
Can I Be a Hero?

*Hiatus* I’ll be posting at least twice a week on Monday and Friday. This is my first book on WebNovel and I’m super excited. What would you do if your whole life changed because of something completely out of your control? Supers are people who have powers that started showing up thirty years ago. People who have these powers or Supers as their called are forced to join the Military and be of service to there country. This was how the government retained public order. Now let us see how Sasha goes through this crazy world.

SKAHLY · Fantasi
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10 Chs


" And you know that he cannot approach me,

Cause I'm looking like class and He's looking like trash" No scrubs-TLC.

"Honey it's almost time for school." Brenda, her mom says.

Sasha reaches her hand out the shower to turn off her music to reply to her mom.

"Ok, mom out in a sec," Sasha says waiting for her mom to walk away before turning back on her music. Today is her first day of 8th grade and she's super excited. She has been preparing for weeks. Where she will meet up with her friends. What outfit she's going to wear. A fluffy light pink sweater, white tee, jean skirt, and white sneakers to finish it all off. Who she might be interested in dating. What clubs she's going to join. She really figured it all out.

As she gets out of the shower, she dries off, then wipes the bathroom mirror to look at herself. She sees blemish-free brown skin, curly afro, dark brown eyes, high cheekbones, and full lips. She completes her morning routine and gets dressed for school. As she begins her trek to the kitchen she first knocks on her younger sister Bianca's room.

"Come on Bianca we're going to be late," said Sasha.

" Ok, I'll be right down," said Bianca.

Sasha continues toward the kitchen. When she gets there she first kisses her dad on the cheek who is sitting down at the kitchen table eating breakfast. Then she kisses her mom on the cheek while grabbing her breakfast off the counter to eat. As she is sitting down her sister comes into the kitchen.

"So are you girls ready for your first day of school?" her father Sean asks.

"Yes, Dad" answered both the girls.

"That's good, it's your last year in middle school Sasha and your first year in middle school Bianca," said Sean.

"I know dad, I'm planning to have a great start. I already know Sasha's planned out everything." Said Bianca.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with having everything planned out," Sasha said defensively.

"It is when you freak out when something doesn't go directly as planned," Bianca said under her breathe.

"Hey, I heard that." Said Sasha. Before they could continue in what would become an argument. Brenda sits down and says.

"Ok girls, let's change the subject. It's the first day of school. Let's start it off happy, alright?" Both the girls nod their heads and change the subject. The family continues to eat breakfast and once there done they clean up and head out the house. Brenda takes one car, while the girls get in the car with Sean so he can take the girls to school.

They live about 2 miles from the middle school. On the drive there she sees a supermarket, a couple of different restaurants, but mostly she sees houses. Sasha and her family live in the suburban part of the city. Soon the school comes into view as the car slides into the drop-off lane. The school is just a three-story square brick building. With a playground, a couple of basketball courts and a soccer field on the side of the building.

They finally get to the end of the line. As the girls are getting out they say their final goodbyes to their father and wish him a nice day. Walking into the school the girls will have to split up. 6th graders are on the first floor and 8th graders are on the 3rd floor.

"Hey, if you need me text me, I love you," Sasha said.

"Love you too." Said Bianca.

They then split up. Bianca first heading to her homeroom and Sasha heads to the lunchroom to meet up with her friends. They've met up at the same lunchroom table since the sixth grade. As she walks to the lunchroom she waves and smiles to the people she hasn't seen since summer started. Also waving to her old teachers that she had the previous years.

In the lunchroom, she speeds up and hugs her friend Nattily from behind. When her two best friends see her they scream and go into a group hug. They quickly sit down to talk with their last ten minutes before they have to be in homeroom.

Nattily is the more studious one of the group and is dressed in a more business casual outfit for the first day. Tyler is a sporty guy and is wearing an Adidas tracksuit for the first day.

Soon the bell rings and they all have to go to different homerooms on the third floor. Sasha finds her homeroom and sits down at the front of the class. She quickly pulls out her school tablet and stylus pen. She looks around and sees that she has quite a few friends in her homeroom which makes her happy. As her teacher takes attendance Sasha starts to feel her body heating up.

At first, it wasn't too bad but after ten minutes it got really bad. She started to feel like her body was going to explode. She became so hot that her body started to smoke. When the teacher saw this her face changed dramatically. She quickly went behind her desk and pressed a button that read ' Super' and soon a red flashing light descended from the ceiling all over the school. Then a mechanic voice spoke and said

"Super has been spotted. I repeat Super has been spotted. Please begin appropriate procedures." This voice continues to repeat these few sentences in the background.

" Kids please exit to the hall and go down to room 301 in an orderly fashion." The teacher says softly and calmly. The students listen to the teacher but can't help staring at Sasha. Supers are common enough where the students have seen a couple in person. But they had never seen an awakening Super before.

" Ms. Chides this must be a mistake. I'm normal. I promise I'm normal. I know this is your first time meeting me, but I promise." As Sasha is saying this tears stream down her face as electricity starts to dance on her skin. When Ms.Chides sees this her eyes shine with worry.

"Honey just try to stay calm, the less you resist the better it will be."

Hey, this is my first work on Webnovel so I'm super excited. I hope you enjoy. Please vote it will help keep my motivation up. And also be sure to comment. I'll be trying to respond to most of them. Let's enjoy this story together.

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