
New World

Year 4045.. World has changed completely.

Trees,plants,animals almost everything is different in this era.

Many animals evolved and now can communicate with each other just like the ancient humans and have their own tribes almost in every jungle there to be found.

And lastly humans..

Humans have been divided in three different races.

First "Arions " the most intelligent and evolved form of humans.

They are white in colour, have purple eyes and don't have any hair on their body except head and eyebrows and their heads are huge as compared to any other races of humans.

Second "Subidians" which are also known as demigods because of their godly power and there is legend that they are children of gods. They look same as the early humans.

Third and most hated race of humans known as

"Cambions" which are half demons who have lost their sense of right and wrong and are the greatest threats to every other creatures on Earth.

"United Nation of Equity"single nation of the whole world where Arions and Subidians both live together and have divided their power where Arions have political power whereas Subidians have control over armed forces and millitary affairs.

You are selected' these are the words Erin has waited for long time and finally received it.

National Defence Entrance Exam also known as NDEE toughest entrance exam to join UNE(United Nation of Equity) army in which only 1% candidates get selected. After failing for 2 consecutive years Erin has made it to NDA(National Defence Academy) and ready for his journey.

Erin a 19 year old boy who is a Subidian who was inspired by the Subidian heroes of the nation and wanted to become like them.

After 3 years...

Major are you all right major, major Erin...

17 December 4048, in the night about 20,000 cambions attacked us from nowhere,there was not any information from our scouts,they came out of blue.

Cambions who don't know anything about our nation and even can't live together. Known to have only remain around 3 to 4 thousand.

How?how is this possible? A single 'A' rank cambion which are stronger than 100 A rank officers have flooded our nation.

Well, this is the end then huh!.....

Lights there are so many lights,where am I?

Oh right I was badly injured and was about to die, guess I'm in the hospital.

He's conscious someone shouts and doctors came to check.

Are you alright?doctor asked to Erin.

Yeah I'm fine. From how long was I here for? Erin asked to doctor.

it's been a month,said doctor.

1 month? Erin asked suprisingly.

What about cambions? what happened to them? Erin asked to doctor.

They are gone and everything is stable now,said doctor.

Hello there sleepyhead..

Huh! Ren! You are alright? How? Erin asked to Ren.

Ofcourse I'm, as I always say I'm 10 times tougher than you Hehe! Ren said to Erin

What about others? Erin asked sadly.

Everyone is fine! Ren to Erin.

What?! Is that right?No way that's possible. Erin shouts suprisingly.

But it is! Don't know how but none of us got harmed but.....Ren to Erin.