
Butterfly Tamer in the Apocalypse

On the day that mana arrived on Earth, everything changed. Those who were worthy of the energy were blessed with unimaginable powers, but those who weren't were transformed into monstrous beasts that threatened the very survival of humanity. Enzo, a seemingly ordinary college student, is one of the chosen few who received the blessing of mana. But his powers are far from ordinary - he possesses a genius-level intellect and a fierce determination to survive in the new world that has emerged. Enzo quickly learns to harness his powers and becomes a force to be reckoned with, feared by even the most mythical of creatures. As Enzo journeys through the post-apocalyptic landscape, he encounters many ordeals, and he can only count on himself if he want to survive and live another day...

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68 Chs

Allies or Threat? (7)

While Enzo was chatting with the others, an old man slowly walked into the room.

He couldn't help but notice the palpable change in the atmosphere in the room. It was as if a heavy veil of reverence had descended upon everyone. The once-relaxed group now stood in a state of almost reverent awe, their expressions shifting to ones of utmost respect.

The old man who had emerged from the secret passage seemed to command an aura of authority and importance that Enzo couldn't ignore. It was evident that he held a significant position within the organization, perhaps even more influential than Enzo had initially surmised.

'I don't know why, but I feel like things will be even more complicated from now on.' Enzo thought as he continued to play his part, engaging in conversations and keeping up his facade, he couldn't help but discreetly observe the interactions between the group members and the old man. Their reverence was very... unsettling, to say the least.

The old man, unaware of Enzo's presence or his true intentions, continued to speak with an air of self-assuredness. "Our work here is of the utmost importance," he declared, his voice carrying through the room. "The world remains blind to the possibilities we possess. But soon, very soon, they will understand the power we wield."

Enzo's butterflies, hidden and unnoticed, relayed every word to him as they fluttered closer to the old man. He strained to understand the context of their conversation. What was this power they spoke of? What experiments were they conducting? And how did it all connect to the monsters Enzo had encountered?

The group members nodded in agreement, their expressions filled with unwavering loyalty. It was clear that they were fully committed to whatever cause this organization represented.

As Enzo continued to gather information, he couldn't help but feel a growing unease. The old man's words hinted at a hidden agenda, that was clear, and it was one that held great significance to the organization. But what concerned Enzo the most was the unwavering loyalty and devotion displayed by the group. It was as if they were willing to follow this man to the ends of the earth, regardless of the consequences. And the twenty-plus people in here all had the same expression when looking at the old man.


Back in the secret room, Enzo's butterfly continued its quiet exploration, making use of its tiny size to slip unnoticed through the dimly lit space. The atmosphere here was markedly different from the room outside. It was cold, sterile, and filled with an air of clinical detachment.

The room contained a variety of equipment that Enzo couldn't readily identify. There were sleek, metallic consoles with blinking screens, strange devices with wires and tubes, and vials containing colorful liquids that emitted an eerie glow.

The butterfly flitted from one station to another, capturing images and sounds with its miniature sensors. It was like navigating a labyrinth of technology and experimentation. Enzo strained to make sense of the jargon and technical terms being spoken by the individuals in the room.

Thankfully, no one was inside of the room, so the butterfly could explore without hindrance.

As it finished exploring the main room, the butterfly slipped past a door through the tiny gap in the ground, and what was relayed here sent shivers down Enzo's spine.

"What's this?!"


"What's this?" Enzo said out loud, his expression filled with shock.

"Is there a problem, Enzo?" Sark, the leader of the group he had initially seen before coming to this place asked.

"Oh- Oh no, I'm sorry," Enzo's mind raced to come up with a good excuse. "It's just that I thought that you were the leader, so I was a little taken aback when I saw everyone like this with this old man."

Sark looked at him, alongside the other members of the group.

"Is there a problem?"

"You... you're not stuttering anymore?" Sarah asked as Enzo took a step back, cold sweat dripping down his neck. He had a hard time keeping up a composed face.

"Ah it-it's just w-when I'm a l-little stressed, I u-use to n-not sttuter anymore. Y-you don't know h-how many times i-it saved my life. I'm g-glad such things h-happens when I'm u-under stress.

"Huh? And why were you scared?" Sark asked, not really believing what Enzo said.

"B-because this p-person might k-kick me out s-since he doesn't k-know me. I'm a-a little scared to g-go outside a-again."

Enzo tried his best to find a plausible excuse yet again. His heart was racing so much that he almost became dizzy.


Sark and the others exchanged glances, seemingly buying into Enzo's explanation. They couldn't know that his momentary lapse in speech had been due to his shock at the grotesque creature on the screen. Enzo's ability to play up his anxiety was paying off, at least for now.

Sark placed a reassuring hand on Enzo's shoulder. "Don't worry, Enzo. You're safe here with us. As for the old man, you'll get used to him. He's the founder of our organization, and we owe everything to him. He has a vision for the future, one that involves making the world a safer place."

Enzo nodded, doing his best to appear grateful for their understanding. Inside, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at how thoroughly this organization seemed to control its members, including their loyalty to this enigmatic old man.

'Greater future my ass!' Enzo thought while smiling on the outside. 'Is creating mutant monsters your vision of the future?'

While Enzo maintained his external composure, his thoughts raced. The apparent disregard for ethics and the creation of grotesque creatures weighed heavily on his mind. He couldn't understand how these people could justify their actions in the name of a "greater future."

As he continued to engage in conversation with the group, he subtly tried to steer the discussion toward the organization's goals without raising suspicion. He hoped to glean more information about their intentions, the extent of their experiments, and what Enzo could pick from the tiny bit of information they sometimes said, all the people here weren't aware of what the old man was doing.

They were all blinded by promises of a greater future, while the old man was creating some mutant monsters.