
Can You Hear The Siren Call

I was falling, further and further. But nothing mattered. My mental health was already down the drain. Who cares if I fall off this cliff. Alex surly won't, hes with that girl he cheated on me with. I don't blame him she was perfect unlike me. I was still upset, but that was fine. I might die today, either from drowning or the impact of the fall. I felt the cold water hit my head, then my shoulder, my waist, my legs, until it reached my feet. I was completly engulfed in the cold ocean water. I couldn't breath. I didnt struggle though it would be over after this. Well so I thought anyway. I never thought someone would save me.

Kira_Yuki_56 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


I woke up the next morning feeling groggy and unrefreshed unlike how I normally would waking up. Was I dreaming about last night? About... Everything about what happened at the restaurant with Alex flooded back to me. It felt like I had just been hit by a brick wall.

It was over. Gone. He was no longer my boyfriend.

I wanted to cry again but I didn't no use crying over it now. Crying wouldn't help right? I trudged downstairs to my parents. It was like any other day, my mom was making breakfast while my dad sat at the table waiting anxiously for mom's delicious breakfast.

What was I expecting, they hadn't found out about Alex. It wasnt like their lives have changed that much from it. It almost seemed like I was expecting them to give me a full on apology even though they weren't even involved in it.

Once my presence was noticed dad put down his phone and mom dropped her spatula down on the stove. They both reached out to hug me. I felt like I was crushed by the force they used, but it was warm, it somehow felt soft. It felt comforting like it you were wrapped tightly in a warm blanket.

I wanted to burst out in tears right then and there. It felt like someone was there for me, like I could cry an ocean and they would still be there to embrace me.

"Im so glad your safe baby!"

"...safe? wait what?"

Mom looked dad in the eyes you could feel her concerned aura radiating from her.

"Sweetie, last night you got lost in the red light district."

Wait what!? Oh how fun thats why it reeked of alchohal and drugs, I thought sarcastically.


"Yes, a polite man brung you home. I'm so glad he did. He said you went through a lot."

Went through a lot? Did that man find out about Alex? Did I fall asleep in his car?

"Oh right, hehe... Well I should be heading to school now."

I rushed off to the front door trying dodging my parent's attempt to keep me from going. Mom somehow got a hand on my shoulder which, out of instict, made me stop.

"But why cant I go?"

"Because, I..."

Dad put a hand on mom's shoulder. I felt like they were communicating in a language only they could understand, like I was missing something.

Dad knelt down infront of me and cupped my hands in his.

"Just stay safe, okay?"

I didn't know how to reply to this. It felt like if I answered wrong I would dissapoint or make them upset. So I just nodded and rushed out the door leaving my parents by the table.

Walking to school I saw Alex with his buddies by the school gates. I stopped walking for a moment observing my suroundings trying to look for a different route. The only other way was to go under the fence, no way im doing that.

I stood there for a little bit mustering the courage to walk past him. I took a deep breathe and covered my face with my hair. Then I spreed walked past him. I caught a glace from Alex. He looked kind of hurt which made me feel guilty.

Why should I? he's the one that cheated not me. I sighed it felt like someone was weighing me down.

"Hey! Vivian, wait up!" I heard a voice call out to me.

I turned around and there running up to me screaming my name was Amelia.

I stopped and waved, "what's up?" I covered up my saddened mood.

Amelia stopped in front of me and took awile to catch her breath.

"I," She panted in between each word she said, " was calling you for like 5 minutes. Didn't you hear me?"

"Oh sorry, I was day dreaming."

She looked me in the eyes like she new I was lying but as quickly as she examined me was as quickly as she stopped. I know what she was doing. She was trying to detect if I was lying. Either she did and thought nothing of it or I faked it that well.

Getting through a whole day at school is gonna be fun. Just gotta try to avoid Alex as much as humanly possible and I'll be fine.

End of third period and I already failed. I wanna cry right now. I just got scolded by my math teacher for not turning in my homework. She thought I was lying about getting lost last night and she plans on calling my parents tonight. What does she know? She's not the one who just broke up with your boyfriend you've had for 5 months.

And to make things worse while I was already on the verge of tears after the teacher scolded me for "lying" I ran into Alex. Literally.

This is how it went down. I was just rushing to my next class with Amelia. I was only rushing since the teacher took 3 minutes scolding me leaving me with 2 minutes to get to my locker and rush back to the other side of the school for geo.

As I almost sprinted down the hall with my head lay low. I could only see everyone's feet and the floor. Bad decision since not long after I bumped into someone and stupid me thought it was just another guy. No it wasn't another guy it was Alex! And now I looked stupid stuttering sorry and trying to dodge his hand.

Her reached for shoulders with both hands, "Vivian wait. I'm sorry about yesterday I just . . . I just . . ."

I could barely hear him since I was internally screaming avoid, avoid, avoid! That's all I needed to do AVOID!

I was not ready for a confrontation with him and just hearing his voice made me want to cry. To make things worse I shoved him into one of his friends and ran away like a coward.

I really should have let mom keep me home. I never wanted to stay home so much in my life. And couldn't he get the hint? I dont want to see him. And why would he want to see me he has that girl he cheated on me with.

I decided to skip today at work. I was too exhausted and I wouldn't be much help anyway. I would just keep daydreaming. I do feel bad though, now Amelia will have to stay sooner and her mom might be late for work. The manger might take my shift or ask someone else that only works on weekends to substitute.

I only cause problems really. I hurt Alex, I probably made that girl he was with feel guilty as well, Amelia's mom would be late for work, and Amelia has to stay later. Why am I like this? Cant everything just be like when I was happy dating Alex, when my family wasn't on edge for money and me?

SORRY for late updats I've been busy with school lately I am trying my best though please tell me what you think it would really help me with what you guys want to read and your preferences.

SORRY the chapters are short if they are!

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