
Calliope | Book 1 |The Golden Aethereya

As a witch created only to do her master’s evil biddings, Calliope knew no other life. But when she finds herself feeling remorseful to the kingdom she has attacked, she decides to escape and start a new life for herself. Little does she know that she is being hunted; hunted by the master she betrayed, and hunted by a kingdom seeking revenge.

Kaylynx · Fantasi
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57 Chs


"She will always have a home in this kingdom," King Sloan said to Mido as he, Mido, and Ian walked out the castle's large doors.

"You don't need to put her up," Mido said.

"Nonsense. It's the least I can do. The girls have really taken to her, and she will be safest within our walls."

"I'll make sure she stays out of the way," Mido offered.

King Sloan looked at the blacksmith and smiled. "Certainly. She seems to have taken a liking to you."

Mido and Ian bowed to their king, dismissing themselves.

"One more thing," the king called to them as he turned away. "While I don't foresee any danger in our future, I like to keep my army in top shape. I believe you'd both make worthy additions to my army."

"I'd be honored," Ian spoke up with a grin.

"Excellent. You will be welcome in the castle walls as needed for Calliope." He narrowed his eyes at them. "Please don't take advantage of my kindness."

They shook their heads and bowed one last time before leaving the castle grounds.

"Soldiers," Ian said with a sigh. "Ladies love a soldier."

Mido rolled his eyes. "You're starting to sound like William and Jon."

As if on cue, William and Jon appeared at their side, eyes glistening with curiosity.

"What were ya doin' at the castle?" William asked.

"Did King Sloan mention appointing us soldiers?" Jon chimed in.

"No, but you're looking at two soldiers of Librona's army," Ian said, pointing at his chest.

"He made you two soldiers?" William whined.

"Always overlooked," Jon muttered.

"Hey, now," Mido said. "You could be our squires."

Ian laughed, but the two young men narrowed their eyes at them, unamused. They folded their arms across their chests.

"So that's what you think of us?" William asked, irate.

"You're too young to be soldiers," Mido said to them. "But, it's better than nothing. Squires could get promoted."

William and Jon seemed to consider this with enthusiasm. They exchanged excited glances.

"Yes," Jon said, turning to Mido. "We shall be your squires."

"Well, I will see if his highness approves," Mido said.

Ian and Mido watched as William and Jon hurried away, stumbling over each other to be the first to share the news.

"Squires?" Ian asked.

"Give them a break," Mido said with a shrug. "They could use the discipline."

Ian turned, hearing his name, and found Maria waving him over.

"Go head," Mido said, rolling his eyes at his friend. "I'm going to check on Calliope, anyway."

Mido hurried back to the castle, nodding to the guards as he passed, and trotted up the stone staircase. He turned the corner and found Calliope wandering the halls aimlessly, staring up at the large stone ceilings.

"This place is huge," she muttered as Mido approached her side.

"Will it do, Miss Witch?" he asked playfully. Calliope smiled to him.

"I don't need to be here," she said, feeling unsure of her presence in their city.

"King Sloan insists."

Calliope sighed, unsure of how she should feel.

"This is an honor, you know."

Mido walked with Calliope as they wandered the castle.

"It is?"

"King Sloan is the ruler of this kingdom. He's royalty. Not everyone gets a peek inside these walls."

Calliope admired the walls once more. Long banners bearing the kingdom's emblem hung down, stretching to the floor.

"Will you be around?" she asked, hopefully.

"If you want me to be."

"Only if you want to be. I don't really have anyone else to talk to here."

Mido smiled. "Sure you do. You'll make friends here."

"You think so?"

Mido nodded. "Definitely."

They bowed to the king who came around the corner.

"Making yourself at home, I hope?" he asked to Calliope, bowing to her.

"Yes, thank you," she said sheepishly.


"I've been asked by William and Jon if you would consider them as squires," Mido said to the king.

"William and Jon? Oh, yes, the eager boys."

"They're the ones," Mido said.

King Sloan considered this for a moment. "Fine, but they're your responsibility. One toe out of line and I will have to reconsider who I appoint as soldiers."

Mido bowed to his king. "You don't need to worry about me," he said.

King Sloan nodded to his soldier and continued his way down the castle hallway.

Calliope turned to Mido and raised an eyebrow.


"Why are you encouraging them?"

"Oh, come on, they're just boys. It will be good for them. Teach them to grow up."

Calliope rolled her eyes and smiled to the ground.

"I was thinking," she said, changing the subject. "I want to see Samus's house."


"I just wonder if he has any information there that would be useful to me. You know, about my powers."

Mido considered this for a moment. "You're looking for a way to make yourself stronger so you can destroy the kingdom."

Calliope narrowed her eyes at him. "Is that really what you think?"

Mido smiled and nudged her with his elbow. "Oh, come on."

Calliope sighed. "I would understand if no one trusted me."

Mido smiled. "Well, I trust ya. I suppose we could see if there's anything to find there."

"You'll help me?"

"Sure, why not? We could use a strong witch on our side."

"The information would be useful for the kingdom, too."

Mido nodded. "Sure would help to know if there were any other witches out there, or what they're like."

Calliope nodded, anxious to learn more about herself. She met Mido's gaze and he smiled at her. She was glad she had won his trust. She just hoped that she wouldn't have to disappoint them.