
Harry and Ava's marriage

"yes, I love him and he loves me, but I just dont want to get married so soon," Arria said with a sigh,

"Arria, let me tell you, marry him soon, or else, you will end up like me, I could never be hurt like this, if I married my Anna or at least talk about this to my grandmother, or if I did something before everything was too late, so I am telling you to marry him as soon as possible or If I ever thought before marrying this Ava, I could have never ended up like this," Harry said with a sigh and he started to remember everything that happened back then Arria looked at him, then she started to think about everything that happened in the past,

she took a long sigh and got up because she knows, what Harry trying to tell is right and she has to look after this and at the same time, she dont wants to make Harry sad, making him remember all those things, she just looked at him and told: "I am going, just do your work, and I will think about the marriage".