

TEASER "What do you want from me? You already marked me, you even forced me to marry you!" I said angrily but he just laughed. I gasped when he walked towards me. "Because I want you and there's nothing you can do to stop me." He said with a smug smile on his face. "You are obsessed! You are completely crazy! You even killed my…" Before I could finish my sentence, he grabbed my neck violently. I let out a small groan as he grabbed my shoulder. "If you say that, you'll die." The Alphas... they are superior in this world. Omegas are just a small prey for them. Omega can't do anything... even the government can't do anything about it. "You are mine, even if you die." He whispers in my ear before everything goes blank.   Warning: 18+ omegaverse/male pregnancy

Ischeee · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs



I ran towards a convenience store while trying to remove the dirt on my shirt. Shit, this is the first time that I brought this pricey shirt but it is ruined now. I spend too much on this. How.. shit I'm really an unlucky man.

"Hey young man!" I glanced at the man who called me. I pointed to my face using my index finger "Are you talking about me?" He nodded at me. My brows furrowed. What does he want from me? It is because.. I look like a beggar right now?

"What do you want from me?" I asked nervously. He cannot take me away from this store.. This is the cheapest store in town. There is no way I could go to another store to buy a spare shirt. I don't have much money right now.

"You want to try our free taste?" My eyes widened. "R-Really?" I was relieved he was not here to shove me away from this store.

"Follow me." I followed him like a lost little puppy. People in the store turned their gaze on me. I know they're judging me right now.. who wouldn't judge me when they see this shirt covered with dirty mud?

"What happened to your shirt? It looks quite expensive." I blushed when he mentioned my shirt. "I accidentally fell on the ground when I was riding my motorcycle." I heard him chuckle a bit. My face becomes redder.

"Here, wear this shirt. This is from my son's. It is not used yet." My eyes widened. "Oh.. t-thank you." I said while bowing my head. I heard him chuckling softly.

"I did not actually ask you for free tasting food, young man." He said with his sincere voice. My jaw dropped in air. "I'm here to warn you. I know you're an omega. Go back to your house and don't go outside. It is dangerous. You're about to go into your heat cycle." I cannot open my mouth and say anything. "W-What did you say?"

"I'm an omega, so listen to me, young man." I gasped in air. How come.. me as an omega? No fucking way. I'm a beta. I know that I have been a beta since when I was a kid.

"N-No.. you got it wrong. I'm a beta and I have known it since I was born." He shook his head at me. "Just believe me, young man."

"I'm sorry but you got it wrong.. I'm leaving now Mr. Thank you for this shirt. How much should I pay for this?" He just smiled at me with his worried face. "Take it for free." I turned to him a smile before I turned my back to him. What the hell was that?

Is he just making fun of me? As a payment for the shirt that he gave me? I shook my head. I don't really know. He sounds worried, so he might be telling the truth. Even if I want to believe him, I cannot do it because I'm not an omega. I hate omegas and I don't want to be one of them.

When I went outside the store, I did not hesitate to change my shirt. I did not mind those folks who glanced at me. Why should I mind? I'm not even an omega.

I started walking towards my motorcycle. Suddenly, my eyes widened as I couldn't, the wheels of my motorcycle and it was already chopped off. It is gone. "What the hell?" I checked every part of my motorcycle. I don't think I can ride it right now. It is not going to work even I change the wheels.

Fuck those thieves.

I decided to ride a bus and left my motorcycle there. I cannot use it anymore. With a long face, I walked away slowly from the ally. This day is exhausting. I'm really unlucky.

I took my phone out of my pocket. I want to hear her voice. I already miss her. I just saw her earlier, but damn, I cannot get enough of her. "Hello?" A smile appeared suddenly on my face as I heard her angelic voice. "Hey," I greeted her. "You sound tired.. you should go home and rest. You need to take care of yourself." I chuckled, "Nah, I'm not tired because I already hear your voice." I heard her giggle from the other line.

"What a cheesy man."

"I love you," I said so suddenly. She suddenly stopped from laughing. "Are you okay?" I asked her. She did not respond at all. My mouth arched when she ended the call.

I smiled bitterly. She doesn't really like the idea of me saying those words. We've dated and become lovers since last year. But I've never heard her say those words. I know that she's not ready to say it.. I will definitely wait for her to say it.

"Are you going or not?!" I ran towards the bus when the driver shouted at me. I didn't realize that I had already reached the bus stop. My mind was preoccupied.

I sat on the edge of the bus seats because I didn't want to get in touch with others. I don't want to bother them and I don't want them to bother my peaceful ride this night. My body froze when a huge and tall man sat beside me. He cannot even fit his body in it. Why did he even ride the bus?

I glanced at him, my body froze for the second time when he turned his gaze to me. "What the hell is your problem?" I looked away nervously. "I-I'm s-sorry.." I don't want to get in trouble. Not now.

I closed my eyes as I felt the cold air coming from the window of the bus. The cold air hugged my body. I held my shirt tightly. Shit, it was so cold. Bare with it, Keilian. When the bus stopped at the next station, I could feel my body feeling hot instead of feeling cold. What the hell is happening? Do I have a fever?

"Are you an omega?" My eyes widened when the man beside me spoke. I could feel his eyes turning into fire. My body began to feel hotter than earlier. "Answer me." I shook my head at myself, "I'm not. What the hell are you talking about? I have a fever, that's why." I muttered, but he just stared at me intently. "You're wrong.. I'm not a omega." I added.

"But why are you letting out a sweet smell? It smells like a flower." The man beside me uttered with his devilish smile on his face. My body went numb and I couldn't talk as if my tongue was cut off.