
Buying skills with real money. Improving my life in the real world.

When life decided to grant him a blessing in the form of a gamer system Evan was happy. But that happiness didn't last. He slowly lost his family, his loved ones, and those he needed in his life until he felt like he couldn't sink any lower. But he finally gave in and used his real money to pay his system for the chance to improve his life. A chance to finally be more. And man he is going to love it. If only things were cheaper!

Silverfang · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

The First round (Part 1)

Evan had stayed in his curled up position for a solid 3 hours yesterday. But he managed to unwind himself and think over his goals. First goal save up. Second goal buy even more upgrades to earn that amount of cash for the higher tiers of saiyan biology. Third goal see just how much his body and mind were actually affected by the race change as he is not even half human anymore.

He goes and grabs dinner. A super meal pack meant for 5 people and eats at least 50% of it. He waits for his stomach to settle and confirms that as a low class saiyan he does eat more than the average person, but he isn't too outrageous like the anime depicted.

Looking at himself in the mirror he found no tail. No spiky hair. He was still him. Just a saiyan body. And it showed. He was chiseled, ripped, lean, and most of all... now sporting 6 feet and 4 inches of raw muscle and power on his new and improved physique. He was able to test his limits and found he had a 6 pack you could swear was sculpted from marble. And his limits for exercises went up to 280 lbs for his arms and his squats limit went to around 365 lbs. He was happy to find that his reps in each maximum seemed to have increased as well. He had one more surprise though.

His package had grown as well again. When he got that far with Zoey and Zara they might need to stretch themselves first as he was a solid 7.5 inches long now and had a healthy but rather thick girth of 4 inches.

He gulped as wondered how the other saiyan tiers will treat him. He really didn't want to go gargantuan mode in that department. After all as he heard before anything past 9 inches is just ridiculous for any normal woman to take. Especially if you consider Miu being barely above 5 ft in height. She was limited to how much she could take. Zara being over 6ft and Zoey being closer to 5 and a half feet meant they would fare better. But he really hoped he wouldn't hurt them when they got to that level of their relationship.

Well nothing to worry about for now. That was a problem for future Evan. Right now he had to sleep and rest up for the first round of the tournament tomorrow. They had to win. He would give this gym a national trophy and belt to hang on its walls. All this gym had so far was regional trophies and even a few state wide ribbons of second and third place.

With him here he would change that.

He fell asleep ready and excited to fight and prove how strong he had become. Unknowingly giving into the basics of his saiyan instincts that were now in him. His human mind still ruled. But instinct is a surprising thing when it catches us unaware.

-- Next day --

The day of the tournament was here.

And everyone in the gym had helped clear the ring floor of all other rings except the main MMA cage ring that was placed in the center of the floor and had bleachers placed all around it for the spectators of both gyms.

They were fighting another gym who boasted strong bodies and powerful boxers. They always lost to Zaras gym.

The reason being... their 'powerful fighters' were all jazz boxers. They punched and trained to music only. Only a bit of bag hitting and some sparring ever occurred. They were a hobby gym full of body builders who thought they had pushed themselves to the limit of muscle growth for maximum power. But in the end never really trained their skills. So while strong and durable. They had nothing else going for them.

Thus every year they fail to get further than round one or two.

This time however, they actually did some real training with a former boxer who came to work at their gym. Now they had a few skills to use. And now they had some real fighters to enter the tournament with.

Let's see how well they do this time.

Evan was limbering up with Zara stretching as well. They were looking forward to the fights ahead as it was elimination style. As each fighter went up they tried to fight off as many enemies as they could until they either became too injured, or too tired to continue. Then the next member of their team would go up to fight. This would go until one team was out of fighters.

Evan couldn't help but laugh with the other fighters when Miu yelled at the referee explaining these rules to just use Pokemon rules. The ref blushed at that on point summary while everyone couldn't hold back some chuckles.

Soon the first member of each team was up to begin the combat. The first of their fighters was actually Zoey who was put in to replace a fighter who had a cold today and she went up against a huge walking wall of muscle from the enemy team that looked like he chugged protein shakes. He readied himself in his boxing stance which was intimidating with his 6ft 7 inch build and bulging biceps. But Zoey smirked and went to her old mentality of being excited for a nice challenge.

It was over quickly.

Zoeys opponent went for a simple jab once the bell rang and she used a basic Judo throw Evan taught her to toss him over her shoulder and into the rings floor. She was more than happy to see him struggling to get back to his feet as she came down with a pile driver. And soon the ground battle began.

Barely 2 minutes later Zoey was standing over a heavily bruised and unconscious body builder who only made her sweat from the energy she had to use to keep him pinned down on the ground.

Her next opponent didn't last much longer, he managed to hit her once leaving a small bruise. But she got her revenge for that one with a suplex and then a corkscrew slam into the ring floor.

There was a 5 minute break for both teams to reorganize their fighters and Zoey was enjoying the break. Zara was toweling the sweat off of her. And Evan using his massage skill was removing the fatigue in Zoey's back and shoulders. The other members of their team didn't argue about the treatment due to two things. One she has been their only fighter so they are still fresh, plus they owe her some sort of reward and being pampered seems like a great one. Two, no way were they getting in the way of the lovey dovey atmosphere going on between those three.

They didn't even realize they were being all cute and adorable to each other with small chats and talking about nothing particular as they tended to Zoey before the 5 minute break was up.

Once the break was over Zoey was back and feeling fresher than ever, almost as if Evan's massage was more impressive and more effective than she expected. She shrugs and prepares for the first opponent to appear. And appear he does. The next guy appears to be a mountain of muscle

6ft tall with 8 inches on top of that. Evan couldn't help but compare him to Nappa from a certain martial arts anime. He was worried for Zoey though this guy had almost a foot of height on her, and he was jacked out the wazoo. She had a chance at victory but she would need to be careful.

The bell dings and Zoey rushes at him going for a leg crusher to try and damage his knee and make him lose his stance. She clinches the leg and feels it buckle, but that was all. He still stood tall and looked down at her. She gulps as he begins to lift his whole leg up with her still on it and kicks it shaking her off from the movement. Zoey flies up a bit and then barely crosses her arms to block a punch from him as he smashes down with a brick breaker straight punch. She coughs out in pain as she is sent flying across the arena and slams into the rings fence. She gets up shakily only to see him charging at her with his arms out wide to try to grab her. She grunts and manages to use a Jujitsu roll to dive by his arms. He stops just before the fence and turns towards her quickly.

Zoey is seen just below him as he turns and uses the wrestlers jack knife kick into his chin to slam him back into the fence. Then with his stumbling from the jaw strike she leaps up and knees him in the face next. He grunts in pain at that and Zoey grins at the results.

She gasps as she suddenly hears a loud, "LOOK OUT!!" From Evan as she hardens her core just in time to receive a gut punch from the mountain man.

Zoey's lungs vacate any air they had as she goes flying back 10ft. She gasps and shudders in pain from the hit as the big man straightens himself up and shakes the dizziness off. Zoey is struggling to get up off the ground as she does her best to draw in fresh air into her poor lungs.

Zara and Evan both wince as they see her stomach is already red with a growing bruise. They begin to shout encouragement to her as she does her best to get to her feet while the big man is approaching her and gaining momentum.

Zoey sees him and despite how light headed she is feeling she goes to prepare herself for the incoming brute. She rolls again right as he reaches her and she barely sees him turning with a punch already cocked ready to throw. However she grins as she shoots out her legs in a scissor formation aimed right at his ankle. The big man grunts in confusion as his vision suddenly rises up from Zoey to the top of the ring fence as his support leg is toppled from the ankle leading up to his hip.

He slams into the ground hard with Zoey jack knifing up to her feet. The big man is seeing stars right before a powerful hit slams into his back. Zoey did a flip hammer kick into his back while he was still sprawled out. Then the follows up with a body slam leading into a pile driver right after that.

The big man wheezes out in pain from that. And despite all the punishment he manages to flip as Zoey was getting up to do a drop kick slam only to receive another punch to her gut once again. She cries out in pain this time as the bruise is now a deep red and looking extremely painful and noticeable. The big man grins and gets up before beginning to go to Zoey and grabs her arm and leg and begins to spin with her trapped like that. Evan and Zara scream at Zoey to get it together and to slip free.

Zoey is struggling to focus on anything but the pain before she goes flying and slams into the fence painfully.

She slumps to the ground as the ten count begins. She is twitching in pain as she is trying to get back to her feet and looks to see Zara and Evan right at the fence trying to reach out to her and show her they were by her side.

She fuzzily hears the count reach 5 and thinks about how she had gotten pretty strong now thanks to her new friends. And was about to give up so she could train harder for the next round, before her mind goes back to something she talked about with Evan during their training together over the last two weeks.

-- Flashback --

They were training some Jujitsu skills and Wrestling skills and Zoey was struggling to figure out a powerful hold. Evan was chuckling as she was having trouble learning this move and continued to accidentally straddle his hips or chest. When she was trying to get him into a triangle hold instead. He called for a break as Zoey was getting frustrated.

They sipped their waters together as Zoey was going over the move in her head and was confused at how she kept getting it wrong. Evan was thinking about how to keep her from getting to distracted by the failures, then gets an idea. He leans down a bit before saying, "Hey Zoey."

Zoey looks up at him in confusion before he kisses her cheek suddenly making her mind blank out and freeze. Evan cheekily grins at her as she blushes hard at his action. She steams up as Evan chuckles at her and says, "Don't over think it. When you fight with your natural grace and instincts, you are more powerful than you think. And you have way more skill when you have fun. Just look at how good to fight me when we spar! I believe you are the most beautiful and powerful when you are just yourself in a fight."

Zoey blushes before squealing into her gym bag making many people blush in second hand embarrassment for her as they also think about how adorable her reaction is.

-- Flashback Ends --

Zoey grits her teeth and rises up from the floor at the count of 8. The big guy grunts in surprise before rolling his eyes at her tenacity and approaches her once again to slam her into the fence and end the match. He comes up as she stands with her back to him still and she seems to be using both hands to hold onto the chain fence to support herself. He swings a large haymaker punch that aimed for her kidney only to see her quickly turn and swivel around his punch.

He sees her with a large grin on her face and eyes that shined with excitement. She wraps herself around his arm and swings around it while gripping her fingers deeply into his elbow joint. Causing the big guy to yelp in pain. He tries to draw back the arm but Zoey immediately uses that momentum to rush him and slam two knee kicks one after another into his diaphragm. The guy whooshes air from his chest at that and Zoey uses that to her advantage and slams her hands to each side of his cheeks forcing his mouth to hyper extend and make him disoriented.

Zara, Evan and their team all cheer wildly with the audience from their gym cheering at seeing the old slightly sadistic Zoey back in the ring. The one who enjoys fighting and who loves to bring pain to her foes.

She laughs out loud as her foe is in pain from her last hit before she leaps at him and traps his head between her thighs as she manages to capture him in a thigh hold head lock. He struggles to grab her thighs off of him before she hammer strikes his head with a twin hammer fist to his head. With that hit and the air supply rapidly decreasing he suddenly slumps to the ground in unconsciousness. Zoey rolls off and keeps herself ready and bouncing on her toes as she sees if he gets back up.

The ten count happens and passes leaving Zoey the winner with 3 rounds straight under her belt.

She sighs in relief as the big guy is collected by his gym mates and she stumbles out of the ring into the waiting arms of her team mates. Zara and Evan both hug her tight and tell her how well she did. She tiredly answers them with basic thanks before she is carried off to the infirmary with a hug from Zara and a kiss on the cheek from Evan when everyone turned back to the ring for the next match.

The next match up showed another of their members against the fourth of the body builders.

They all prepared to fight again but the leader of the visitor team was eyeing Evan and Zara with a look of challenge as he was excited to bring them down a peg for being so close despite his long term admiration of Zara.