
Something ominous

‘Huh! Kill them all you say!’ Theo replied to the voice he heard.


If there is anything in between you and your way, just kill it clean!”

‘But I can’t! I'm weak!’ He was getting engulfed in darkness.

His voice became soft, faint and faded thin away like a river diminishing to a stream and then to a trickle or voice wavers unsteadily like old gray cigar smoke in a room with on ventilation, rising to a mad cackle like a wounded Macaw. At a point he was totally inside a dark world, falling freely. He could feel darkness surging through his veins, it was painful yet accepting, strange yet undeniable!

He felt his sense getting weaker, first the sounds he heard were gone, the calm took over. His vision had already left him and the only thing he could feel was the cold in that dark place.

“Let me help you then, my prince!”