
Can I Be a Hero?

*Hiatus* I’ll be posting at least twice a week on Monday and Friday. This is my first book on WebNovel and I’m super excited. What would you do if your whole life changed because of something completely out of your control? Supers are people who have powers that started showing up thirty years ago. People who have these powers or Supers as their called are forced to join the Military and be of service to there country. This was how the government retained public order. Now let us see how Sasha goes through this crazy world.

SKAHLY · Fantasi
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10 Chs


What the guards saw blew there mind. They were still able to stay alert but they were still amazed. The voltage meter is reading about 10,000 volts which was high to the point where the security guards suit can't handle and the guards aren't even close to the cluster around Sasha. The guards even start to worry but then the voltage starts to consistently stay at about 9,500 at the distance they are at.

What's truly is amazing is that Sasha is now floating in the corner. It is rare that any element, besides wind, can float during the Awakening. A person's power that starts off this powerful is rarely seen. Especially the first-generation Super like it says in Sasha's profile. As she seems to have fainted due to a burst of use in her power so the guards relax a bit. Taking their hands away from the stun guns seeing as how they were not necessary.

"Marcus and I will stay at this distance. Gabs (nickname for Gabriel) and Susan get as close as you can to the Super. The more information we can give to the transport team the better. Remember your suits can only handle 15,000 volts before your on your own." said Mr. Pierce.

All the guards nodded in confirmation. Gabs and Susan then start walking towards Sasha tentatively. Each step they take the voltage raises by about 150. Once they get close enough to reach out and touch her they stop and check the meter. It reads about 10, 550.

" Aye Pierce, I sent you what my meter is running at. Should I try to put the collar on the Super? The transport team will be here in about five minutes." Said Gabs.

"No, we'll wait until the transport team gets here. As per protocol." Said Mr.Pierce.

Mr. Pierce shakes his head in his mind. The young ones are always stupid and brave. Supers powers are unstable during the Awakening. They can easily spike in intensity and kill those around them. Even in these government provided suits that the guards are wearing. The suits are made to protect from the eighty percent of the Awakened in this country. The other twenty percent it would be lucky for the guards to survive.

Mr.Pierce was forty-seven and wanted to get home to his family tonight so he wouldn't take any risks. He had dealt with over 30 Awakenings in his time. During this time he had come close to death a total of two times. Those happened earlier in his career and he had learnt that being cautious is the best way to go. Besides to him taking the risk when the Super is relatively stable and the transport team is close. The transport teams are Low-level Supers that couldn't make it up the chain in the Military. But even those low-level Supers are ten to twenty times more powerful than Non-Supers. They also have a way stronger defense than Non-Supers. With the transport team at the school, the guards can take a step back and let them take point.

But Micheal didn't think that way. During his training, he had been at the top of his class the entire time. That had gotten to his head. He believed that there was enough room in the voltage meter that he would be safe. It didn't help his stupidity that he had been crushing on Susan and really wanted to empress her. Michael was so sure that everything would turn out ok. And if it did it would only be his first reprimand which he could work back from.

As he went to reach for the collar on his utility belt he checks his team members to make sure they're not looking. Then he quickly tries to put the collar on Sasha, but he got to close as the amount of voltage that surrounded the guards quickly started to spike. Mr. Pierce notices it a second too late. As he shouts take cover the suits are already reaching 13,000 volts. Mr.Pierce, Marcus, and even Susan start to head towards the door. The lightning has yet to spread fully to the front left of the room where the door is.

Micheal though was stuck. The lightning grabbed onto him and wouldn't allow him to move an inch. The meter on Micheals suit soon reached 15,000 volts as Susan just became clear of the lightning. She takes a look back and sees that Micheal was trapped by Sasha. Taking a step in Micheals direction to try and save him. But Mr.Pierce stops her.

"How can we just stand here and watch?" Susan asked in a bit of distress.

"We have to wait until the transport team gets here. There is no way we can handle the voltage that she is generating right now. I've already alerted them and they said they just reached the school and are rushing up here. All we can do is wait and pray." Said Mr.Pierce. Susan looked dissatisfied with his response but couldn't find any fault with it. Mr.Pierce was right and Susan hated that he was.

Back with Micheal, he had been regretting his decision. The meter could no longer read what the voltage was meaning it was above 15,000. Micheals body started to fry in the suit. He was no longer a threat, but the lightning did not stop. Unbeknownst to the guard team, Sasha hadn't fainted. She had just retreated into herself and unconsciously started using the lightning to feel what was around her. When Gabs had went the for her neck she had went into attack mode.

"That's right teach him a lesson."said the male voice.

"He's a deep deep deep fried french fry. Just throw him to the other guards. I'm already bored of seeing him shake like that." Said the female voice.

Sasha was not in control of her power. So she couldn't stop to save the guard. The thought of her killing someone sent her into a manic state. Her mind was overloaded. The guards were still looking at there friend being electrocuted when suddenly Sasha let out a long pain filled scream and sent Gabs flying to the other side of the room. He then hit the wall and flopped onto the floor.

Sasha then was lowered to the ground by her lightning. This time she had actually fainted.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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