
Capture The Elusive Mandarin

Tall, dark, and handsome. Three adjectives most women in the West would use to describe a perfect guy, which she really doesn't understand. She was taught to look for a Man With Potential, well that's three words too. But the guy earnestly clapping his hands about to make a wish, fits the three adjectives of the women of the West for a perfect man. He's tall. He's dark, err, he's in a dark mood, that is, and the most important adjective is that he's handsome in his orange hair. Dana Hasegawa, age sixteen experience her love at first sight in Meiji-Jingu Shrine. Fast forward to present, few days before her 18th birthday Dana saw Grand on WeChat Moments of a friend, - handsome as ever minus the orange hair. She schemes her way to China to hunt the Orange Mandarin, but would she capture the love of a guy or find something else. ====== Gold Tier Winner of WFC #9 - Female Lead - Bad Boy Love Interest! ====== -------- DISCLAIMER: This book is NOT a sequel to the book Capture That Feeling. ***Book cover: Sendaline_16

Jyojiko · perkotaan
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282 Chs

Love Around The Corner

"What are you doing here?" surprised, she asked.

"I live here. Are you visiting someone?" he said grinning.

Dana didn't get why Bobby is teasing her. But didn't bother to ask.

"I checked Ellise's old place, I'll be moving here."

"Oh, let's be friends, neighbor," he said, as he stepped inside the elevator with Dana.

Dana looked up in puzzlement with Bobby and asked, "Why are you going down too?"

"Where are my manners if I let a pretty neighbor on her own? "Would you like me to show you around?"

Dana, thinking that Ellise would probably not home yet, and she doesn't want to answer questions from Madame Bae on why. Silently thankful for a reason to stay outside longer, she agreed with Bobby's invitation.


"Coffee is fine?"

Dana nodded as they stepped out to the building lobby. She looks around to familiarize herself with the place as she knows that Ellise doesn't have a lot of time to spend with her. And at the same time, she doesn't want to keep on relying on Madame Bae and Ting.

She must be responsible for the consequences of her actions. She just can't go home and cry when things get difficult.

"We have two coffee shops on this floor; an alfresco near the back exit and this one here in the entrance lobby. Which do you prefer?"

Bobby's question jolted her from her thoughts. She smiled, feeling embarrassed for not giving attention to this man, kind enough to offer his company.

"The weather's nice, let's go to the alfresco one."

"Good choice! My friends own the shop." Bobby laughed softly.

Dana's face flushed red. She notices Bobby has dimples, and his brown eyes soften when he laughs.

"Would you let me buy you a cup of coffee today, as a thank you?"

"It would be an honor to have you treat me to a cup of coffee, but I'd only agree if you promised you'd let me buy the next one?" he said, flashing those adorable dimples again.

Dana giggles and readily agreed. "How do you like your coffee? she asked.

"Surprise me."

She stared at Bobby and grinned. "Don't blame me later," she said and walked to the counter to order them coffee.

Bobby took a photo of Dana while she's placing her order and then puts his index finger on his lips towards the man manning the cashier and signs that they will be using the table at the far end of the shop near the fountain.

He puts his phone back in his back pocket after posting the photo on his WeChat Moments, stands near a Monstera plant, and waits for Dana. Not even a minute passed, his phone vibrated.

His eyebrows furrowed as he read Ellise's message telling him not to tell Dana or Grand that they're living in the same building.

"Ma'am we will bring your order to your table." the cashier told Dana after she pays.

"Thank you," she said and walked back to where Bobby is standing.

When they sat down on their table, Dana gathered the courage to ask Bobby her question that Ellise can't or won't answer.

"You're friends with Grand right?" she asked, testing the water.

"Why? You'll ask me for his number?" he smiles.

"No,I want to ask if you have an idea why he blocked me on WeChat."

The teasing smile vanished from Bobby's face, as he asked Dana, "Do you really like Grand?"


"Mn," he said thinking if meddling in Grand's business is worth the headache later on. Before he could come up with a choice, Dana spoke up.

"I just can't understand. Why would he block me after giving me his WeChat? I mean, he took the initiative to give it to me." She asked, indignant with Grand's action.

"He gave you his WeChat, then blocked you?"

"Yes!" she said, pouting.

Looking at this girl's pouty face, he can't blame Grand for being bothered. He chuckled imagining his friend's expression once he saw the photo on his WeChat Moments.

"Miss Dana, because we are now neighbors and you bought me coffee, let me tell you this, if you want Grand, don't run after him. Be around him, but don't chase the guy." smirking, he said.


"Thank you for bringing me home."

"No biggie. What are we neighbors for? Are you going to throw a housewarming party?"

"Probably not. I'll be busy with my college application," she said, feeling sorry.

"Oh! Where are you planning to study?"

"Shanghai Conservatory of Music. But I'm not sure if I'll get in," she said as she got out of the car.

She stands on the sidewalk until Bobby's car turns into the corner and disappears insight before she crosses the street to her favorite coffee shop.

She decided last minute to grab some blueberry muffins to bring home for Madame Bae. They'll be having tea in the garden later for sure.

She's searching through her purse for her card, and not looking where she's going, and ended up crashes on the back of the man in front of the line. When she looked up to apologize, she's facing the man she was asking Bobby about.

"Babe, what's wrong?" asked the tall and skinny girl hanging on Grand's arms.

Dana can't help gawking at the girl.

"Do you know her?" irritated the girl asked.

"No, I don't," Grand answered as the two of them left the coffee shop.

She was left dumbfounded, and just returned to her senses when the lady next in line asked if she was still going to buy something since she's holding the line. Red in the face, she hurried to buy her blueberry muffins.

Dana has no idea how she gets back home. Ellise was waiting for her outside the gate and was worried sick with how she looks.

"What happened? Did Bobby do something to you?"

She got distracted by how Ellise knew she was with Bobby, before she could even tell her that she accidentally met Grand with a girl, and how he denied knowing her.

"Bastard," Ellise muttered under breath.

"We don't have time for boys and heartache right now, Madame Bae is having a party, it's best if we don't join them," Ellise said, pulling her to the back entrance to get away from the parlor.

They successfully escape the social, only to be surprised when they entered their bedroom and Madame Bae is waiting for them with colorful qipao.

Ellise and Dana exchange helpless looks with each other.

"Dears, don't try escaping my party this time. Especially after taking the Exelero for a drive without my permission."

"Chop, chop dearies," she said gracefully, clapping her hands. "Fix yourself and be right down."

They blow a resigned sigh, picking up a dress.


"Dana dear, I've never expected that you're quite gifted in the piano," she said beaming.

"Thank you," she replied politely, trying to control the yawn that would like to escape.

The party ended late and the rest of the night was spent complaining to Ellise about Grand rude behavior and if she should follow Bobby's advice after what happened.

"Dana, when do you plan to move?"

"Oh, I was just about to ask you about it. What are the changes I can do with your place."

"It's yours to use now. Draw me a plan of the changes you want, I'll have someone fix it, then I'll inform you once it's ready for occupancy."

"Dana dear, other than moving out, are there any plans that I should know?"

Dana glanced at the two people at the breakfast table and informed them of her plan. How she is planning to use the video of her playing as a stand-in, in practice from the musical play her aunt produced. She didn't know that there was a video until she got the package her aunt said Nancy would send over.

Also, the referral her piano teacher gave her was a big help. Now she's enrolled in a Chinese class, starting next month, since she's an international student, her level of Chinese language should be HSK Grade VI to be accepted.

She's also thinking of accepting commission for her arts to earn some allowance because she found out that her money was frozen by her bank. She forgot that all of her accounts were co-deposited with her mother.

Ellise disagreed with her plan to do sketches as a way to earn money because it means using her hands for a long time and it will not be good for playing the piano.

She admits that it could be strenuous for her hands since she uses pointillism. But she doesn't have many choices for now.

While they were debating on what to do, Madame Bae offered a plausible solution.

"Dear, you know how I relish parties and good music, how about if I retain your service in exchange for a monthly allowance."

Dana was overwhelmed with the generous offer, but she didn't bat an eye and accept it.