
Calling off the history to be with who I love.The son of the rich Mafi

David_Danger · perkotaan
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Struggles

After we escaped,I knew people would be looking for us especially my boss.She would need me to pay off all my debt since she saved my brother from the prison but for now we were safe."We need to find a safer place" David said, Do you have any place in mind was my reply to him.

From the little money we were able to save,we moved away from that town to another place where we knew no one would find us at least for a long time."What would I do now,We have nothing to eat or even a place to stay.we can't remain like this" I said to my brother.Well I have to see what I can find in the market my brother said and by that I knew he meant stealing again."NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!,there is no way I would let you do that again, remember the last time you did it we got ourselves into big shit.Just remain in here,I will find something for us"I said to him.I saw shame in his eyes as he looked away from me,I don't like seeing my brother hurt but I had to say it that way.I went over to where he stood and hugged him,I told him that I just wanted him to be safe and I wanted the best for him.He smiled at me(That is what I wanted).

We ended up sleeping outside a shop that night.The next morning I started my job hunting again to find what I could do.I found a vacancy poster outside a bar and they offered to pay fifty Dollars per month(That was something for me and my brother).I thought to myself,"if I could bring David to work here with me,we could make a Hundred Dollar".I snapped out from my thoughts when I saw the last note under(ONLY FEMALES ARE NEEDED).I went into the bar timidly,It was like all eye were on me as a walk as fast as I could to the barman,it was like my steps were failing me,I could feel myself slowing down I got to the barman and asked if I could see the owner of the bar."He is out for now,but he should be here in the next thirty minutes"The barman replied,"can I wait for him"I asked and I was given a positive answer.I turned and it was as if I was the television they were all watching,I was scared but I needed the job.I was offered a place to sit,I could not stop moving my head from one side to another as I watched how they all looked at me,I know I didn't put on fine clothes but I made sure the rags I was putting on were not torn in sensitive places.

After a long wait,I was already getting tired of sitting,A man came in wearing a hat and rather than taking a seat like other people that came in,he walked into a passage like he was heading to an office.The barman went after him,The barman came out again and raised his hands pointing to me,I stood up and he signalled me to follow him.I walked as fast as I could so as to keep up with his pace then we got to an office and he told me to go in.I knocked at the door gently and somebody ushered me in,I got inside and stood close to a chair,"Have your seat young lady"The man I saw walking into the bar said,I calmly sat down and told him my intention to work for him.After what seemed like a long speech to him,I stopped what I was saying to catch my breath.He told me all I needed to know about my job then he directly me to get my uniform from the bar tender."Wow,now I got something to do"I said to myself.

I rushed to share the good news with David and there he was sleeping on a table,I sneaked up to him and screamed like I got something chasing me,the way David woke up and was about to run made me laugh so hard I almost pee on my underwear.He looked ate with so much disgust and asked why I did that."I wanted to see the man in you in action and I unfortunately saw a woman"I said and continued to laugh so hard.He could not stop himself from laughing too,Maybe my laughter was contagious.When we grew tired of laughing,I told him all that happened at the bar and he was happy for me.He hugged me and then his countenance changed again,I asked what made him sad all of a sudden and he said he was scared of bad things that could happen to me there.He didn't want me to go far from him for too long,I hugged him and assured him that everything would be alright.He smiled again.

My first day at work and I did not want to start it by going late so I had to wake up early,since we now lived in a ghetto like area.I took my bath outside since no was awake,dressed up and had to wait for the early morning sun.My brother woke up later and met me dress on the bed ready for work.We discussed a little and I stood up to get going.I left our little apartment and rushed to get there early,it was about thirty five minutes walk from my apartment,I got there early enough and I waited outside for whoever would open the door.I waited for a long time before a little girl ran towards me me a key,"we keep the key for your boss because he stays far from here"she said.I collected the key from her smiling and she left.

I got inside and everywhere was scattered like someone had fought there,there were a lot of bottles on the ground and the tables were scattered.I started arranging the bar and little by little other workers started coming in.At last we finished the cleaning and we were ready for the work of the day.Customers started coming in and everything was going smoothly,I grew tired and decided to rest for a while before I continued.I didn't know I was sleeping for so long till the bar man I met on my day of my interview came and taped me at my back.He asked me to go back to work.I went out to continue and as I worked I noticed somebody could not keep his eye off me.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.It would help me improve

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