
Calliope | Book 1 |The Golden Aethereya

As a witch created only to do her master’s evil biddings, Calliope knew no other life. But when she finds herself feeling remorseful to the kingdom she has attacked, she decides to escape and start a new life for herself. Little does she know that she is being hunted; hunted by the master she betrayed, and hunted by a kingdom seeking revenge.

Kaylynx · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
57 Chs


Back at the stables, Mido unsaddled Lily, allowing her to graze behind the barn. The warm, golden glow of the evening sun poured through the open barn doors as Mido worked in the barn, putting away his equipment for the evening and readying Lily's stall for the night. He found himself daydreaming casually about Calliope as he worked, his mind replaying her kiss over and over, until Tianna interrupted.

The young princess skipped into the barn, excited to see Mido once more. She hurried past him, carrot in hand, and called to Lily outside. Tianna waved the carrot in the air as she sang to the horse, and Lily trotted over excitedly to receive her treat. Tianna giggled as the mare's lips nibbled at the carrot in her hand and crunched it between her teeth.

When Mido finished, he followed Tianna outside, picking her up under the arms and hoisting her onto his hip. She reached out to the horse and scratched her face before Lily returned to her grazing. Tianna wrapped her arms around Mido's neck and sighed.

"Rough day?" Mido asked the girl.

"No one will let me ride the horses," she whined.

"Oh yeah? Why not?"

Tianna sighed again. "Momma says I'm too little and Fallon is a goodie two shoes."

Mido laughed and carried the girl towards Lily. He placed her delicately on the mare's bare back as Lily grazed.

"Sit still," Mido instructed her. "And grab some mane."

Tianna looked at the horse in awe as her little fingers twisted in Lily's white mane. She shifted on the mare's back and a wide smile split her face. She turned to Mido and giggled excitedly as Lily shifted her weight beneath her.

"Make her go," she said anxiously. She let her legs bounce on the horse's side.

"Careful," Mido warned. He bent down, grabbed a fistful of grass, and waved it in front of Lily's nose. She sniffed at the grass as he pulled it further away and she followed her master across the field. She stretched her neck, reaching for the grass, but Mido pulled it further out of her reach each time.

Tianna giggled and shouted as the horse moved forward. She cooed to the horse, scratching her neck until they came to a stop. Lily eagerly took the grass from Mido's open palm before returning to her grazing once more. Mido lifted Tianna off the horse and back onto his hip.

"Don't tell anyone," he whispered to her.

Tianna locked her smiling lips closed with her fingers in agreement.

Mido carried the girl through the barn and put her carefully onto her feet as her mother approached them. Mido bowed to the queen and Tianna skipped to her, pulling at her dress.

"I hope you didn't bother Mido," Melinda said to her daughter.

Tianna shook her head energetically and turned to Mido.

"She's never a bother," Mido said with a wink to the young girl.

"Good. Inside and clean up now," she said to her daughter, pushing her gently toward the castle. 

Melinda turned to Mido as the young girl trotted away from them. "Don't be afraid to send her away," she said to him.

Mido smiled. "I don't mind. Really."

Melinda reciprocated the man's smile before following her daughter inside the castle. Mido turned and made his way off the castle grounds, finding William and Jon just outside the gates talking excitedly amongst themselves. They smiled at their mentor as he approached them.

"Didja hear what happened?" Jon asked.

Mido raised an eyebrow. "Should I be worried?"

Jon laughed as William turned away sheepishly. "It was excellent."

"Was not," William barked at his friend.

"William almost destroyed the barracks," Jon howled with laughter.

"Was an accident!" William turned to Mido, his eyes pleading.

"I heard nothing and I don't want to hear anything," Mido said, holding his hand up to them.

"Don't tell Camilla," William muttered, shooting a glare at his friend.

"Fine," Jon whined. "But she'd still like ya."

"Get out of here before you get in more trouble," Mido said. He watched the two young men trot into the city, eager to find their friends and relax for the evening after a day of training. Mido made his way through the city, searching casually for Calliope, but she was nowhere in sight. He sighed, deciding to head to the tavern when one of King Sloan's soldiers found him.

"King Sloan has requested your presence," the man said.

Mido forced himself to hold back another sigh before following the soldier back toward the castle.