
Cacophony of Endless Skies

At the edge of the compounded knowledge of infinite civilizations and immortal scholars is; more. An endlessly growing, ever escalating multiverse of multiverses. And more than that, you could reach far beyond reason and still not find the end. But when ever did we need to know what that wall looked like? Instead I invite you to look down from your gilded throne atop the pillar of stories that you have derived all you could from. Please join these stories as they grow. They need not know the countless skies above their own. Please evoke sweet everythings.

Frozen_Palms · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Characters (Major Spoilers)

Friends for life:

Julian Baxter: Eldest of the friends and Thalia's brother, he wants to come off as mature and responsible but works at a small bookstore, so... [His boon is a comprehensive book on alchemy. (book is confirmed to be a copy of {Emeraldine Flare} Lin Wu's final studies within the Dao of transfusion and Alchemy)]

Thalia Baxter: Julian's younger sister. A brash girl who wants to relax every time she's done doing nothing. Innate curiosity led to a self evolving boon. [Her boon is the ability to conjure animals (further details about boon in attached file sent to Gray-Hat Office)]

Hannah Koin: A natural at pissing people off when she needs to. Really sweet when you get to know her. Loves a good hike to clear her mind. [Her boon is access to the N.E.S.T. (an extra-spatial pocket dimension)(further details about boon in attached file sent to Gray-Hat Office)]

Harrison Wirth: An only child with too many things on his schedule. Trusting to a fault but somehow very savvy with negotiations. Loves to investigate questions extensively. [His boon is the power to reel an items existence into a sphere and request for grade 5 complexity items or lower. (further details about boon in attached file sent to Gray-Hat Office)]

Kendal Salome: Another only child of the friends. She loves gossip and drama, but not in a malignant way. Her love of stories needs only slight furthering to improve her position post mortem. [Her boon is mental dictated abstract vision (further details about boon *ERROR*)]

Argo Rubidis: The hotheaded youngest of the troupe. His aggression is based purely towards what he deems needing a punching. He's not an idiot. Just loyal and awesome. [His boon is control over a spirit thread which has lost it's binding soul (further details about spirit thread's history can be found in 37:00:00:1999:Alb:Ent)]

Erica Freminet: The last only child in the list of friends. Erica is distrusting of others and believes that people are innately sinful. Herself included. Her request for a boon had to be proceed at the cooperator level before being allowed. [further details about boon in attached file sent to Animal Control)]


Nezha {private}: A bored and tired soldier of the Noctambulist army. Nezha has been on 225,333,879,003 campaigns and participated in 225,333,879,003 victorious battles. His recent actions in meddling in an un-ascended universe have led to the discovery of a jukric cultivation run by the Raconteur's daughter (name unknown). [Punishment is currently in effect for the private's A.N.E.W.O.R. (Altering Natural Events Without Orders or Reason)]

Midas {captain}: Most aggressive of the recently promoted captains within the last [23] overture cycles. Captain Midas received his promotion after finding details pertaining to a high-marionette that the Chimera had lost in recent times. [Currently operating proviso over Nezha {private}'s punishment.]

Sycorax {major}: Classified under customer rank! Status received. Report: Major Sycorax has no point to her existence besides appeasing the general and entertaining herself. This is due to her long history of working with the Noctambulists. She has lost all other ambition. (important note: her power is under constant restraint to prevent mass assimilation of energy and has a minimum of 4,004,305 sub-minds diffused across her perception to limit herself further.) [currently on a 100 overture cycle sabbatical]

Compound Aether:

Caleb Freminet: Erica Freminet's father. He wants his daughter to have a great life and will go to extreme lengths to ensure that she's safe. He was approached by the government with a covert study of a supernatural entity under the pretense that they will safe guard his family. He now works at Greneli College in Amphisbaena as a law teacher. [whereabouts deemed unimportant]

Jeuthon Yamada: The gatekeeper of Compound Aether, with him being the first person you would see upon arrival to the compound Jeuthon is extremely well protected at all times, carrying multi personnel's worth of ammunition and firearms. Overall he is a cheery man who will kill you without a moments notice. [whereabouts deemed unimportant]

Horatio Greneli: The assistant to Caleb Freminet and August Lipouth. Also the son of the owner of Greneli College. Acts pompous and hault when at Greneli College due to his father's status, but at Compound Aether he is bossed around by the two doctors relentlessly. His intelligence is nothing to scoff at, but in the face of either doctor it's nothing much. [whereabouts deemed unimportant]

August Lipouth: Oldest person currently alive from his planet, August Lipouth is a zealot to the Deacon, a floating orb of celestial origin. He worships the sphere fanatically and is the primary researcher of Compound Aether. Due to a charm instance from the Deacon, August has been aging backwards since age 106. [whereabouts deemed unimportant]