
But he loves 'HER'

For her, he is her dream, but his dream is someone else. All her tears are for him, but all his tears are for someone else. This story is about one-sided love, friendship, and sacrifices.

Teddysoul_1995 · perkotaan
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

Riya POV 

"Huh, yes you can do it, Riya. Just tell him what's inside your mind. Let him know you like him", I said as I headed inside the music room.

Before entering the music room, I saw him playing his guitar with the same smile I saw when I first met him. We have known each other since we were 17. We are neighbors by the way. He is the only friend I have got. But he doesn't consider me his friend.

I like him very much. I know we met for the first time when we were 17 but I knew him before we met the first time. I was in class 10 at that time. I saw him in the music camp. That's why I joined the same school as him. But we haven't talked properly as of now. He rarely gives me any attention. Now we are in the final year of college.

Josh POV

"Hey Josh, isn't she the same girl who comes here every time?", one of my bandmates said. "Riya?", I asked.

"Yeah, she's there again", they pointed towards the door.

"Ha huh…", I sighed.

"She is beautiful, but I'm not attracted to her", I said.

"What kind of girl do you like then?", he asked.

"Someone who can be the opposite of her", I said.

Then I saw her opening the doors and coming towards me.

Riya POV

"Hey, Josh? What's up?", I smiled.

"As if you can't see?", he was sarcastic.

"Ahh…okay. I'll see you later. Seems like you are busy", I said.

"No no just tell me what you wanted to say. I don't think I'll meet you later", he said. And this was kind of painful. He was so rude.

"It's personal. Can you come outside?", I requested.

"Just say it here or leave it", he didn't even smile to make it a joke. Seems like he was really serious.

"Don't you think you are too rude?", I raised my voice. I got angry.

"That's how I am", he smirked.

"Well okay, if you want it this way", I said and went directly to the podium. I held the mic close to my mouth and said…

"I like you, Josh. I like you a lot. Would you go out with me?", I said. There were many students in the music room and all of them cheered for us.

He gave me a cold stare and walked out of the door.

"Hey…hey…Josh?", I followed him.

"Wait", I said and held his hands.

"What? Are you not done with your nonsense?", he shouted and I got scared.

"But why Don't you like me? I'm running behind you since we were 17. Did you never like me at all?", My voice was shaky.

"Yes, I never liked you that way. We are friends okay, nothing more than that. I have been trying to tell you this since we were 20 when I knew about your feelings. We were such a good friend before I knew you liked me. But you are pushing yourself on me too much. Can't you just get the fact that I don't like you that way?", he yelled.

"But…but why Don't you like me?", I had tears in my eyes. 

"You are too bold and strong. You show off your wealth. You always fight with the kids and you probably have to get whatever you want. You don't care about other people's feelings", he said.

"I like someone fragile, who makes me want to protect her. I would like to have someone who is nice to kids and who can talk nicely with them. I like someone who cares about how others feel, not someone like you who is always so stubborn", he looked flustered.

He left saying those words.

Am I that bad? Does he hate me? Is it my fault that I'm not fragile? Is it my fault that I have a strong personality? Is it my fault that I can't get along with kids? Is it my fault that I was born rich? But anyway, what he said is true. I know I'm not kind and I'm arrogant. 

Time skip 

Josh Pov

I was drinking a cup of cappuccino in a restaurant when I noticed something — a girl with a bright smile. She had a camera hung on her neck and she was simply clicking pictures of small kids who seemed to love her. She plays so well with those kids as if she is one of them. As she distributes chocolate to those kids, her eyes are beaming with joy. She is pretty. 

Huh, why am I smiling just by looking at her?

"Sir your bill?", the waitress disturbed me. Still then I kept looking at her while answering the waitress. "Thank you so much, sir. Have a great day", the waitress said politely. "Have a great day", I smiled too. But then she was nowhere after that. I immediately went outside to look for her, but why did I do that? It was just naturally happening. It's as if she is a magnet that is pulling me towards her. I searched for her for 2 minutes and after that, I saw her near the bus station. I went near her and kind of acted like I was just waiting for the bus. She had earphones in her ears, probably listening to the songs. She started humming after a while. That was cute, she has a bright smile. She hopped on the bus and so did I.

The bus was full and compact. There was this pregnant lady who was standing and seemed to feel uncomfortable. I wanted to help her, but I was also one of those who were standing. "Excuse me ma'am?", that same pretty girl called her. "You can sit here. I can stand", she said and let her sit on her seat. "Well, seems like this kid will be a healthy one", she smiled. "I hope so, the delivery is after 3 months", the pregnant lady smiled her back. This pretty lady is kind too.

It was almost getting dark when she went through certain alleys, maybe she was going back home. Still, then, I wanted to follow her. While she was on her way, a few men were drunk. They surrounded her and she was helpless. "Hey, you little girl. Let us take you to our place", they said and held her hands. "Please leave me. I want to go home", she cried. I immediately stepped between them and pulled her close to me. My heart felt unusual when she was just so close to me and when she stared at me, I could do nothing but smile. The feeling was kind of like I wanted to protect this girl. "What the hell are you doing with this girl?", I shouted at the drunkards. The pretty girl was so scared that she ran away immediately. "Hey…be safe", I shouted.

"Hey, you young man! You wanna mess with us, huh? Who is she? Your girlfriend? We saw her first", they said and started attacking me.

The fight was 1:4. Thankfully I took Taekwondo classes when I was in high school. I handled them but they weren't giving up. One of them hit on my back with a log from behind and I fell on my knees. They started attacking me.

It was almost getting dark when she went through certain alleys, maybe she was going back home. Still, then, I wanted to follow her. While she was on her way, a few men were drunk. They surrounded her and she was helpless. "Hey, you little girl. Let us take you to our place", they said and held her hands. "Please leave me. I want to go home", she cried. I immediately stepped between them and pulled her close to me. My heart felt unusual when she was just so close to me and when she stared at me, I could do nothing but smile. The feeling was kind of like I wanted to protect this girl. "What the hell are you doing with this girl?", I shouted at the drunkards. The pretty girl was so scared that she ran away immediately. "Hey...be safe", I shouted.

"Hey, you young man! You wanna mess with us, huh? Who is she? Your girlfriend? We saw her first", they said and started attacking me.

"Hey, you bloody old men. How dare you hit my friend? Do you wanna die? Huh, this is so annoying", someone shouted from behind and started hitting those men with her bag pack.

"Ha..Riya?", I said as I stood up slowly. Since they hit me on the back, I kind of couldn't balance my posture.

"You okay?", she came towards me. But those men pushed her sideways. She stumbled and almost fell to the ground. "Woah… these ugly old men. Y'all tryna mess with me?", she looked flustered and started tying her hair with her rubber band. Oh shit, it's the end for those men. She tying her hair means, she's deeply provoked and now they'll see the demon in her.

"Riya, no…", I said. "Hey…", She shouted and started hitting those men with all her energy. She is a black belt holder in Taekwondo for a reason after all. I feel bad for those men. The imprint of her shoes on their face is so visible. She was so mad that, I had to lift her and go away from that place. Those men lay on the ground in pain while I carried her to some other place.

"Huh, those crazy people. Why did you stop me? I wanted to give them a nice lesson", she fumed in anger.

"Calm down Riya. You have taught them enough lessons. They won't ever pick on anyone else in their entire lives now", I said.

"And what were you doing, huh? I don't think you are that weak to get beaten by them. As far as I remember, you are a gold medalist in Taekwondo", she shouted at me.

"Now why are you angry with me? Just because I'm good at certain things doesn't mean that I cannot get hurt. They hit me with a log, I could barely stand. This is the reason why I don't like you. You are impulsive, wild, and short-tempered", I yelled her back.

She became silent after that. She was calm.

"Huh, you are so ungrateful. Does it hurt?", she said. She looked genuinely concerned about me.

"Yes, I am", I said looking away. "Is it?", She pressed my back so hard that I couldn't stop my moan. "Ah…it hurts", I finally let out my moan.

She shook her head in disbelief and took me to the nearest medical store. She bought a cooling gel patch and applied it on my back.

"Hey, can't you please stop hating me? I want to see that old Josh who used to laugh and cry with me", she said as she applied the cooling gel patch on my back.

"Look, Riya. You are my best friend and I don't hate you okay? I like you but as a friend. I maintained the distance for these many years because I wanted you to stop liking me. You will always be my friend and nothing more than that. If you want me to be like before, you have to promise me that you'll stop liking me and see me only as a friend", I said holding her hands.

"Hmmm…I don't know if I'll stop liking you but I'll try" she said.

"Okay, Ms. Angry Bird", I patted her head.

"Don't call me Mrs. Angry Bird. Do I look like a bird?", she looked annoyed.

"Hmm…Angry Bird", I teased her again.

End of Josh's pov

Finally, they agreed to become friends again.

While they were seated on the bench, they were in their thought.

"Hmm…I don't think I can ever stop liking you. Over the years, though you ignored me…my love for you only grew. Thank you so much for taking me back into your life again. Now I will make sure you love me back. I'll do everything to make you love me back because I can never stop loving you", Riya thought in her mind and simply smiled looking at Josh who was also in his thoughts.

"Why am I thinking about that girl even in this situation? How can someone whom I just saw a few hours ago occupy all the space in my mind? Why do I want to know about her? I don't even know her name", Josh thought in his mind and giggled looking at the sky.