
Can I Be a Hero?

*Hiatus* I’ll be posting at least twice a week on Monday and Friday. This is my first book on WebNovel and I’m super excited. What would you do if your whole life changed because of something completely out of your control? Supers are people who have powers that started showing up thirty years ago. People who have these powers or Supers as their called are forced to join the Military and be of service to there country. This was how the government retained public order. Now let us see how Sasha goes through this crazy world.

SKAHLY · Fantasi
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10 Chs

Containment Center

After Bianca made the correct guess about her sister going through the Awakening her parents just nodded. Then they all silently sat in the car in front of the school for a few minutes. Sean and Brenda thought that Bianca would be in more destress but all she did was stare out the backseat window. When the few minutes were up Sean put the car in drive and started heading to the Southern Containment Center. The car ride there was somber.

An hour later they were in front of the containment center getting their holowatchs scanned for their personal information. After that is done they walk into a spacious waiting room. As they are waiting, the family is silent. Which is pretty much how a lot of the families are in the waiting room. The ones who aren't like that probably already have a Super in their family. There were a total of 20 families spread out in the waiting room that got here before the Brookens. Which means it is going to be a wait to talk to someone. So the Brookens sit tight.

In a room on the top floor of the Southern Containment Center, an older woman and an old man are having a conversation.

"Sasha Brookens


Power: Physical-lightning

Power Grade: B

Status: Currently in a containment room on the third level.

" said the young man respectfully while standing in front of his superior's desk. She was an average older white woman of about fifty years of age. Wearing the standard black military uniform for office work. She was scanning the file on a secure holoscreen. She would usually just scan it before giving the Corporal the go-ahead to assign a Private First Class to become the caseworker for this Supers family. But she became focused on this file.

"Hmmm, good. Reaching B Grade during the Awakening is quite a feat. Is her family here?"

" Yes, mam." the soldier said.

"Good, I'll be seeing them personally to explain the process." the old woman said decisively.

"Master Sergent that is too much. Sure she is powerful but there's a drawback. Sasha Brookens has schizoaffective disorder and its reported while being on medication she still has Auditory Hallucinations. Basically, she has other voices in her head." the soldier said confused.

"She'll never rise up the ranks." said the soldier definitively.

"Now Corporal watch what you say. I don't much like being questioned by a soldier on his first day on the job. Do you understand what I'm saying, Corporal." Master Sergent said calmly but with a threatening look in her eyes.

"Yes, Master Sergeant, Mam." the soldier said with a bit of fear on his face.

"Good now bring Mr. and Mrs. Brookens up to my office."

"Yes, Master Sergeant, Mam." the soldier said full of respect.

You see this Master Sergeant is in charge of this center. Usually, this woman would not meet with any family for less than a Grade A and above. That is why the Corporal was confused with her choice. In this medium-sized city of 5 million, it's not unheard of to get a B grade in the Northern facility in the outer ring. In the inner ring, it's more common because that's where the Supers' lives and second Generation Supers are pretty common in there and are usually more powerful.

And that's why Sasha the Master Sergeant was so interested in Sasha. Even the B Grades in the outer ring had a Super relative at least. But in Sasha's case, she was the first Super in her entire family. A true First Generation B Grade Super is rare. That is why the Master Sergeant is so interested in Sasha. Wanting to send her to a certain training facility to see if she will succeed. If she does she could get a significant pay raise and an exceptional protege at the same time.

Knock, Knock.

"Come in and please sit." said the Master Sergeant to the Brookens. After she said that she sent them a file from her holoscreen.

Both the Brookens sat down nervously. When they heard that they were meeting the person in charge of to Containment Center the Brooken's had been worried. The Brooken's did not know much about the Military but they knew that this was not normal. They were worried something happened to their daughter. As soon as they sat down in the two chairs in front of the Master Sergeants' desk they both started asking questions one after another.

" Whoa there, your daughter is fine and is sleeping in a pod in a containment room. The reason I wanted to meet with you in person is I've taken an interest in your daughter and would like to send her to a special training facility." the Master Sergeant pauses to gage the Brookens reactions. All she sees is confusion which is good because there is no anger.

"You see, usually new adolescence Supers, just go to a standard sixth-month training to get a handle on their powers and to become an official Private Second class. As you can see on the file I sent you on your holowatch earlier that would be the second level in the military. Where I want to send your daughter is the Military Academy for powerful young Supers in the Western part of the country. Which has a requirement of reaching B Grade during the Awakening." said the Master Sergeant.

The Brookens was taken aback by this news. They were currently in the eastern part of the country.

"Is that really necessary, I mean why can't she go to the sixth-month training program?" Brenda asked confused.

"Well as you now know your daughter has become quite powerful in a short span of time. If she's not in full control of them she could hurt a lot of people. Your daughter also has a mental illness and that has a major effect on her abilities. I believe it is the best choice for your daughter." said the Master Sergeant warmly.

"Isn't there one in closer to us?" asked the Brookens at the same time.

"There are, but the ones meant for the powerful young Supers are in the Western part of the country. I can understand where your coming from, but think about your daughter and take her future in mind. Those who can graduate from those schools have a much higher chance of reaching Sergeant Major than those who don't. Even those with some shortcomings," the Sergeant Major paused to look the Brookens in the eyes.

"Will still have that very same chance. I'll give you both some time to go over the documents I sent you and to come to a decision." the Master Sergeant said as she got up and left the room.

The Brookens then talk and sometimes yell as they discussed their daughter's future then they finally come to a decision after an hour.

"We have to do it don't we?" asked Brenda to her husband and all he does is nod.

Yes! We're almost to the school. I'm super excited to write about it. I cannot wait. Anyways, thanks for reading and please comment, like, review and vote.

Have a nice day and stay safe.

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