”Stop it.” I said and rolled my eyes at him. Annoying me is literally his hobby.

“Fine. I’m Andrei. Her handsome friend. Are you from here?” He said as he turn to Halzton with sparkly eyes.

Psh! As what I thought. He found another prey.

“Halzton. I’ll take a leave from here.” He said and turn to me.

“See you in Manila. Maybe I’ll visit your house some other time”

I just nodded and let myself be drowned in confusion. I follow him with my gaze as he strut his way out of the lobby.

I was staring at the air blankly when this guy beside me started to poke me with his elbow.

“Who’s that hottie? I thought you slept early last night?” Andrei ask while still looking at the Lobby’s entrance.

“I did slept early last night. And I don’t even know him. But he said he knows me.” I said.

“Anyways. I’m leaving now… my car is waiting me outside.” I turn to him and gave him a hug.

”Okay, take care. Update me about that guy Halz.” He said and winked at me as if he knows what is about to happen.

I just nodded and waved at him then went to my car. I went to the airport and I was on time to board in my plane.

As I sat beside the window and waited for the plain to take off.

I watched the beautiful nature that only Hawaii holds.

I’m now going back to my reality. I will now face the things I have been running for almost six months.

I let my head rest and closed my eyes. Let’s sleep, Karl. As soon as this plane lands let’s put our game-face on.