
Business Magnet's Sweetheart: The Mermaid

Coral was a mermaid from another world. Due to an accident, she was transported into a book, which she didn't even know about until the guardian of the book world informed her. The guardian told her to keep her mermaid identity a secret, but can she keep it? However, can someone explain why the female lead and the male lead son were born villain? Initially, he ignored Coral, but he started becoming possessive upon seeing her with other males. *** "Did you see the way he looked at her? It was like no one else in the room." Alexander always hated it when his mom pressured him to get married or have a girlfriend. But one day, on his birthday, he was given a girl as a surprise gift, and he fell in love with her at first sight unknowingly. But his mom said, "Surprise! I've found a little sister for you, Alexander." "..." *Cute and sweet book*

dYdairy_002 · perkotaan
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59 Chs

Chapter 16 Am I That awfull?

Coral opened the door, standing there, feeling a waft of pleasant smell hit her face. To her surprise, it was Alexander.

He was still dressed in his sharp business suit, his tall and muscular frame perfectly filling out the attire.

Coral couldn't help but notice his thin lips and his warm wheat-colored skin, which added to his already striking handsomeness.

"Alexander," Coral greeted him with a smile. "What brings you here?"

Seeing her bright and cheerful face, Coral, who was wearing a vibrant yellow dress that accentuated her long, smooth legs and curvaceous figure, a flicker of displeasure flashed in Alexander's eyes.

"Alexander," she called out again when he remained silent.

Rather than responding, Alexander turned his head away from her and simply said, "Mom is calling you for breakfast." With that, he walked away with long strides.

"What's wrong with him?" Coral thought, pouting.

"Superbee, why does he have to act so stingy? Am I that awful?" Coral vented to Superbee, who was perched next to her ear.

"Perhaps he's always been like this. Remember what Aunt Sofia told you?" Superbee replied.

"You're right! And I should be grateful he didn't kick me out of his house," Coral said to Superbee as she made her way downstairs.

"Yeah...you need to be independent and earn your own money," Superbee chimed in.

"What's money?" Coral and Superbee started conversing with each other, oblivious to the passing maids who cast strange glances at Coral.

"Is she crazy? Why is she talking to herself?" Nancy, a young and beautiful maid, remarked.

"I don't know. But remember what you have to do tonight and once you become Mrs. Li. Don't forget to kick this bitch out of the house and support this old lady," Bria, an old maid with a glint of greed in her eyes, whispered to Nancy jokingly.

"Mom, how could I forget you?" Nancy hugged her mother, her eyes gleaming with greed.


Downstairs, Alexander had already left for the company. Only Sofia and James were present, waiting for Coral at the dining table for breakfast.

"Good morning, Auntie and Uncle," Coral greeted them with a sweet smile that melted their hearts.

Their son was always busy and cold by nature, showing little affection. But now, with Coral around, they felt like they had the sweet daughter they had always dreamed of.

"Good morning," they both replied.

A maid came and served them breakfast, and Coral savored the taste of fresh fruit juice and the delicious meal.

After they finished, Sofia put down her utensils, wiped her hands with a tissue, and looked at Coral. "Coral, would you like to attend school?"

"It's like an academy, similar to the one you attended in the ocean to learn," Superbee whispered.

"Sure. Thank you, Auntie," Coral replied, smiling at Sofia, who returned the smile.

In the ocean, there was an academy for the mermaid clan, where they learned for ten years from a young age. Coral remembered her time there, where she learned without any information about her parents. After completing her education, she started living alone.

At the mermaid academy, they taught common knowledge, the wonders of the sea, medicine, and magic to cultivate their own abilities.

Coral's sensing ability was particularly unique during her time at the academy. She was even told that she might possess another ability, but she would need to pursue higher education to unlock it fully.

However, living a solitary life with no guidance, she chose to live a more ordinary existence—hunting when hungry and patiently waiting to find true love and marry a merman.

Little did she know that her life would take an unexpected turn and end up here Now, she had reached adulthood.

She was afraid that...