
Can You Really Survive In America?

Is the American Dream just an illusion? Bayo, an outsider with a sharp mind, is thrust into the complex reality of American life. Here, ideals clash with harsh realities, and survival hinges on navigating a world of power struggles and hidden agendas. Bayo's perspective challenges the status quo, forcing him to confront societal injustices and question the very essence of the American Dream. Will his fight for eternal freedom shield him or lead him down a dangerous path? =================== Disclaimer This story is a blend of history and imagination. While I've approached the time period of 1947-1950s with respect, I've also taken creative liberties to craft a compelling narrative. Names, actions, and even some cultural references are fictionalized for storytelling purposes. Think of it as a tribute to Yoruba culture, not a strict historical account. My aim is to spark interest and understanding, not mislead.

Bright_Gabriel_9341 · perkotaan
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114 Chs

Echoes of Destiny: Unveiling Paths

Chapter 22

Echoes of Destiny: Unveiling Paths

In the stillness of the night, Bayo found solace in the solitude of his room, the only sound being the creaks of the timeworn bed beneath him. Memories of Èsù's mischief clouded his mind, his fist tightening reflexively — yet he let the thought dissolve into the shadows.

The night's embrace was restless, but sleep eventually claimed him, only to be chased away by the mechanical symphony of the early morning.

Bayo sprawled across the bed, unconsciously syncing with the industrial heartbeat outside. Despite the mechanical symphony surrounding him, a whirlwind of contemplation engulfed his mind. Memories and uncertainties swirled within him; each thought was a turbulent current pulling him further into the depths of introspection. His fingers tapped rhythmically against the worn fabric of the bedsheet, a subconscious attempt to ground himself amidst the whirlwind of his thoughts. Yet, even as he lay motionless, there was a sense of restlessness in his demeanor, a silent struggle playing out beneath the surface. As time seemed to stretch within the confines of his room, a sense of urgency lingered in the air, a silent reminder of the world outside waiting to reclaim his attention.

In the mechanical symphony of his room, Bayo's voice was a mere breath, a secret shared with the darkness. "I came here to study science," he admitted his voice a low murmur amidst the mechanical clamor. His memories, etched into his very being, whispered their presence in the shadows. "But this journey," he continued, his words tinged with bitterness, "wasn't of my choosing. It's a path written by others, forced upon me through violence and coercion."

His eyes wandered around the room, finding solace in each object that protected him from his vulnerability. Memories of his father's neglect surfaced, a bitter reminder of the time he was sent into the wild, left to fend for himself. Those dangerous nights were fraught with danger — the threat of wild animals lurking in the darkness and the biting cold of the unforgiving night air. Yet, amidst the dangers, Bayo found solace in gazing at the stars above, their distant twinkling offering a fleeting sense of comfort in his lonely existence.

The echoes of those nights still haunted him, reinforcing his instinct to protect himself from further harm. He acknowledged that others might endure harsher hardships, but his pain remained a personal crucible, one he had carried since his mother's passing — a burden that perhaps had always been his to bear.

As he pondered his circumstances, Bayo resolved to remain an observer temporarily, allowing himself the space to adapt to this unfamiliar world. His intellect, a guiding light in the darkness, felt empowering and burdensome, shaping his decisions as he navigated the uncertain path ahead.

Bayo's introspective moment was abruptly interrupted by a soprano voice, cutting through the mechanical hum that filled the room with its insistent tone. This unexpected intrusion shattered the silence, pulling Bayo back from his contemplation and into the present moment.

At first, he questioned if that call was for him, but as the voice crescendoed, it beckoned with undeniable intent. Compelled as if by an unseen hand, Bayo's mind flickered back to his earlier frustration, the unresolved quest for Aroni lingering like a shadow over his thoughts. Could this unexpected interruption hold the answers he sought? With a sense of cautious hope, Bayo rose and opened his door to find Adeola, Amina, and Farid awaiting him.

Farid's expression was cautious, his instinct kicking in to protect Amina from what he perceived as an unsettling sight, too raw and unrefined for her delicate sensibilities. This protective urge stemmed from his experiences and upbringing, where he had learned to shield those he cared about from discomfort and distress. His past encounters had left an indelible mark on him, shaping his response to situations that threatened the emotional well-being of others. He silently questioned Bayo's casual disregard for appearances, the unspoken rules of appearance seemingly lost on him.

Adeola and Amina stood with faces unreadable, yet a closer look would reveal the faintest flush upon their cheeks — a silent acknowledgment of Bayo's unintended display.

When confronted with their gazes, Bayo's frown deepened, reflecting their inner conflict. Glancing down, he realized his state of undress, clad only in loose white trousers, his torso bare. Was this the cause of their silent commotion?

At that moment, Adeola's gaze sharpened, drawn to something more profound than mere skin — a mark on Bayo's chest that spoke of legacies and mysteries. Her fist clenched, not in anger, but in awe of the divine signature etched upon him, visible to those who knew how to look.

Adeola's excitement was a subtle flame flickering behind her composed facade. Bayo caught the glint of it in her eyes, a silent question forming, but she offered no words, only a tightened fist and a breath meant to steady her nerves. In her presence, Bayo felt an elevation, as if he were more than mortal, a whisper in Adeola's mind pondering if Bayo bore the essence of an orisha.

Amina and Farid, with their keen and unusual gaze, sensed a shift in Adeola, a demeanor they had not witnessed before. Amina's breath was a soft exhalation, a silent cue for Farid to get started with his revelations. They had arrived separately, each drawn by their motivation, yet stood together before Bayo.

Adeola, observing Amina's readiness to speak, let out a sigh, her eyes briefly meeting theirs before turning away. She had glimpsed their fates, the threads of destiny woven in a design that only she could see, and her subtle head shake was a silent harbinger of things to come.

Farid wrestled with his reluctance, haunted by a dream that had gripped him with a spectral terror. In the dream, a shadowy figure had pinned him down, its suffocating presence filling him with dread. Paralyzed and helpless, Farid had been unable to escape its grasp, his mind racing with fear and uncertainty. Yet, amidst the darkness, a message had emerged — a cryptic directive to deliver a message to Bayo about an impending encounter and its location. The shadow released its hold on Farid only when he had reluctantly accepted this task, leaving him shaken but determined to decipher its meaning. Yet he withheld the darkness of his vision from Amina. "I have come," he began, his annoyance evident, "because I know the one we seek and where he dwells."

Amina's silent nod betrayed her understanding of Farid's motives. He sought to curry favor with her through Bayo's name, a strategy she recognized and accepted, though it stirred a pang of sympathy within her.

And so, Farid found himself in a paradox, relying on Bayo — the very man he resented and viewed as a rival — to win Amina's affection, unaware of the irony that Bayo remained oblivious to the silent battle for his attention.

Bayo's eyes lingered on Amina and Farid, a silent contemplation before he addressed Adeola. "Good sister," he began, the Yoruba language wrapping around his words like a familiar cloak, "have you been touched by the same vision?" Uncertainty laced his tone, Èsù's schemes a labyrinth within his mind. He pondered if the events unfolding embodied the deity's cryptic riddle from the eve prior.

Adeola's smile was a rare bloom, veiling depths Bayo could not fathom. "Good brother," she replied, her voice a soft echo of regret, "forgive yesterday's inhospitality." Her sigh seemed to carry the weight of her soul, drawing Amina's gaze to linger, searching for unspoken truths.

Amina's thoughts were a quiet storm, a head shake her only outward sign of turmoil. She had feared that drawing another into Bayo's orbit would only invite rivalry, yet her connection with Bayo was as intangible as the wind. Despite her deep reflections, a balance to the chaos eluded her, leaving more questions than answers.

Adeola, momentarily lost in her internal maze, found her voice again. "Orunmila asked me," she confessed, her fist clenched as if to grasp the elusive threads of fate, "to come with a promise that I would find purpose today."

"Purpose?" Bayo echoed the term, his voice a soft undercurrent of confusion. Adeola's seemingly presence aimless, yet filled with intent, stirred a sea of questions within him. His wariness was a shield; not even a shared heritage could lower it. Bayo's previous day's odyssey had left him empty, yet his innate skepticism had steeled him against despair. Now, faced with a new path that seemed to wander, he clung to a flickering hope that all would be well eventually.

Bayo's eyes, carrying a silent appeal, swept across the room, taking in the chaos that mirrored his inner state. "Please," he implored, motioning towards the corridor with a gentle authority. It was an offer of refuge, a space that straddled the threshold of his private world and the one beyond his door. "Wait there," he suggested, his tone warm and inclusive. It was a gesture of kindness, an olive branch extended amid uncertainty.