
Can I Be a Hero?

*Hiatus* I’ll be posting at least twice a week on Monday and Friday. This is my first book on WebNovel and I’m super excited. What would you do if your whole life changed because of something completely out of your control? Supers are people who have powers that started showing up thirty years ago. People who have these powers or Supers as their called are forced to join the Military and be of service to there country. This was how the government retained public order. Now let us see how Sasha goes through this crazy world.

SKAHLY · Fantasi
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10 Chs

Here I Am

Sasha wakes up from the pod and calmly gets out and waits by her pod as per the instructions given by the soldiers. Soon the guards come by and check on each of the 400 Supers that were transported to the Western Side of the country. The majority of the stronger Supers get sent here for there training and or schooling. At least that is what Emily said while explaining the basics of, the basics of, Supers back in the containment room at the Southern Containment Center. The guards then separate the Supers into groups for which facility they will be going to.

Surprisingly Sasha was not the only one in her group. There were a couple of kids that were going to her school, but none were going to her new school that was from her hometown. Which made her feel a little sad. Even though she hasn't talked to any of them, they were from her hometown. Some had joined the flight on some of the stops to the western protectorate. All of the Supers seemed to be powerful. From what she learned from Emily is that Supers are put in grades. From F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, and X from weakest to strongest. This is what Sasha learned from Emily.

What separates training facilities is what grade at which they start training you and for how long they train you. The basic training of six months is only to get control of your power. The military has other training facilities, like the Military Academy, that trains you up one or three grades depending on which ones you can pick from. But those usually last for a much longer time. Those who can go to the longer training program aren't just anyone. Emily neglected to tell Sasha on how they chose who can be sent there. Emily did say that you needed to be at least B-Grade to get into these programs. Also that teens' parents also can choose where their child goes.

It's just the best Military Academies are in the western protectorate. They have more high-grade Supers that teach at these facilities. Which makes the Training Facilities the best in the Country. Emily said that the more high-grade teachers there are in a training facility the easier it is to learn there. Apparently, what comes with these abilities there is a lot of things that come with it. Including a thing called Aura. It is something that apparently every living being has, but Supers have the ability to manipulate. Sasha was really surprised when she learned that. Apparently it's something like an open secret in all of the counties.

Supers had more power than Sasha ever imagined. Even though Supers aren't rare they only make up about thirty-five percent of the population in the country of Malgove. Which is 10 percent higher than most other countries in the world. To cope with the influx of Supers the Country of Malgove became something of a militarized state. The military to employ all these people has multiple industries that they can employ there personnel. Of course, you can also become a standby soldier that just becomes apart of the military during wartime. But the School Sasha is going to you cannot take that option.

That's because the school she is going to is focused on creating leaders of the military in this new world of Supers. Emily did warn her that the training would be to the extreme. Which Sasha didn't really understand. She just took it as the body training would be difficult and the schoolwork would be harder than she was used to. That is pretty much all Emily told Sasha about her school. The other stuff that Sasha didn't remember was still stored in her holowatch. By the time she stops going over what shes' learned she is in one of the vans that are heading to her school. She is in a grey reinforced school buss. Sasha can see about twelve rows, with two seats in each row, and two kids in each seat.

The kid who was sitting next to Sasha was a 5'7 Asian with a crew cut, wearing the standard black military uniform.

"Hi, my name is Travis. What's your name?" Asked Travis.

"Hi, I'm Sasha," Sasha replied with a soft smile.

"So what do you think this school is going to be like?"

"I don't know but the Master Sergeant I met used the word extreme to describe it." said Sasha

"Oh, that can't be good." said Travis as he started to tap his fingers nervously on his thigh.

"But the school could be fun too. I know I can make anything fun." Travis said to no one in particular.

"Can you now?" Sasha said humorously.

"Of course, I'm quite the funny guy." Travis said

"Your something alright." Sasha said laughing. But soon the fun atmosphere changed. The buss driver put on something similar to a gas mask at a stop sign in the middle of nowhere. Then someone threw a canister into the buss and it exploded. No kid had any chance of reacting.

The kids on the buss couldn't even use their abilities. Until they have six months of mandatory training before they can take the collars off permanently. The only time they'd be off is in training. Unfortunately for them they are not currently in training. They were in transport to they're training. So none could react before the mist that came out of the canister started putting the kids to sleep.

There were six armed guys making their way down the rows of the buss. Checking the status of each Super before taking positions down the aisle. After doing that they all nod to the buss driver and he starts to drive again.

Before Sasha went to sleep. Her voices felt the need to chime in.

"I told you guys we couldn't trust her. Shifty eyes guys. Shifty eyes." The male voice said.