
"Road to the devil's Den "

Please ! pleaseeeee leave me you can't do whatever you want , Leave me !

Where are you taking me what have I done to you let me go please " LET ME GO "

Screams of a girl were echoing in the whole dark valley everything was quite just a girl screaming for help was heard

The two men were holding that little fragile girl entered the beautiful, magnificent mansion to the outsider but HELL for to people who knew the person that lives there in that remote forest far from the outside world in his own world full of darkness

the two men threw that girl on the cold floor of a room with no lights completely dark just some moonlight coming from the window and locked the door ignoring the screams the went towards the marvellous staircase waiting for the boss

man 1: """ hey where is boss why is he not coming . ""

man 2: may be somewhere destroying a random girl fucking someone, living his life , but why does only boss gets this opportunity, why can't we have some fun

man 3: because he is the boss , and we are his dogs so shut up in this place walls have ears too

man2: I don't care If I die right now I just want to have a taste of the girl lying inside she has such a soft and milky skin " ugghhhh I can't control it I am going to have some fun before the boss comes "

man1: are you crazy boss will kill us I am not in with you guys

man3: she is so sexy and tempting but boss said not to touch her

and I don't want to die

I will suggest you to stay away you are new you don't know boss it will be better not to know

man2: I don't care I just want to have a little bit taste if her

he slightly opened the door to enter

Annia 's POV :

When I opened eyes I was tied with ropes and two men were carrying me somewhere I was screaming and my throat was hurting now I wanted to scream more but words didn't came and suddenly they threw me in a dark room and locked the door from outside I was crying

mom , dad where are you guys please take me home I don't want to be here , I miss everyone, please someone save me I am afraid of dark

her slow sobs were all in the room

it was my wedding what I am doing here when will sinan come and take me I was walking on the Isles how am I hear I dreamt for this day my whole life , but now everything is destroyed and I am locked here in this remote place

I heard the door knob twisting I got scared and hid in the corner of the room and tried not to make any noise there were footsteps each footstep made my heart race so hard and I was scared

a man in black entered and stood near me he bent to my level and started carresing my hair I got disgusted and terrified I moved back until I hit the wall but he was çomimg more and more close I got terrified my voice was not coming out of my mouth he grabbed my but and moved his fingers all over it

it felt like insects were crawling all over me I pushed him " stay away from me you bastard"

a slapp landed on my face

" shut up you bitch I know sluts like you craving for money and sex "

" don't worry babe I will satisfy you just give me a chance " " you will feel the pleasure you never felt before "

I got disgusted and ran towards the door but he was fast enough to catch me he held my arm and banged me on the wall I fell down because of the sudden action and now he was on top of me hovering on me his dirty gaze was eying me up and down he tore my shirt from the sleeve I was crying and begging him to stop but he continued to lick my neck with the dirty tounge of his

tears were flowing continuously from my eyes he tied my hands above I couldn't move it felt like I am dead

" leave me please , let me go please , don't do this to me , I Don't have anything except my dignity plz don't do this STOP , plz STOP

my words didn't had any effect on him he was moving his hand all over my body trailing his line on my jawline

suddenly his one hand tried to enter my skirt and I stared crying even louder

Sallar's POV :

I took my phone from the pocket and turned it on showing a beautiful picture of a girl holding a puppy in her hands , the love of my

his eyes were shing brightly while seeing the picture

he brought the phone close to his lips and kisssed it

" when will you arrive , I miss you , don't make me wait to much or you know

there was a sudde knock on the door sir they are here

his sweet eyes turned into dark ones he grited his teeth and throw the vase on the butlers face flowing a river of blood but the person didn't even moved an inch from his place

" HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU ( sweet voice) don't interrupt me when I am spending time with my princess "

( sudden change in tone ) " GET THE FUCK OUT OF HEAR BEFORE I DO SOMETHING"

he turned his back and was going towards the balcony when he heared something that made him stop on his steps and his eyes lightened and a dark smirk appeared on his face

" What did you say ! repeat "

Sir they have brought the girl you hae asked for

" Hahaha ( maniacally) so finally my princess is here finally she is mine "

with that he rushed downstairs passing through the hallway that smirk didn't leave his face and he was just thinking of her

he was in his thoughts when he heard someone saying ugg I want to sleep fuvk this life

he laughed and went to the two men seeing him suddenly there the two men got scared to the point where they could shit their pants anytime soon

he smirke seeing fear on their face that made him satisfied

" you want to sleep huh!

should I permanently make you sleep a peaceful sleep "

he tool his steps forward making the person shiver due to his dark aura


no.... ooo... s ...iir..... pl... for...ggg..ii ...m...e

I.....w..will .....n....not ...re.....p..peat ...it

"""" hahahaa yes you won't repeat it ""

huh thank.....kkk you.... siirrrrr

"" because you won't get the chance """


The bullet crossed that mans head and a fountain of blood was sprouting

everyone lost their breath for a second but It didn't effect them that much as It was a daily routine a few people dying by the hands of their heartless , cruel and physcho boss

""" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

please don't touch me let me go aaaa please leave me ,, please don't do this


suddenly I heared screams when I recognised the voice


I ran to where it was coming from I was fuming with anger

who the hell can dare to touch my things in my home who has the spirit to do so