
Beginner's Dungeon

When Li Shenyang returned to the game, the first thing he did was adding the game ID [Qinglong] to his friend list. A few seconds later, his friend request was accepted. He was just about to type something in the chatbox when he received a party invitation. Clicking the accept icon, several names with health bar appeared below his character health bar.

[Illusory Swan(Party): Oh! Who is this, who is this?! Captain, you're inviting someone else into the team?]

[Black Inferno Tiger(Party): !!]

[Black Inferno Tiger(Party): Captain, captain!! Weren't we saving the last spot for Han-ge?]

[Lightning Lynx(Party): Who is this YangShen person? Captain, is it someone you scouted? Is he good? Which team is he from?]

The chat flows at a very fast rate. From what he could gather, he seemed to have entered a team who was supposed to already have a fixed player?

[Black Inferno Tiger(Party): Why is he not saying anything?]

[Illusory Swan(Party): The captain is also not saying anything! Captain, did you accidentally added the wrong person to the team?]

[YangShen(Party): It looks like it was a mistake. I will go and leave the team :)]

After saying that, Li Shenyang quit the party but not long after, Qinglong once more invited him to the party. This time, Li Shenyang didn't accept immediately but sends him a private message instead.

[YangShen(Whisper): ??]

[Qinglong(Whisper): It is not a mistake. Join my team. We plan to go and tackle the beginner's dungeon]

[YangShen(Whisper): Oh, okay.]

Only after that did Li Shenyang accepted the party invitation. Once again, he saw the familiar name and the chat explodes once again.

[Illusory Swan(Party): Yangyang! I'm sorry!! I didn't know you were the captain's friend!]

[Black Inferno Tiger(Party): I apologise too.]

[Lightning Lynx(Party): +1]

[Qinglong(Party): Now we just have to wait for Xiao Lang to return from his toilet break, and we're good to go.]

[YangShen(Party): Little 'Wolf'?]

Li Shenyang noticed that the name of each player is related to an animal. He can't help but wonder why they would choose such a name. He stared at the only name that has yet to say anything. 'White wolf… huh?'

[Illusory Swan(Party): Yes. Actually, I know what you're thinking! You're wondering why we chose a name related to animals, don't you?]

[YangShen(Party): I won't lie :)]

[Lightning Lynx(Party): You don't have to mind it. We lost a bet with the management so they each assigned an animal for us to make our name with. It is only for a week, so you don't have to worry much.]

[Bai Lang(Party): I'm here!]

[Bai Lang(Party): Oh, we have a new member! Hello!]

[YangShen(Party): Hello.]

[Bai Lang(Party): Ah, but… your name is not an animal name… are you not from our team?]

[YangShen(Party): ??]

In all honesty, whenever they mention team, Li Shenyang felt that he is missing something. 'Not to mention, Lightning Lynx mentioned that they have management? Did I accidentally came across a professional team?' he wondered. The chat died for a while after that, and Li Shenyang became even more confused. He even wondered if he got disconnected but he checked by handing in his quest and receiving his rewards.

There was a level up prompt and also a few other rewards. Li Shenyang opened his character interface and saw that his cultivation level is now at Realm 1, Level 0. The spirit points also increased by 200 and Li Shenyang once again put everything into his speed.

Currently, other than his speed which is now at 20+13, the rest of his stats reads 20 points. Li Shenyang then went to buy some medicine in order to prepare for the dungeon. 'He said its the beginner's dungeon, right?' Li Shenyang stared at the chatbox, which is still dead. So he went to the forum once again and searched for information about the beginner's dungeon.

Surprisingly, no one has yet to clear it. Everyone seems stuck at the second boss of the dungeon. "Really? The dungeon is unlocked at realm 1… it can't be that hard," Li Shenyang commented as he read the information about the dungeon that was gathered so far. Only after that did he return to the game.

[Illusory Swan(Party): Captain, did Yangyang left? Or got disconnected?]

[YangShen(Party): I'm here.]

[Illusory Swan(Party): Oh, there you are! Now everyone is here, let's go and slay that dungeon! I heard that even the team that Tremblelight sent didn't get to clear that second boss!]

[YangShen(Party): Tremblelight?]

Upon his question, the chat died once more. This time, Li Shenyang went to send Qinglong another message privately.

[YangShen(Whisper): Mister… Did I accidentally chanced upon some great gods from another game? Smile.jpg]

[Qinglong(Whisper): …I will explain after the dungeon. I promise.]

Li Shenyang didn't continue to pursue the matter. The team agreed to meet in front of the dungeon entrance and Li Shenyang didn't waste any time.

The beginner's dungeon was located just outside the village. Players only needed to travel to the north for a while, and they will come across a mountain. The dungeon entrance is in the mountain, in the form of a cave.

When Li Shenyang arrived near the entrance, he saw a lot of players camping outside the entrance. Some were recruiting team members while some were asking to be brought along. The game was still new, and since no one has yet to complete the dungeon, naturally most of the leading players are here.

"Hahahaha… isn't this a bit too much? It can't be that the dungeon is indeed really hard?" Li Shenyang wondered.

When he found his team, he saw that they were already ready. There were four male characters and one female character. He could also see that they are of different bloodlines. Qinglong is a dragon bloodline based on the two small horns on his head. Illusory Swan, the only female character, is from a phoenix bloodline just based on the feather accessories on her hair. The rest chose a beast bloodlines which, Li Shenyang could see just from their ears and tails.

[Illusory Swan(Party): Yangyang, there you are!]

[Black Inferno Tiger(Party): Oh, you picked the human bloodline? How was it?]

[YangShen(Party): It's not bad.]

[Lightning Lynx(Party): Humans have average growth stats, they require more efforts compared to other bloodlines. Usually, people would already have the sect they want to join thus creating a character with specific bloodlines since they have more advantage…]

[YangShen(Party): I know. I didn't choose this blindly, don't worry. I chose this with PVP in mind. Smile.jpg]

[Qinglong(Party): Is everyone ready? For easier communication, please open your voice chat. If you are uncomfortable, you can mute your mic.]

Li Shenyang did as he was told, but he muted his mic. Not long after, he could hear a calm, husky voice from his earphone.

"Can everyone hear me?"

After that voice, Li Shenyang heard several other voices. Lord of Supreme Immortal has this system implemented that when the player of a character spoke, there would be an icon that indicated that they are the one who speaks appear beside their character's icon.

Li Shenyang heard 5 voices, the first one being Qinglong. The other four belongs to a male. Yes, all males. Li Shenyang can't help but turn his view to Illusory Swan's female avatar. 'So… it's a male playing female character…' Li Shenyang let out a disappointed sigh.

"Yang Shen?" Li Shenyang heard Qinglong called his in-game ID. And it was then that he realizes he has yet to respond.

[Li Shenyang(Party): Oh, I can hear!]

"Alright. Just for conveniences purpose, everyone should introduce themselves to Yang Shen so he will know whose voice belongs to who."

"Yangyang, hello!! This is Illusory Swan!" a young, energetic voice can be heard from Li Shenyang's headphone.

"Black Inferno Tiger here," contrary to his domineering name, the player for Black Inferno Tiger has a low, baritone voice. Li Shenyang thought that based on what he saw from the way the other typed, his voice would be similar to Jiang Jiahao.

"Lightning Lynx. Say, Yang Shen didn't open his mic, ah! Is it possible that she's actually a girl playing a guy's character?"

"Oh! If she's really a girl then… is it possible that she's actually the captain's girlfriend?!" the last one to speak didn't introduce himself but Li Shenyang knew that it belongs to Bai Lang.

[YangShen(Party): Smile.jpg]

[YangShen(Party): Unfortunately, I am a guy.]

"Awww… bummer!" the player of Bai Lang replied.

"Alright, enough chatter. Let's go into the dungeon. If we delay, the first clear may be stolen away by others," Qinglong reminded his team.

And so, they finally entered the dungeon which players were having trouble with. It was only the beginner's dungeon, and yet players are already stuck with their progress. They didn't dare to think of how hard would the rest of the game would be.