
Can I Be a Hero?

*Hiatus* I’ll be posting at least twice a week on Monday and Friday. This is my first book on WebNovel and I’m super excited. What would you do if your whole life changed because of something completely out of your control? Supers are people who have powers that started showing up thirty years ago. People who have these powers or Supers as their called are forced to join the Military and be of service to there country. This was how the government retained public order. Now let us see how Sasha goes through this crazy world.

SKAHLY · Fantasi
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10 Chs

Death Games

"Well that's unoriginal," the female voice said in an underwhelmed tone.

"What would you have rather it to be called." the male voice said exasperated.

"I don't know maybe something like Eat, Prey Death, or maybe Survival for the Deadliest. Something with a little more oomph like those names." the female voice said thoughtfully.

Sasha then facepalmed in annoyance. She could not for the life of her understand how her voices were so focused on the name that they seemed to have just skipped over the biggest detail. The whole death part is what she was worried about. Luckily Travis and Taylor were not focused on Sasha's, what would be to them, odd reactions to the Death Games file on their modified Holowatches.

The File Read:

"Death Games

Lessers having a say in what goes on in today's world is unjust. We must stand against this unjust way of thinking. Why do they get to say where you work. Where you can live. Where you lay your life on the line.

Before the Awakenings began the world was run by the rich and powerful. Why is it that it's different now. You are now the rich. You are the powerful. So why do the lessers have control over you? You are here now, to see who has what it takes to change this unjust system.

There are 2 days until the game begins. We've made sure there is a person who has at least gone under 3 months of training and are giving them these two days to bring their partners up to speed. The only rules of the game are to survive."

Once everyone read through the file everyone had different reactions. Travis was sweating bullets. Taylor was unaffected mostly due to her disbelief. Sasha was stunned beyond belief. She just couldn't believe her luck in being kidnapped by a group of crazy people.

"What would we be surviving?" Sasha thought out loud as she paced the room they were in. Travis looked at her and fear overcame him. He rushed out of the room and threw up in some bushes. Taylor rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as she sat crisscrossed in the center of the room. Which she did to really analyze the wording that was used in the file.

"It's obvious this is our test. We will most likely be surviving in the wilderness while getting used to our abilities." Taylor said while she was still rereading the file.

As Travis walked back into the room he still looked pretty shaken. Sasha stepped towards him, put a hand on his shoulder, and looked at him understandingly. She was only ok because she was still in the middle. Her paranoia was bringing her in two different directions. On one hand, there was that thought that this dearth game would pit student against student in a deathmatch. On the other, she couldn't help but think that Taylor had a point.

"So Taylor I'm assuming your the one that has gone under some training?" Sasha asked while turning towards Taylor. Taylor then stood up and wiped her hands on her pants while saying,

"It would seem so. Well lets' start with what your ability is and then I'll explain mine."

"So I can blink into different places where I've been or can see. To blink to a place I can't physically see takes me more time but if I can see where I'm going to blink it only takes me a second." Travis said with a prideful look. Which he had a reason to be teleportation like Supers is rare.

"I have the elemental power lightning," Sasha said simply, her power was easily explained.

"And I have the elemental power of fire," Taylor said matter of factly.

"What grade were you guys given during your Awakening," Taylor asked the both of them.

"My grade was B," Sasha said.

"My grade was A," Travis said. Both Sasha and Travis stared at Taylor expecting an answer.

"My grade was also A. I'm guessing that you guys aren't second-gen Supers. If you were you would have gone through some training even before your awakening. So the first thing and the most important thing you need to do is to focus your abilities so that they can be used more reliably." Taylor said in a serious tone. Travis and Sasha were nodding at everything Taylor said because it made sense.

"So to start, try, and create hand signals to the action and try to get your ability to work eight out of every ten tries," Taylor said. Once she finished speaking she went back to reread the file to make sure she didn't miss anything in the wording or tone of the file. But she couldn't do it for long because of Sasha's questions.

"That's it. Can't you give us some more tips on how to do it? Are there any common hand signals that can work? Will we even, be able to complete the task within such a short amount of time?" Sasha asked in an annoyed tone. They have no idea what they will be facing after these two days are up. It doesn't help that Taylor hasn't exactly been a team player since they woke up there.

"I'm pretty sure you both can do it. Your ability is a part of you as a Super naturally. Once you figure out how you connect with it it becomes easier to use. The hand signals are there to just get you started. You could do the rock and roll sign or the ok sign for all I care. And I do have tips. I even have breathing exercises that can help you but without completing this step they are useless to you." Taylor said as calmly as she could.

"Oh, I guess being a second-gen has its perks," Sasha said thoughtfully. All Taylor did was look at her for a couple of seconds and then continued doing what she was focused on.

"Well she's a peach." said the female vioce.