
Chapter 6

The rest of the day went uneventful after lunch I zoned out and ignored everyone for the majority of the day. Kai and Jenna wondered what was going through my head but I could tell they didn't want to pry into my thoughts too deeply. I stayed away from Shouta for the remainder of the day and just focused on catching up with my afternoon classes so we were all on the same page. Principal Chishiki was waiting for me when my final class ended with his son, the boy didn't look happy to be seen with his father but was relieved when they walked into my class. "Ms. Rirakkusu this is my son Derek the one that will be joining your class tomorrow morning. He dropped his advanced foreign language class with Mrs. Emory to be in your first period English." I smiled at Derek hoping to ease the tension in this kid's face but he did acknowledge my attempt to calm his nerves or maybe anger towards his father. "It's nice to meet you, Derek I hope that our pace of class doesn't bother you. Your dad has told me you've been in AP English for most of last year but I only teach normal English." Then I saw the one thing that made my heart pump with rage Jill flirting with Shouta right outside my door where she knew I'd see it and hear it. I brushed it off as Derek and I continued our conversation going over what exactly he'd be learning this year while being in my class. "Oh, I wasn't aware we could read banned books. Father has always said they'll corrupt our minds as they did with my brother Teo." Mr. Chishiki coughed loudly to distract us from continuing the conversation about his brother. "Well, your brother was disowned remember Derek. We couldn't have him smearing the family name. Anywho we must be going now Ms. Rirakkusu thank you once again for agreeing to let Derek join your English course." I waved them goodbye before starting to clean up my classroom and wipe down the board so I can write tomorrow's assignment and assigned homework. "So um is there a reason that Jill is prancing around like she just won the lottery? I don't think I've ever seen her happy like that since she married a rich man." I shrugged walking over to my classroom closet grabbing my jacket and messenger bag so I can start packing up my things quickly and efficiently. "So I'm assuming that your first day didn't go as planned? Did Shouta do something? Who was it?" I smiled at her protectiveness of me already, it reminded me of my grandmother cursing out my childhood bully in Mandarin then she cursed at the kid's parents as well for letting their child think it was okay to bully others. I assured Heather that he didn't do anything wrong but I did tell her about the weird warning I got during lunch from the music teacher and ever since then I was pretty much avoiding Shouta. "I didn't know they were dating maybe I should've just stayed away from him after he sent my students back to class this morning." Heather stared at me in disbelief for a moment before throwing her hand onto a desk with a loud bang. "Are you kidding me?! They were never dating she has been stuck upon him ever since they started working here. The only reason she even married that businessman was to see if she could make Shouta admit he was in love with her but then it didn't work so she bullies every person who even shows interest in him. Don't worry about her just follow your heart kiddo and if it leads to you and him being together fight for it...don't make it easy for anyone to come in between your relationship. That's the only advice I can give you Neru." I took a moment to remember her words before I cracked a smile as I finished cleaning up the room so I can head home after I finish up some emails. "I don't think it's worth it to be harassed daily by a psycho who can't let someone go just because they can't have them. I think I'm just going to focus on work and not about stepping on toes cause a coworker is in a one-sided crush, we're adults dammit we need to act like it." I grunted out before slamming the eraser back down onto the railing in anger. I was annoyed and beyond furious at Jill's immaturity about the whole situation itself, did she have no self-respect? Or was her insecurities coming to the surface in a way of acting like how she is now? Regardless women like her just tear down other women and I don't feel like fighting that uphill battle anytime soon. Heather seemed to understand my frustration with Jill's behavior but didn't bother speaking on the subject anymore and instead changed the subject to how my day was so far despite it ending soon with the study period just starting for most students that don't have activities during this period. A smile spread across my face as we continued our conversation but was interrupted when she was summoned back to the principal's office to assist with students fighting in her office, I smiled at how motherly she turned before reverting to her normal harmless self that woman is a force to be reckoned with that's for sure. "I must go but remember what I said dear, go after what you want in this life and never let someone get in between it." Her words rang in my head as I began finishing up a few emails and cleaning up before I was ready to go home and relax before thinking of a game plan as to how I was going to handle Jill and her immaturity towards Shouta and me being friends as long as we worked together but the stress from this situation already has me rethinking about getting back into the dating game that's for sure.