
Calliope | Book 1 |The Golden Aethereya

As a witch created only to do her master’s evil biddings, Calliope knew no other life. But when she finds herself feeling remorseful to the kingdom she has attacked, she decides to escape and start a new life for herself. Little does she know that she is being hunted; hunted by the master she betrayed, and hunted by a kingdom seeking revenge.

Kaylynx · Fantasy
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57 Chs


King Sloan hurried down the stone steps, stopping when he found Mido at the bottom.

"Time's up," he said. "They're here."

"What do you mean they're here?"

King Sloan pushed passed Mido. "Wake up, Mido," he yelled at him. "We're in a war. Get your army together."

Mido felt suddenly weak. It was too soon. Not yet. Just one more day.

Calliope. She was still around.

Mido hurried outside of the castle where he found William and Jon in the stables, preparing the horses for the soldiers.

"Where is Calliope?" he yelled to them.

"She took off," William said.

"Maria went after her," Jon continued.

"Can we come?" William asked.

Mido pointed a finger at them. "No," he growled. "You will stay here where it is safe."

Mido turned, ignoring their protests, and ran across the castle grounds, gathering his army. He saddled one of the horses and joined the other knights at the head of the army as they marched out of the city.

King Sloan hurried through the castle and found his family overlooking the preparing army as they hurried amongst themselves to prepare for battle. They turned when King Sloan entered, their eyes full of worry.

"What's going on?" his wife asked him.

"You will be safe," he said simply. He kissed her cheek. "Asmar is already here. We're out of time."

Melinda clung to her daughters at her side. She held her gaze on her husband before turning to Fallon.

"Keep Tianna with you," she instructed. "The guards will bring you to the safe house."

"Mother, come with us," Fallon begged.

"Melinda, go with them," King Sloan said, taking her hands. "You don't need to be here. I will get this taken care of."

Melinda hesitated for a moment as she searched her husband's eyes. She nodded and wrapped her arms around her husband. They held their tight embrace for a moment before King Sloan pushed her away. Four castle guards entered at that moment, ready to protect the royal family. He kissed his daughters and watched them hurry out of sight to safety. King Sloan wasted no time returning to his army, ready to take command.

Prince Lucas rode beside Mido. His fingers gripped the reins tight and he looked to Mido for assurance. His face was torn between thrill and fear. They crossed the kingdom's borders and saw the lit torches of Asmar's army approaching in the distance. He met Mido's gaze as they galloped along, but found no assurance. He turned back towards the approaching army, swallowing hard as he prepared himself for what would come.

Mido pulled his horse to a stop and drew his sword. The horse pawed at the ground. The knights' horses grew anxious as they waited for the fight to begin. Mido looked over the army. His training with them never prepared him for what he felt at that moment. He gripped his sword in his hand. He could feel himself sweating under the armor. His horse pawed and nickered. As long as Calliope was safe, that was all that mattered.

The knights beside him shouted words of encouragement at their soldiers. Mido let their speeches drown out as the army drew closer. Battle cries echoed through the land and Librona's army followed suit. Suddenly, the army rushed forward, leaving the knights to follow behind on their horses. When Mido did nothing, his horse responded just as he was trained. He galloped forward, catching up to the knights ahead of them. Mido gripped the reins in one hand, his sword in the other, and braced himself.

He watched as the army drew nearer. The thunder of hooves and war cries echoed in his ears until his own pulse seemed to drown it out. His breath was just barely visible in the cool night air. His horse snorted and tossed his head. His hooves dug at the earth beneath them. Mido felt mesmerized by the horse's rhythmic three beat pace. The trance put him into a calm state as the world around him seemed to blur for a moment. Librona's azure and gold mixed with Asmar's black and green as the two armies collided before him.

His horse reared up suddenly, bringing Mido out of his trance, clutching the horse's mane to keep himself from falling. When all four hooves were safely on the ground, Mido inspected the battle around him. He watched as soldiers from both armies engaged in combat. Swords clanged together as they made contact, enemy against enemy. Soldiers who were once allies, now each fighting for his own kingdom.

He looked around for his fellow knights. They, too, sat on their horses, watching the battle go on. They exchanged glances and shouted orders to their soldiers and to one another. Mido found Lucas, stiff on his horse's back as he watched the battle before them. Asmar's cavalry circled around the battle toward them. The knights looked to one another, ready for their next move. Mido shifted in the saddle and readied his sword, nodding to his comrades. He kicked his horse and their cavalry lurched forward. Arrows crisscrossed above them, arching through the air towards their target as the battle continued onward.

Mido searched the oncoming cavalry for his first target. The horses scattered and broke rank, snorting and whinnying. Mido circled around and found his first victim, just a few yards away from them. Mido pushed his horse forward, getting closer and closer until he could see the freckles on the other knight's horse. He swung his sword, letting it clash with the other. Their horses circled and Mido thrust his sword at every opportunity, defending each blow with all his strength. The other horse pawed and pranced nervously with each sword thrust. Mido could see the distraction in the other knight. He pushed his horse forward until the two horses collided and nipped at each other. The horses reared. Mido clutched to the mane with one hand, his heart pounding. His mind raced, begging him to save his own skin. He thrust his sword at the knight, piercing him in the shoulder.

The knight fell to the ground, stunned. Mido took advantage of his moment of weakness and threw himself off his horse, landing swiftly on his feet. He threw himself over the knight, bringing his sword down into the knight's neck. He waited for a moment, his sword still deep in the knight's body. His chest heaved and his heart raced. He straightened up and pulled his sword out. He let his sword drag against the ground as he backed away, still watching the soldier as if he would bound up at any moment.

He forced himself to look away. This was nothing like the Nequam he fought before. His stomach churned. He found himself wishing Calliope was there with him. All he wanted to do was see her and make sure she was safe. He climbed back onto his horse and looked over the sea of soldiers, fighting tirelessly. His eyes stopped over every body that lay motionless on the ground as the soldiers fought onward; they were oblivious to the obstacles in their path. They swung their swords and moved their feet just as they had been taught, with skill and precision, each move carefully thought out, mirroring their opponents.

The other knights continued to fight amongst each other. Mido refocused himself on his comrades and pushed his horse onward, eager to save as many lives as he could. He readied his sword as the horse approached and swung at each enemy as they galloped by unsuspectingly. The surprise attack was just enough of a distraction to allow his knights to go in for dangerous and fatal blows. The knights nodded their appreciation to Mido as he joined their sides. The remaining cavalry pulled back, leaving the knights alone.

The knights pushed their horses forward once more, aiding their soldiers in battle. They swung their swords at the soldiers on the ground. The horses thundered on, pushing through anyone that got in their way and jumping over the lifeless bodies. Cries and commands rang through their ears as they aided their soldiers. Mido tried to push these sounds out of his mind as he followed the knights into the battle, letting his sword swing at the soldiers around them. He scanned the battle for Lucas. His heart stopped for a moment when he was nowhere to be found. Mido pulled his horse around and spotted Lucas at last, bravely leading his future kingdom through the battle.

Mido pushed his horse forward, galloping to Lucas's side as an Asmarian knight approached. Mido threw himself between the young prince and the knight, his sword raised, blocking the oncoming attack onto the unsuspecting prince. Lucas turned at that moment and watched as Mido attacked the knight. Mido let his sword slash through the air and pushed his horse on and forced their opponent back. Lucas aided his knight's defense, approaching the enemy on the other side, his sword raised high. He thrust his sword at the knight while he was distracted by Mido's attack, hitting him right against the knight's helmet and causing him to topple off his horse. Lucas and Mido watched the knight fall to the ground, motionless. They met each other's gaze and Mido nodded his approval to the young soldier.

The armies started to grow thin as the battle raged on. Mido had no idea how much time had passed, but he could see the horizon begin to glow faint with the promise of a rising sun. The strength his army once possessed began to show signs of weakness. The battle could not go on much longer, for either kingdom. He pulled his horse around and galloped out of the battle, calling to the other knights. They galloped to one another, their horses wet with sweat and blood. They watched as the opposing knights gathered together as well, perhaps preparing for another attack. He didn't know how much longer he could go on.

The knights watched the other side of the battlefield as the horses turned on their haunches and galloped along their army. The knights shouted to their soldiers and the army turned back, temporarily defeated. Lucas gave a look of relief to Mido, but Mido's face was pale. Lucas found no comfort in their temporary victory. He searched the faces of the other knights as they started to mumble amongst themselves. Their faces were hard as the spoke.

"We cannot let our guards down," one of the knights said to his comrades.

"Our soldiers will set up camp here and take watch for the army," another offered. The knight beside him nodded in agreement.

"We'll need men at the northern and southern walls as well."

"The wounded and whoever is left can return to the barracks."

"I'll bring them back to Alryn," Mido suggested. "Lucas, you'll come with me."

The knights murmured and nodded in agreement. They turned their horses and called to their men, delivering the orders. Mido gathered his troop and tallied the wounded. He looked upon the battlefield at those who would remain. He turned away, pushing the sight out of his mind and guided the soldiers back to the city.