
Can't Be a Hero

In a world where the supernatural is common a young man moves to a new town and tries to start over.

ElderBookwyrm · Seni bela diri
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16 Chs

A New Beginning

A wall of Ice erupts as a blast of sound rips it to shreds. A kid around the age of 18 dodges the shards of ice surviving the thunderous sounds of death. Lightning arced up and down the youth's arms. Not only could he use it as bolts of death but it allowed him to move faster than he should. Storm clouds above the fight began to spin and whirl as the magic began to gather around the scene below. The kid that dodged the wall of exploding ice summoned lightning from above as he used his magical power. The bolts of lightning missed their target. The banshee smile a wicked smile and said "You don't get it. No one leaves me Cian." Blood was dripping from Cian's ears. He could still hear because a banshee's scream, unfortunately, left his hearing intact. Cian was weak from the banshee's attack. She moved closer to wounded Cian. A brief exchange of words and Cian reached out with his right hand and touch the banshee. Bolts of lightning rained down from above. Those who saw it said that it was like Zeus got angry and called down hell.

Cian walked onto the campus of Hillcrest University. It is a long way from his hometown Richmond, Virginia. Hillcrest University sits in the middle of Winchester California. In the year 2095 and Cian Gray had a slim selection for schools. The world adjusted well with the knowledge of magic, but for Cian, it felt like he had a double disadvantage. In the warm temperatures of California Cian stood out for wearing dark clothes and jeans. He did this to hide his muscular body but with him standing at 6 foot 2 inches he knew he still stood out. He made his way from the parking lot walking onto campus. As he walks into the main building he feels hopeful for the future.

Orientation goes by uneventful and classes begin. His first-class on Monday is Supernatural History 101. Cian tries to find a seat in the back where he could blend in but when he arrives in class he finds the rear of the class dominated by a group of bulky teens. As Cian approaches his senses to light up, the primal parts of his mind warn him of the pack. "Lycanthropes," he whispers to himself. "Fuck." The pack looks at him. Cian was cursing himself. He knew they had a good hearing but he still spoke aloud. A blonde-haired boy with the look of a surfer glared at him. Cian raised his hands and backed away. Cian wanted to avoid others like him even though he was similar but very different at the same time. He took a seat at the head of the class. He raced to the first seat he could find still looking back at the pack at the rear of the class. It took him a moment but he caught the whiff of strawberries. Cian followed his nose and the sight of her caught his breath. Her hair was platinum blonde and her eyes were as blue as the sky. She had an athletic build a but the thing that got his attention the most was the two horns on her head. She was a hellspawn. The young woman noticed Cian staring and glared at him. At that moment he snapped out of it and turned his gaze forward. The professor entered and began writing on the whiteboard. "All right students under the Magic Act of 2045 we will be going over Supernatural History in the modern era."

A studious girl in a green low cut shirt and long brown hair raised her hand and then spoke before the professor could call on her "What makes you qualified to talk about this Professor?"

"Good question young lady. My name is James Vasiliev and I was born 476 AD. I am an immortal." The class went by like any typical college class and when it was over Cian had a level of respect for the teacher. When the bell rang Cian left the class. The rest of the day was uneventful. At lunch, Cian brought his in a brown paper bag and headed to the cafeteria. When he got there he noticed that pack of werewolves harassing that hellspawn from class. The pack alpha was taking the lead and the pack formed a half-circle around her. Cian knew this tactic. Intimidation at its lowest. "So not too many of your kind here in the school. Tell you what if you want I can offer you protection." The blonde-haired alpha leaned in close and sniffed her. Cian felt a little bit of guilt being as that was how he noticed her the first time he saw her. His back was to the group, but he didn't need to look to know they were invading her personal space. With a sigh, he reached into himself and summoned his first element. The lightning answered his call and the lights in the building went out. It was so abrupt that every student looked startled and the pack turned their attention to outside threats. The hellspawn took this opportunity to slip away. By the time the light turned on both the girl and Cian were gone. The alpha looked around and saw someone he wanted to hurt.

Cian stepped out into the courtyard looking for a tree to sit under. The alpha movements were swift and with a shove, Cian landed 10 feet from where he was. Cian's reflexes allowed him to remain standing. He turned to see the alpha with his lunch bag in hand. "Look at what we have here guys. The boy dropped his lunch." The pack chuckled along with their alpha. "You want it back boy?" Cian pulled back his hood. His chocolate-colored skin and his braided hair stood out in the California sun. He didn't want it to cloud his senses. "Look. I just want to eat in peace. " Said Cian. "Well come get it." Said surfer asshole. At least that is what Cian was calling him. Cian walked over and reached out for his food. The alpha summoned his element of fire and set the paper bag and its contents on fire. "Oops." The alpha dropped the bag and stomped on it. "Sorry bout that. Can't have a fire hazard on campus." The pack's laughter picked up and now everyone in the area was looking at this confrontation. Cian's heart began to beat irregularly. He could feel the beast in him screaming to be released. Surfer asshole looked into Cian eyes and for a moment he saw something familiar but Cian turned away and started walking. "Hey Jace it looks like you scared the boy." said one of the pack members. Cian hardly noticed as he was fighting his own monster in himself. He could hear the whispers but his focus was on controlling himself.

Koray watched as the Cian walked away. She noticed that he looked like he was in pain. She followed from a distance. Cian made his way into the wooded area off of campus with haste. He was so focused on maintaining control he did not notice he was being followed. Cian paced quickened. He needed to get away. No one could see him lose control. Cian was unsure how far he ran but it did not matter. He could not hold it anymore. He threw his backpack away from him. His form started to shift. His hands grew claws and he dragged them across his chest. The sound of ripping flesh could be heard but he did not care. His bones cracked and he grew in height and weight. Black fur grew out of his body and a long mane grew from his head. His flesh fell away and a werelion stood where a man once was. Cian tilted his head back and let loose a roar that sounded like thunder. Koray watch as the transformation took place. When the sound of the roar hit her she saw that the sky grew dark and lightning began to arc in the sky. He heart was pounding in her chest as fear gripped her. A thick mist began to gathers as the woods grew cold around this beast.

The temperature dropped so much that the ground around him began to frost over. Koray could see her breath and she began to summon hellfire in defense. Cian's head turned and his gaze fell on Koray. Her blue eyes locked on to Cians golden eyes. Koray "Shit" And she begins to run in fear. Cian roars and that triggered a lightning strike near him. Koray runs through the misty area. In her panic and fear combined with the mists, she realized that she was not where she wanted to be. She could hear him out there in the mist. Koray summons a ball of hellfire. She was unsure if she could react quick enough to land a fatal blow but she wasn't going to die without a fight. Cian knew how to use the mist to his advantage. His training kicked in and summons his element of ice and he dropped the temperature more. Koray scanned around her. "Damn it. You would think a black lion would stick out in all this white." She screamed as she whirled around trying to get Cian in her sights. The sound of a heavy impact landed behind her. Thud! Koray whirled around flameout but Cian grabbed her hand and the flame extinguishes. "Finally. That brimstone was beginning to bother my nose." Said a deep voice. Koray was unsure if she was shaking in fear or due to the cold. "Stay back! I don't want to hurt you." Koray said. Cian could hear the fear in her voice. "I am sorry little one," said Cian as he took a step back and bowed his head. "I mean you no harm. I wanted to speak to you." Cian's voice was deep and rich. The air around them began to warm as she felt Cian's influence began to lessen. "I have only heard of your kind before. Never did I ever think I would see one such as you." Koray said as she reached her hand out. Cian did not resist. Koray's hand touch was gentle. "You have so much power. Why did you let Jace get away with what he did?" Koray said puzzled. "You know how this world is. You know the prejudice we face. What would happen if showed my power? I would be a target. Look what happened to vampires. So many flocked to become undead that regulations had to be signed into law to stop a flood of wannabes. No, I want to live a normal life. I can use my elements to make an honest living and be common." Koray listened to the words and grew angry. "Common. You want to be common!" Koray turned away from Cian and began marching off in a random direction. "You know what I say to common. FUCK THAT!" Cian points to the west. "Campus is that way." Koray stopped and looked to where Cian was pointing and stormed off.

Please leave any helpful insight to help me improve. I hope to make this into something great. After some feedback, I made some adjustments to the first chapter.

ElderBookwyrmcreators' thoughts