

I tapped my pen on my composition notebook as I think of a fit title for my essay. It's the first month of 9th grade and I already hate it here.

The people around this area make me feel horrible for my fashion sense and my physical traits, but I guess I look decent. I have lonng brown hair that falls in curls under my ears and along the nape of my neck, my eyes are an ugly blueish gray. I say they're ugly because they remind me of my dad. My old man is a scum, I hate that my mom says I look like him.

I live with my mom and my little sister Emma. Emma is a peppy 12 year old with long blonde hair and big brown eyes. She is a huge optimist, and she's the only reason I want to continue with this sad excuse I call my life.

My mom is older than most parents. She has dark brown hair and kind gray eyes. If you can picture a new soft paint brush on a rough canvas, you would get my mother. She had a rough upbringing and has tried her best to not make our lives like hers.

I decided to put aside my essay and see what Emma was doing. When I walked into her room, I was instantly hit with the suffocating smell of her perfume. I looked up with a wildly shocked face and said, "Emma, what in the world do you need this much perfume for?!"

She giggled and pushed me playfully, "I was planning on hanging out with Marcus. Why, do you want to come along?"

Marcus Klark was my best friend since 1st grade. He had always liked Emma, which I found disgusting but whatever. Marcus has short light brown hair that falls over his gentle face in thin wisps. His eyes tell a million stories, a piercing green that could knock out the entire world.

I looked at Emma and sighed before saying, "I guess I do. Wouldn't want Marc to hit on my baby sis." She shoved me again, "Gez Jasper, what's the deal? I'm too young to date anyway!" she asked. I guess she was right though.

Emma and I made our way to the abandoned house on Jennington avenue. That was our groups hangout spot. When we walked through the door I immediately saw Cassidy, Jean, and Marcus.

Cassidy Evergreen was beautiful. Every time I saw her, my knees felt like they would give in on themselves. She was a short girl with short black hair and gray eyes. Cass wore more gothic clothes, and was more reserved than most people.

Jean River was Emma's best friend. She was a year older than Emma. Jean had really short dyed hair, and hazel eyes. She would always switch hair colors, kinda like how her dad was always changing girlfriends. Jean had a rough life. Her father would beat on her, and was a horrible guy in general. She would sleep at our house more than she slept at her own home.

"Yo! Jaspa, Emmy! Want to join our game of Uno?" Jean said in her usual high voice.

Emma and I decided to join. I sat next to Cassidy, god she was so pretty.

Cass looked me up and down, "So Jasp, what's tonight's activity?" she asked. Everyone else agreed, as it was my night to pick a group activity. "Well, let's wait for Angel and Douglas to show, then we'll go to the diner." I blurted out sheepishly. Angel and Doug always come late, and everyone was tired of it.

Angel and Douglas Began were brothers. Angel, standing at the ripe age, was the oldest of our group. He had bleach blonde hair with big blue eyes, but Doug was his opposite. Doug was 14, same as me. With Brown hair and eyes, and deep tan skin.

Doug and I hung out all the time.

I think Douglas is a kick ass guy, but that may just be me.

When Angel and Douglas arrived, we all piled into my old black truck. Emma and Jean sat in the back of the truck. Angel, Cassidy and Marcus sat in the backseat. And Finally Doug and I sat in the front. When we pulled into the parking lot of our local diner, cigarettes butts littered the front of the diner.

We went inside and ordered food, massing around until we were kicked out, the owner chasing us out with a broom as he yelled.

Eventually we all got bored with bullying the wait staff at different places. Cassidy, Marcus, and Jean all went home. Angel, Emma, Doug, and I all hung out in the parking lot next to the fair grounds. We were just talking and goofing around. Doug lied his head on my shoulder while talking, he tends to do this a lot. Angel laughed, "You two are and adorable couple!" he cooed in a teasing tone.

I felt my face instantly get hot. I am a bisexual man but I wasn't sure about Douglas, plus we were just friends.