
Calliope | Book 1 |The Golden Aethereya

As a witch created only to do her master’s evil biddings, Calliope knew no other life. But when she finds herself feeling remorseful to the kingdom she has attacked, she decides to escape and start a new life for herself. Little does she know that she is being hunted; hunted by the master she betrayed, and hunted by a kingdom seeking revenge.

Kaylynx · Fantasy
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57 Chs


The cool night wind whipped at her face as they galloped towards the old wizard's house. Calliope clutched at the mare's white mane as they traveled until Lily brought her safely to the rotting, two roomed home of the deceased wizard. Calliope slid off the horse's back and hurried into the house, letting the old, wooden door swing and slam against the wall. She hurried to the middle of the room where the papers lay from their last visit. She fell to the floor, desperately searching for something they missed. She scattered papers in a panic. Her hands and legs shook as she tried to stay focus.

When she gave up with that, she scanned the room for somewhere they hadn't looked. She jumped to her feet and searched inside cupboards and drawers. She tossed bowls and cups to the ground, letting them shatter around her. She dashed into the next room and threw open more drawers, emptying them of their contents until a small piece of paper fluttered to the floor, catching her attention. She dove after it and sat against the wall, reading.

This was it. It was the solution she and Mido had been searching for. But it was risky. It didn't even appear to be complete. There had to be missing pages. She searched the floor and in the drawer, coming across a leather bound book. She flipped through its pages. It appeared to be a journal that Samus had kept. She began to read.

Scarletta sent another witch into the kingdom in search of me. She will destroy this kingdom until I'm found. I have to do something. I have to stop her. But I am weak. I've been trying to recreate her potions to give me the strength I need to defeat her. Scarletta kept those recipes a secret. I remember seeing her put bits of it together. I have those ingredients. But I can't be sure of what else is needed.

Calliope flipped through a few more pages.

I managed to capture one of Scarletta's witches. She has been out for some time and has grown weak. She won't speak, but perhaps I can use her. I wish I could try the potion on her, but if it works, that will be disastrous. Maybe I can get the information I need out of her. Surely she will not take kindly to a little fire...

Calliope turned the page.

She spoke. She admitted to leaving Scarletta in an attempt to become stronger than her. She had been spying on Scarletta and knew some of the ingredients I do not have yet.

I let her burn.

Calliope winced and flipped through a few more pages.

The potions have been working. I am able to restore my powers, if only for a limited time. I need to be one step ahead of Scarletta if I am to bring her down. She might have discovered something better by now, but at least I have a start. If only there were a way to have unlimited powers without needing these potions.

Calliope felt hopeful. She tossed the potion recipe to the side, hoping to find something better in the pages of the journal. She flipped through some more pages until her eye caught her own name.

The most recent witch seems to be like me. She is called Calliope. The kingdom has been hunting her for quite some time, but it appears as if she has aided them in their quest to bring down Scarletta. Perhaps I can help her. If they have taken to her, then maybe I do not need to hide any more.

She turned the page again.

The king has called for me. I do not believe he knows I am a wizard, but word seems to have gotten out that I study magic. Calliope is not well. He thinks I can aid her. I believe she has used all her powers. She will die without magic in her veins. Though, I do not know how I can help her. Potions will only be temporary. And even that might not even work. It could be too late for her. Scarletta is gone – perhaps there is something in the castle that will be of use.

Calliope turned the page and a folded note slipped out. She held it carefully between her fingers, her heart pounding. Could this be the solution? She continued to read the journal, afraid to open the folded note.

I have come across Scarletta's notes. It was just as I thought; she had found an alternative to her potions. But she appears to be unsure about whether it will work. It seems to involve another witch. I think that that would have been her next goal – to create a witch that will give her the powers she needs to rid herself of the potions. It's seems to be a spell. Maybe I can use this to bring Calliope back. The kingdom will need her courage and strength. But, I don't know for sure if it will work. Alas, I must try it, for Calliope, and for the kingdom.

Calliope let the journal fall to the floor. Samus had knowingly sacrificed his life for hers. She opened the note and read Scarletta's handwriting. By using this spell, she would knowingly sacrifice one of her witches for ultimate power. All she needed was the strongest witch to do so. Calliope continued to read. It seemed as if Scarletta tried the spell, without success. How could it not have worked on her when it did for Samus?

I have tweaked it many times. I know it will work. There is nothing wrong with the spell. Perhaps my witches are not strong enough. All their power should be transferred to me, giving me unlimited use.

Is this what Samus used on Calliope? Could it mean she had unlimited powers? Her heart flipped with joy. She could help them in this war. The magic was already inside her, and could be forever. She had to tell Mido. She shoved the journal and the note inside her cloak and hurried to the mare that waited patiently outside, along with Maria and two of the king's soldiers.

"Maria," she said, surprised. "I found a solution."

Maria's expression was grave.

"Calliope, there's no time. Asmar's army is here."

Calliope's heart stopped. "No."

"We need ta go, Hunnie, now."

"No, Maria, I can help!"

"They are hunting ya. They will kill ya, no matta what it takes."

"They can't. I will destroy them. I am stronger than they are."

"Is that really what ya want ta be? The same witch that Scarletta was?"

"I want to defend my home."

"Ya can't by killing innocent lives. That will only make them hate ya more."

Maria was right; she couldn't be there with Mido. She would only distract him. Calliope sighed and nodded, defeated.

"C'mon, Honey, let's get outta here."

Calliope kissed the mare's neck and pressed her face in her coat. She mounted and the four of them galloped off into the night.