
Can I Be a Hero?

*Hiatus* I’ll be posting at least twice a week on Monday and Friday. This is my first book on WebNovel and I’m super excited. What would you do if your whole life changed because of something completely out of your control? Supers are people who have powers that started showing up thirty years ago. People who have these powers or Supers as their called are forced to join the Military and be of service to there country. This was how the government retained public order. Now let us see how Sasha goes through this crazy world.

SKAHLY · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Sure, Why Not

Sasha wakes up with a start. When Sasha looks around she sees a white room with a pod which she is currently in and a few chairs and a little circular window. It takes her a second before she realizes she is in the Containment Center. Sasha then takes a deep breath and gets from out of the pod to go to one of the chairs in the room. When she sits down she looks out the window and contemplates how significantly her life will change.

It is not like anyone discriminates against Supers actively but there is still fear in the Non-Supers towards Supers. All Sasha's planning for this year has gone down the drain. She starts to silently cry as she watches the clouds go by. When there was a knock at the door. She quickly wipes her face with the sleeve. Sasha is almost positive it's her family to wish her well on her training.

Once the door opens Bianca rushes to hug her sister, almost tipping Sasha over with the force. Soon her parents are joining in on the hug and they stay silently like that for a little while. Once Bianca got started talking she couldn't stop talking.

"It's going to be so weird living with a Super. What is your ability? How long can you use it for? Can we still go to the same school? Can you live with the general population or will we have to live in the inner ring? I'd be cool with that though. I think it would be super cool to go to school with a bunch of Supers. And" before Bianca could ask another question her mother stopped her.

"Ok, Bianca that's enough. We're here to check on your sister not talk her ear off. When we get home your dad and I can answer your questions."

"You're right mom. How are you, Sasha?" Bianca asked with a concerned look on her face.

"I'm ok, I don't even remember my Awakening that much. I do remember that I have a physical lightning ability. I just can't wait to get back to at least a little normal." said Sasha

Both Brenda and Sean glanced at each other. They only have a few minutes as a family before they have to leave. This is because the time to send the different teens and adults to there respective training programs is happening in about an hour. The sooner they're at the training facilities the better because for the military every minute is precious. So they Have transports three times a day. But in Sasha's case, her parents will get a storage cube to send some stuff to her new school and Sasha will be on a plane in her pod to the school. Her parents wanted to be the ones to tell her before she leaves. So they send Bianca away with a Soldier so they can talk to Sasha alone.

"Honey we have to talk to you about your training," Brenda said solemnly.

"Yeah I know it's going to be annoying doing my schoolwork there and then us moving to the inner ring. There's going to be a lot of changes in the next year," said Sasha.

"Honey we will be moving eventually, but not to the inner ring here in Belview. You see because your Awakening was so powerful you got the attention of the person in charge of this Containment center. And she got you this amazing opportunity to Study at an Amazing Military Academy on the Western side of the country." Sean said.

"And honey you don't have to worry. She said that she can help us find jobs over there within six months to a year. So you won't be out there alone for long. We'll be there soon." said Brenda while hugging her daughter with one hand and patting Sasha's hair.

Sasha was shocked and confused. Because she couldn't clearly remember her Awakening she didn't think anything out of the ordinary happened during it. Well, the male voice in her head told her she might have killed a guard but she just thought he was being a mischievous dickhead as always. Besides that, her body did feel more powerful. Thinking of this she turned around in her chair and squeezed really hard on the metal bar that was apart for the back support of the chair.

Then there was a crunching sound and the bar she was holding had a handprint.

"Oh god honey what are you doing? Is your hand ok?"Brenda said worriedly and grabbed Sasha's hand.

"Yeah I'm fine, I was just curious. They all say your body goes through changes when you go through the Awakening and I wanted to test it out," said Sasha absentmindedly.

"Ok, but what about the whole school thing honey?" asked Sean.

"I don't know, I just don't think it's worth it. I mean can't I just go to the school for Supers here?" asked Sasha.

"Well," Brenda was just about to speak when the Master Sergeant walked into the room.

"Maybe I can answer that question for you. You see there are different grades of Supers and you got quite high a score. For those who score that high, they are eligible to go to a more prestigious Super school. And the one you are going to is one of the best. Oh, my name is Emily I am the Master Sergeant in charge of this Center." said Emily.

"I don't trust her. She's got shifty eyes." said the male voice.

"You have shifty eyes." said the female voice.

"Hah, Jokes on you because I don't have eyes." said the male voice in triumph.

"Both of you shut up," said Sasha in her head.

"I guess I have no choice in the matter, do I," Sasha said as she looked at both her parents and Emily.

"Trust us, we made this decision for you Sasha," said Brenda as Sean nodded in agreement.

"If it's all right with you could I have a moment to talk to your daughter?" Emily asked respectfully.

"Of course, honey we love you and we will be able to video call you at school," said Sean as both he and Brenda gave her a long hug.

As both of them left Sasha took a hard look at this Master Sergeant. She was an average looking white woman in her early to mid-fifties. Emily had a stern-looking face that currently had a soft smile on it. She was standing with her back perfectly straight with her feet spread shoulder-width apart. Sasha assumed that was the standard in the military. Her shoes were perfectly shined and her clothes were perfectly in order.

On the other hand, Emily was studying the chair that Sasha was sitting in. Smiling even more at the gem she found. It would normally take a week for the body to start assimilating to their new power. And Sasha was already this strong at the beginning of her assimilation. Emily couldn't wait until Sasha fully came into her power.

"So we have a lot to talk about in a short amount of time. I'm going to be giving you the rundown of Supers and the school you'll be going to. You ready?"

"Sure, why not. " said Sasha.

Whew, this is my longest chapter yet. I'm happy about how this one came out. Let me know what you think.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

SKAHLYcreators' thoughts