
Meeting of two protagonist

(???)'s POV

I looked ahead towards Director Bingwen. He was a man in his 50s with a dignified bearing and sparse hair in his head. We were in a dome-shaped auditorium while he was giving his speech about heroes and whatnot.

"What is a hero?" Director Bingwen questioned while staring at the thousands of students in the auditorium.

He said after a slight pause: "For me, a hero is someone who touches our lives in a personal way and does not do it for themselves. Now more than ever we need heroes, we need to be those heroes."

"Yingxiong academy provides all of you an opportunity. An opportunity to start stepping forward and taking that initiative to make a difference." Every student felt like director Bingwen was staring straight at their eyes.

"You... can make a difference. We... can make a difference. together..." He said in a powerful voice as he ended his speech.

Everyone stood up and gave a big round of applause.

"That was intense." A guy beside me said.

"Yeah, I felt like he was staring straight at me."

"Ah... Director Bingwen is so scary." A girl said while patting her chest.

I was seated at the middle row of the auditorium so I could hear the sounds from all directions.

Chattering noises filled the auditorium while I sneaked a glance at the highest seats of the auditorium. That was where the big shots of the academy were seated. Some powerful high ranking heroes were present as well. I couldn't see a thing though.

They should have surely noticed something.

I looked at myself and the bigshots. Even if they sensed something, they would do nothing about it or they wouldn't be present here.

This whole auditorium was a trap.

Even I barely sensed something no need to talk about these greenhorns surrounding me. If my perception didn't fail me then there was some mind magic at play here.

Well ah, who cares? It had nothing to do with me. I had other things to do.

"Hey, dude I'm Hei Dawu(black large corrupted). What's your name?" Another guy beside me with a fair complexion dressed completely in white said. He gave a good first impression but his name was just so-so

"Yang Chen," I said with a smile.

"So, which department are you in?" He questioned in a good tone.

"Hero training," I said with squinted eyes and a smile plastered on my face. Yingxiong Academy had compulsory and optional courses while Hero training was one of the compulsory ones.

"Okaaaaay." He replied while stretching his okay an extra mile. I knew he was dispirited to continue this conversation.

"Which department are you in?" I asked wanting to continue.

"I'm in the department of Hex and order manipulation."

My eyebrow twitched at his answer. I looked at him from head to toe. He was dressed like a young master, white clothes with not a speck of dirt in them. How was this a person who practiced Hex magic?

I wasn't trying to discriminate the different departments of magics but look at this guy. Well, the academy didn't permit any truly dangerous magic though so it should just be good hex magic. Yup, good hex magic.

"It's not that popular so you shouldn't have heard of it. But I just love the feeling of trash talking to someone and poof they die," He said while getting excited and his spit flying all over. He delved a bit too much on the topic.

Did I poke a hornet's nest?

I just ignored him while he was passionately explaining those incomprehensible words to I don't know who.

The professor explained some academy rules and some high ranking heroes came to give a speech. I stretched my body to wake it up while lampooning this academy was truly shameless. This wasn't an auditorium anymore, it was a brainwashing house.

If I said that the first time was my imagination then the second and third would be me going insane. Even though it was subtle, I would never doubt my intuition as it was forged by living on a knife's edge every day.

The guy beside me already stopped his rant and was nowhere to be seen. Not just him but a quarter of the students already left with chaotic movement. The official orientation was already over and students were allowed to leave. The orientation was just for the freshers to familiarize themselves with the academy. It had already served its purpose.

I think there was a socializing event afterward for the students to socialize with each other. It was optional to attend. Hei Dawu probably left for his dorm. He was an interesting guy.

I checked out the remaining students in the auditorium. Now, that most of the bigwigs had left, I think that I could be a bit more unrestrained.

I had to admit that there weren't just some paper tigers in Yingxiong academy. But only two people truly caught my eye. One of them was the girl I was staring at.

She was a young beautiful girl with snow-white skin and black straight hair. Her plump red lips coupled with her beautiful black eyes perfectly highlighted each other. Her small nose and dimpled cheeks made her look innocent. But it was a sharp contrast to her sexy hourglass figure.

I had done my homework today. She was the granddaughter of the old monster Chen Dong, Chen Meifeng. Not just her background but her personal ability was something to keep an eye out for.

Her blessing: Embers of the Phoenix

Another was a guy with the typical young master's vibe. He had short black hair with sharp eyes and a lean but not skinny body. Liu Wei, he was the heir to one of the top five guilds of china.

Guilds, it was just a fancy name for a big mercenary organization.

Liu Wei's blessing: Elemental Axe

These two were someone with ability and background. These are my targets.

Targets for catching their thighs.

While I was lost in my own thoughts, my perception warned me of something. I looked back to see a slightly obsessed man walking in from the door in the back. I had to admit, he was on the level of Chen Meifeng and Liu Wei but it wasn't enough to get a reaction from my perception. There was something else.

I was closely staring at the obsessed man when a tall and handsome man walked in from the door. I looked at him while he turned to look at me as well.

My pupils contracted as we got into a staring competition. He was staring at me with cold and fierce eyes. It was a deadlock. Only those who personally felt it would be able to sense the tension in the air.

I looked down trying to avoid his gaze. There were still some bigshots who hadn't left and I had to be as low-key as possible. The mission comes first and then my arrogance.

He wasn't just on the level of getting my attention, he was on the level of getting my guard.

The silent exchange between us wasn't just a probe, it was a tacit agreement as well. He didn't try to find trouble with me and I had no intention of it as ell. It wasn't beneficial to both of us.

Unbeknownst to both of them, an ordinary man in the corner seat was staring at them with his lips curled upwards.

Crouching tigers and hidden dragons were everywhere in this academy.

I ignored him and got busy with my own work again. But, I didn't have any work and I didn't want to leave as well. It would seem I was afraid.

This wasn't my arrogance or stupid pride, this was the stupid and childish antique of my 17-year-old soul. I couldn't change it even if I wanted to.

"Get Out of my way."

A shout erupted as I turned my head to the origin of the voice. it was the voice of Liu Wei. He tried to shove the handsome man who was standing at the gate away.

He's seeking death. The thought came to my head and went away just as fast cause that Liu Wei really did shove that guy away.

Trying to play low-key huh.

That handsome and tall guy made it look like he was caught off guard. He was acting completely different than the time he had a staring deadlock. Compared to those cold and fierce eyes, he right now was like a child playing house.

A classic young master arrogant boring shit drama unfolded while I quickly got out to escape from getting implicated in this mess.