
Can True Love be Found from Online Dating?

True love...could it be possible in online dating? In the world today, we are surrounded by many people who are either just pretending to be good or with wrong motives. It's hard to really pinpoint who are the pretending to be good, the bad, pretending to be bad, and the genuinely good people. How can you possibly find your true love in online dating, when it's even harder in her real world she's in? That's the delimma our MC is experiencing in her life while she's even being pressured of when would she get married when she's already in her 30's... She couldn't help but doubt herself of finding her true love online... Finally, Karl decided to pop up the question to Mj. Karl's facial expression became serious all of a sudden. "Mj, I love you so much and I can't continue to live a life without you. Will you marry me?" Mj was in a great shock. Wait...What did he say? Her heart skip a beat. How is this possible online? Questions bombarded quickly in her mind. What will she answer then? "Mj?" She snapped out of a daze when she heard him calling her name. "Will you marry me?" "Yes!...But how? We are thousands of miles apart, Karl, you know that!" "I'll come there to your country to marry you! But I'll have to save up yet for maybe 2 years so I can come there." "Promise?" "Promise!" "You will have to promise me that you will wait for me until I come there." "I promise, I will wait for you Karl, because I love you very much too!" As we unfold her story and her struggles she's experiencing in between, will she be able to really find her true love? we shall find out... This is my original story and not translated. this book cover is all credits to valeriex thank you!

marjzach2012 · Umum
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140 Chs


Karl's band's comeback newest album and virtual world tours got a big hit and have gatherred billions of viewers, listeners and fans. And their Music Industry Company earned billions of dollars from it too of which his daughter KM is now the appointed CEO.

KM managed their company very well, along with her also soaringly famous singing career, multitasking it all. She could not even find time to get depressed of missing Michael 'coz she's very busy with all her schedules. She poured it all her energy, efforts, time and emotions in her singing career and in her being a CEO at the same time. And her parents were the most proud of her, of course.

She was doing some paperworks at her office in the company when a song played and it's lyrics got her piqued of interest...

Wake up beautiful, I'll take you home...

When love takes place...

She realized some things after listening to the song..

Was she not awaken? She's in love but her lover is nowhere to be found.

If she look herself at the mirror, sadness in her eyes can be seen. It's deep sadness from the heart....

After some time of contemplating, she blinked a few times and then went back her focus on the paperworks she needed to look over, double checked and attached her e-signature, on her high-tech and well secured laptop.

It's like the sadness in her eyes awhile ago was shifted into a robot mode. The sound of her fingers clicking on the keyboard is like she's playing piano harmonously. Her fingers were unbelievably fast and yet graceful. Then, she shifted it into using the voice command to do the rest of the paperworks that's needed to be done. And then...

Voila! Done!

She stood up from her chair stretched her arms and then went to the restroom and retouched her make up, brushed her hair and smiled at the mirror. Her aura now is like a blooming beautiful and stunning flower that no trace of sadness that she had awhile ago, can be seen.

After making sure of herself of her stunningly beautiful aura, she went back to her office table, pick up her cream colored handbag and went out from her office. She have her own elevator to use that goes down directly to her private garage, that is still part of the building.

"Vixen!" she called her car using her voice command and a yellow ferrari car screeched and parked in front of her, once she went out from the elevator door. Once the car sensed her presence, the car's door automatically opened upward like a wings of an angel. She sat on the driver's seat and the car's door automatically closed then the seatbelt automatically buckled her without her doing anything.

"Welcome KM! Where to?" the car's built in voice was heard.

"Hmmm, bring me to my private studio, Vixen!"

"Alright, sit back and relax!"

The car accelerated on it's own coz it's all set-up into an auto-pilot mode.

After about 20 minutes the car slowed down and Vixen's voice(the car) is heard.

"We have arrived at our destination KM!"

She opened her eyes wide and realized that she fell asleep and did had a quick nap while driving...or to be exact, while riding..since she set her car on an auto-pilot mode.

Vixen waited for KM to be ready before it opened it's doors. And when KM motioned her hand to signal Vixen to open it's car's door, it opened up like a left wing. And as soon as KM got out and about 1 meter from the car, it's door closed automatically.

As soon as KM entered the building entrance of her private studio, the car Vixen, parked itself in one of the vacant parking space just beside the building.

KM has a very high tech private studio of her own, where all kinds of musical intruments and sound equipments can be played by her combined it with technology that all is connected with her voice command computer data base she named it as "Marie". In all these years that Michael went missing, it becomes her habit to unwind and spend her free times in her private studio.

Whether she would compose songs or sing or play some musical instruments or do some reading, or just play some virtual reality games or even just hacking privately coz she have quickly learned on her own how to hack computers in trying to locate Michael, or even vent her frustrations of not been able to find Michael still, all these she has been doing are part of her coping mechanism as well.

"Michael, why couldn't I found you? I don't feel it in my heart that you are dead. I still feel that you are alive somewhere."

Tears were coming out of her eyes...

She have used all the ways, influences and resources, even hacking, and even using her psychic powers, still she couldn't find him.

The only thing that assures and gives her hope that Michael is still alive, is her psychic power and she could not give up on him. Not yet and not ever!

She's physically, mentally and emotionally tired, but she could not give up on him. She still loves him. And their love is what keeps her going and never give up. She could never give up!

And after being exhausted from crying out and venting out, she eventually fell asleep at the couch that's actually a sofa bed... And she drifted away to her world of dreams....

She opened her eyes and she found herself laying down in a capsulized spaceship that is ready to take off somewhere. All of a sudden, she heard a voice command computer counting for the taking off of the capsulized spaceship she's inside of.

She asked questions in her mind but for some reasons, she could not voice it out with her own mouth.

'Where am I?.'

'Why am I here in a capsulized spaceship?'

'Where are you taking me to?'

And it seems like the computer in her capsulized spacehip have read her questions in her mind...it did answer her.

"You are going to see your future!"

"Counting 1....2.....3.....4.....5.....6.....7....8....9....10!"



And in like a light speed the spaceship started to fly....