
Can A Weeb Be a Wizard?

Humans. Beings that aren’t particularly gifted in any special way at all. To say the least, we're quite ordinary. Have you ever wished you could fly? Or maybe wished you had the power to change the reality of your life? How about the power to control time itself? Maybe, even the power to fathom all things the universe has to offer? Whatever you may wish for, what if I told you there was a way you could achieve all that, and so much more. All you have to do, is go to that crazy place. A place that defies all logic. Why, its very existence, if baffling in itself. It made one man, a god, another, a demon. The Realm of Madness! DISCLAIMER: The cover used does not belong to me in any way, all credits go to the rightful owner.

RIKUSAN · Fantasi
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What do you believe is real?

If I told you it would rain meteorites in your city at midnight tomorrow, would you believe me?

No. You'd probably call me crazy, right? I mean, what are the odds? One in a Million maybe? Sorry, I've never been good at math.

Anyway, would you believe me? Still no? Figured. After all, forty-eight hours ago, I wouldn't have believed 'me' either.

My name is Max… Maximus. I'm a 19-year-old college dropout. When I was a kid, I found out my name meant 'greatness' in Latin. So I thought; 'I'm gonna be great someday!'

My parents were fans of a B-Movie franchise about alien robots invading the earth, or something like that. Spoiler alert! They named me after the movie's robot antagonist; because they thought he was; 'misunderstood by the masses!'

What did I have to do with that?!

You'd think they'd be more considerate when giving their first son a legal name. I was so bummed out to learn my name had such whimsical origins. Still, I didn't let that get to me. After all, I was gonna be great someday! Right?

I grew up somewhere in middle-class playing lots of video games and 'ruining my future' as my dad often put it. Back then, going 'pro' as a gamer wasn't as common... okay it was, I'm not that old, I just wasn't talented enough to do so.

I realized early on that sometimes; it's not just about how hard you work at something that determines whether you lose or win... there's always someone better, stronger or more talented... someone who worked even harder.

That realization, however, is what ruined my life. Not the gaming.

Call me a loser if you may, I probably deserve it. I got complacent and stopped giving it my all in everything I did. I became a 'go with the flow' kind of person. An underachiever with above average intelligence. Pathetic, right?

Talk about wasted potential. Give a donkey a carrot, and it shall follow as long as you feed it... well, I starved.

'I guess the only thing that's kept me going, is the belief that I can be someone great too. After all, it's in my name.' I heard that line in a movie once, ironic how I have greatness in my name too, yet I lack the desire to keep going.

Did I mention I have no girlfriend? It's not about my looks, though.

Anyway, I could keep rambling on and on about my failed past and present state of self-loathing, but no one ever liked that kind of stuff, right? That's why I'm an advocate of the 'give two star ratings to movies with sad boy protagonists' movement. Talk about cringing.

So anyway, back to the present. I know this line is really cliché, but approximately forty-eight hours ago, my life changed forever!


"What do you believe is real?" A trick question. That was the first thing he ever asked me. Typical of him, really.

April 28th, I was at Wong's Pizza for my 8pm shift. I had a part-time job; 'flippin' pizzas' or at least that was my plan, till I found out every flip was a work of art requiring impeccable timing and technique. So, I settled for a job at the counter instead.

It was your typical day, with all the regulars present; old Sam in the corner, the banker's 'slightly overweight' wife by the window and of course, our resident 'young mistress' Lilianna Van-something, walking in like she owned the place.

'What is this? A free bus ride to obese-vile?' It's crazy how much cholesterol people can intentionally take in.

I could tell it would be another lousy day. Or so I thought until 'he' walked in.

A man in an expensive-looking tailor made suit 'probably some Italian brand' walked in. He stood at about 6' 2" an imposing height, with an even more imposing frame. He looked really well built.

And if he didn't have a ridiculously huge top hat on his head with an absurdly stupid grin plastered on his face, I'd probably have taken him more seriously.


I wholeheartedly regret thinking that. I wasn't superficial or anything like that, but if you saw him; ten out of ten times, you'd probably call him weird too. However, my mother taught me never to judge people by appearances. So, I gave him the benefit of a doubt.

'Maybe he works as a traveling performer? Or he's a cosplayer? Yeah, let's go with that.'

He took a seat right across the counter from me, then ordered our special 'The Burger Beluga!'


A collective gasp engulfed the room. I heard him chuckle. Was this guy insane? Did he know what he was getting himself into?

The Burger Beluga! Twenty-seven layers of seasoned medium-rare patties sizzled to absolute perfection by our genius chef whose name I did not know. For convenience, I called him Louis.

Anyway, the Beluga was not for the feint of hearts. The calorie count was so high, they banned cardiologists from eating it! Who am I kidding? This was a free country. 'Men eat what they want, when they want.'

'Once every four years!' One of them said with tears running down his cheeks as he ate it. That was a great day. I felt so proud to have witnessed that rare moment!

All eyes were on the man, as Louis placed the Beluga before him. I could practically read everyone's minds.

'How's he gonna down it?'

'Top to bottom?'

'Pinkies out, thumbs in?'

'Some unknown ancient Eastern Art?'

Regardless of his technique, this was one for the books.

By the way, he still had that stupid grin plastered on his face as he reached into his bag 'wait... where'd he get the bag?' and pulled out something wrapped in a white silk cloth.

He unwrapped it, ever so delicately... unveiling—a golden knife and fork?

'Golden? It's probably some cheap alloy.'

He chuckled yet again. What was this guy? Some kinky gourmet eater? No. He wouldn't... would he? Oh my God! He was eating a twenty-seven layered burger with knife and fork like a proper English gentleman!

'Has he no shame? What ever happened to good old standards?'

The young mistress Lilianna's face went pale! The banker's wife looked more bewildered than enthralled! Old Sam dozed off and missed the whole thing! And Louis... oh Louis, he—


Flipped out!

I wanted to ask if he was Japanese, but decided against it, after reading the mood.

I probably had some weird expression on my face too. Did he not know? Was he not aware? That;

'Those who eat without technique and make a mess are scum... but those who disregard technique entirely, and focus on aesthetic alone, are worse than scum!'

I admit, I stole that line from somewhere.

"Say, you there, young lad. Did you really think I would consume the Pattie with my bare hands? How boorish of you to assume that."

'Huh? Boorish? Did, he just low-key diss me?!'


I couldn't think of a comeback! His voice... he had one of those rare accents the ladies love. Was it English? Scottish? Welsh maybe? I wasn't sure, but I was certain it was something in those lines. Anything I said would definitely pale in comparison!

He adjusted his top hat, and for the first time, I got an unrestricted view of his face. And that stupid smile—No. Having gotten a better look, it wasn't stupid at all; he had an excellent set of whites.

His skin looked untainted, no blemishes or tan. And a butt—cleft chin to boot. Basically, a great-looking guy with an odd dress sense and peculiar eating habits.

He had a bewildered look on his face as his deep-seated blue eyes stared into the depths of my soul. Or at least, that how I remember feeling.

"Say, what do you believe is real?" He asked.


It looked like he was just going to ignore Louis and the others, and focus all his attention on me.

'Why me?!'

As if suddenly having an epiphany, he looked at everyone in the room. Including old Sam, who was down for the count? As expected, everyone looked back. And then an even bigger grin formed on his face.

"Oh my, where are my manners?" He said, not sounding the least bit apologetic. Almost condescending, really. "Forgive me for my crass behavior. I am—"

'Huh? What did he say?'

I couldn't get that last part. I saw his lips move, but didn't hear a thing.

Standing up, he walked over to me. His face was so close to mine that I could hear his breathing. Yet, something told me; 'shove him away, and you die!' He was inspecting me, like I was a rare species close to extinction.

"Hmm... I see." He said.

'What are you seeing?'

I looked over at my man Louis, whom I wished I knew better; wondering why he wasn't lifting a finger to rid me of this pervert!

When I did, I was at a loss for words... he hadn't moved an inch since this guy stood up and walked up to me—No. 'Hadn't moved an inch' wasn't the proper term here. It was accurate to say; he became a stationary manikin of sorts!

So were the others; Illiana, the banker's wife, and even old Sam in his sleep! It was as if—they were frozen in time!

'What is this?! Some sort of fantasy story?! No, this is reality! It has to be a dream!'

I was hyperventilating by then. Never having experienced a panic attack before, I wasn't sure what to call what I was going through. So many thoughts were running through my mind.

'Is this the end?'

'Am I going to die?'

'As a virgin?!'

I was so short of breath; I thought I'd pass out.

"Hmm... Calm down, young apprentice. Do you not realize who I am? It is I—" he said. And yet again, I couldn't hear that last part. "Which means I am neither an ally nor foe, I am merely an emissary. Do not to fear me."

As if compelled by some external force beyond my control, the moment he uttered those words; I felt a deathly calm engulf me. Never had I felt that much at ease. As if I could freely speak my mind.

In the next instant, he snapped his fingers, and a being I can only describe as 'godly' appeared before my eyes.

With a body covered in a translucent material, he stood before me. It was probably just his skin though, because he wore a suit on top of it. He had no facial features. It almost looked like he wore a mask over his face depicting what you'd see in, well... 'space wallpapers' It was awe-inspiring!

"Are you God?" I blurted out those words without thinking.

"No, I am not." He replied without hesitation. Extending the palm of his hand, a transparent cube appeared before him. Within it, was what looked like a... tiny solar system?! "Hmm... It seems your preconceived notions of God, are of a much grander existence than I am."

'He's totally God!'


He facepalmed! An existence on a much higher plane; the likes of which mere mortals shall never tread, just... facepalmed! I wanted to take a selfie with him! He was totally photogenic! Okay... I got a bit carried away there.

"It seems you found your studies quite lackluster, young apprentice." He said, sounding a tad bit disappointed. "Did that affect your ability to comprehend information? I fear that 'may' soon lead to your downfall."

I realized it was time to get over my awestruck state and ask some important questions. 'Who was this guy?' Yeah, sure, he had some cool tricks. But I'd seen CGI do better!

"Who are you?" I asked. "Rather, what are you?" The typical answer here would be that he's some sort of grand Master of an ancient art or something.

He seemed to take to take offense at that question. Typical reaction.

"You disappoint me, young apprentice." His was voice was stern. "I am a Conjurer, a Spell Caster, a Master of Mystic Arts or simply—a Wizard if you may!"

'Whoa! He got all nerdy on me!'

There was a time I was a sucker for that kind of stuff. But I'm way past that age now. No one I know even gets my anime references anymore. I had this one professor who did, though.

"I see... and I assume you want to train me as your disciple; because you see a great talent dormant within me, right?"

I'd seen this trope countless times before. Some random guy who seems a little odd shows up. The guy turns out to be a powerful mage or something, looking for an apprentice! I always thought it was so stupid; how the protagonists always went with the plot.

'I humbly decline!'

"No. I see no such talent within you." He said in an aloof tone. "The selection process is quite random. Tedious, if you ask me. Coming all the way here, was such a bother."

"Huh?!" No talent? It wasn't supposed to go that way... was it?

"Hmm... It would appear our time together has ended 'for now' young apprentice." He actually sounded genuinely melancholic. "Best of luck!"

"What the—"

He snapped his fingers. And so began my journey to become a wizard!

Hey there! RIKUSAN here!

This is my first attempt at writing a novel 'Seriously' *cough*

If you like the story so far, comment your thoughts on it, and let me know of some ideas you may have to make it even better!

p.S. Thanks for reading! :)

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