
Chapter 22

Back to square one.

I tense trying to get out of his embrace, but he just hugs me tighter before stepping inside. The hall is full of people, I fear for a moment that they claim my head for what I inflicted on them without wanting it just now. However, they are all silent, a fist on the heart.

They all look completely in awe, gazing at the wolf hybrid like it's the most fantastical thing they've ever seen. He sits up completely, I can feel his pride from here, as my bitterness grows. I feel like an accessory, and that has a way of getting on my nerves.

"The Ultimate Alpha"Rejoices Marika by splitting the crowd to join us. My god, Ryley, you are so wonderful"Only the former Emperor of Wolves, who died over  years ago and ruled all the packs, could take on this incredibly powerful form.