
Looking for answers!

“Umm, it’s delicious, you can cook too!


I’m jealous!” Aeneas seemed to be enjoying the meal.

“Well, the creatures here are quite similar to those you can find outside with the difference being their attributes and features, and…”

Before Lumiere could continue Aeneas stuffed a piece of meat in his mouth shutting him up,


Can’t you pipe down a bit while eating, kid pass me some more!”

seeing him like this was a bit humorous.


Anyways, now it’s your job to always catch the hunt, but remember,

just like today, they’ll come after you if you catch any one of them,

catch more and get more aggressive.

You were lucky today as you got to hold onto only one hunt, but that won’t be enough tomorrow!”

Lumiere warned Theo of what was coming next while chugging down the piece of meat Aeneas stuffed his mouth with.

It was now the nighttime and even though the light was long gone, the surrounding was fairly visible.