

Aiden, haunted by a traumatic past, is in a perpetual race against time, fleeing from the shadows that cling to him like a relentless nightmare. Just when he begins to believe he's outpaced his demons, an unexpected reunion with an old friend offers a glimmer of hope. But as Aiden lets his guard down and starts to trust again, a shocking revelation shatters his newfound peace, plunging him back into the darkness he fought so hard to escape. Will he ever find the key to unlock the cage that confines him, or will he remain forever trapped in the shadows of his own history?

DaoistQvBAzH · Realistis
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6 Chs

A Failed Planning


"Hey Ruth, why are you leaving so early? We all ladies have planned the evening. You're joining us, right?" Amanda asked, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"I'm sorry, Amanda," I replied with a small smile. "You guys go ahead today without me. I've already planned the evening with my son. After all, it's been a while since we went out like this. But you all have fun!"

Amanda sighed dramatically. "Okay, looks like you're not joining us. No problem, since it's your son, I guess I'll leave you this time. Hahaha."

"Come on now, don't laugh like that," I said with a sarcastic tone. "It doesn't suit a middle-aged lady like you." Amanda just laughed even harder, sounding like a little girl.

"Hey, that was rude! I'm still young, you know. Leave these jokes aside. How's your son? Is he doing well?"

"Yeah, he went to college today. I told him to at least make one friend this year, but he declined. I just want him to never feel alone. I know that feeling very well."

Amanda's face softened. "Ruth, I know you've been through a lot since Ryle died, but be patient with Aiden. Give him some time. Sooner or later, he'll be the same as he used to be when he was a kid. Here's the number of Dr. Linda. She's a great therapist. I've talked with her regarding Aiden and the nightmares he keeps having. Once you're free, just give her a call. Don't worry, we're all with you. Now, enjoy the evening with your son."

"Thanks, Amanda. Really, I mean it. See you tomorrow."

As I walked to my car, I dailed his number . What is he doing . "Aiden, pick up the phone. What are you doing? I'm so tired now, and this boy is not answering my phone. I should head home. I always try to bond with my son, but some things just keep getting in the way."

Suddenly, my phone rang. "Hello, yes? Oh, Dr. Linda! Hey, I'm Ruth, Aiden's mom. One of my friends gave me your number. Right now, I'm in the middle of something. If you don't mind, can I call you later?"

"Oh sure, Ruth, take your time."

"Hmm... thanks."

I reached home, grateful for the extra keys I always keep in case of emergency. As I entered, I noticed all the lights were off and then heard Aiden screaming. I rushed towards his room, my heart pounding. I hope he didn't lock his door. Thank God it was open.

I found him lying on the bed, drenched in sweat, even though it was December. "Aiden, wake up, dear! What happened to you? Come on now, talk to me. Aiden, please talk to me." Panic set in as tears streamed down my face. I didn't know what to do.

"Stay away from me!" he shouted, thrashing in his sleep.

I held his hand tightly, desperate to wake him up. As I shifted him, papers scattered from his bed.

He's been writing letters? For whom? I picked up a few pages, trying to make sense of them. Just then,

Aiden woke up.

"Mom, what are you doing here? Leave those. They're nothing. Give them to me. I'll arrange them later."

"Honey, are you okay?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"Mom, I'm okay, but why are you crying?"

"Because you weren't waking up. Did you have a nightmare? What did you see?"

"Mom, it's nothing."

"Then why were you shouting just now when I touched you?"

"I don't know, Mom. Maybe it's because I was scared."

I knew my son was hiding something. What should I do to calm him down?

"Mom, I saw someone chasing me. I don't know, but I was just scared."

"Aiden, it's okay. You can tell me everything. Maybe I have some good advice for you on how to deal with this nightmare. Since it's already late, come join me in the kitchen. Let's cook something together as you planned. Clear your room and come to the kitchen."