
Burning-Hood Deviant

This world is too normal.... Day in Day out, Everyone is just living for their survival. Where's the fun in that?, Wasn't living supposed to be fun?. I need a change...No this world needs a change. And miraculously, The change i needed occurred in an unusual way. *BOOM* At that sound the world changed. 30% of the countries population awakened powers of different attributes. What do I do now that I've got the change I needed?.... There was no need to think...No matter the change....Humans are still humans. There will always be those who can't see the full picture and commit silly crimes. And also those who see the bigger picture and have bigger agenda's. But who will stop them?, Everyone is becoming the antagonist of the story without knowing... We all know a story wouldn't be balanced without someone to go against the antagonists. My eyes as the author came across a young teenage boy like all the others was one of the chosen few... Awakening fire abilities, he chose to use it for fun without knowing he is the one keeping the balance of the story. He and friend Sasuke with child like mentalities became Vigilantes. Join Them as they continue to keep the story in balance while facing increasingly stronger enemies as the story progress. Author's Note: √ Hey Author here, I rewrote the synopsis and I will be apologizing to my readers for the unpredictable release of chapter's one through forty, I had school, family issues and also I'm the only child so you should get but... I'M BACK!!, and I promise to release appropriately from now on. The release rate will be 7 chapters every two weeks please bear with me. I would really love to take down the first forty chapters as I wasn't on balance and just wrote whatever came to my on the spot cause it stakes on my mind as an author but as a person I'm leaving it on so I can use it remind my self of my growth as this is the first novel I've written. Good news...The story I've always wanted to write or had planned to write starts from chapter 41 but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read the first forty chapters, it's good being sincere, you can just call it the beginning chapter's as it just laid the ground work for the actions and main story plot of the story. Also this might sound selfish but please leave a review and umm...power stones, for my growth cause I've got two stories that I know will shake webnovel as a whole so for it to be perfect I'm going over it slowly and thoroughly, you should expect either late 2023 or early 2024. I will give you all an update when it's out cause I should be done with Burning-hood deviant before they start. Anyways thanks for being kind enough to listen to this poor authors note and complaints I really appreciate it and will do my best from now on as I keep on writing you can also you can leave a comment on ideas you have that I can implement into the stories growth. Your's Faithfully, Top_Tier. (•‿•)

TopTier7 · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs


It mistakenly leaked out of my mouth, I peeped over at Momoi and noticed that she was looking downwards with a super red hot face while trembling, why did senpai have to say something like that so casually, its like she has multiple personalities which makes her even harder to read.

Because of Hayami's comment silence covered both of us as the normal conversational atmosphere was long lost as we continued eating.

We finished eating and I just went straight to bed in that silence, I don't know why but I'm just so dizzy right now. Momoi was still there as I just gave her a goodnight and left her there, telling her not to stress her self too much.

I would have loved to go out and search without Sasuke for a change today but, maybe tomorrow or next tomorrow cause tomorrow I will be pretty exhausted taking out those guys in the tennis club, I got to my bed and just fell on and covered my self praying to get taking away by the goddess of dreams and have a good night sleep.

Deep in my sleep I began to hear little voices or maybe it feels like something murmuring to me and something holding me at the same time, it was tiresome and stressful to open your eyes so deep at sleep tonight but the feeling made me uncomfortable, I opened my eyes a little and to my surprise the sun was almost up but it was still pretty much dark. But that wasn't all the surprise stored in place for me, to my right hand side I noticed something big covered within the bed spread so I removed it.


I screamed out a little bit, but I quickly closed mouth by covering it with my hand to not be heard even if I'm pretty sure what's close to me heard it well.

"Hmmm, *Yawns*"

The person stretched while still looking sleepy. And then my alarm rings, but wait a second I didn't set my alarm and also it's not even mine did Hayami bring it last night.

"Oh Good Morning Kasu, sorry if I woke you up but that alarm just reminded me of something"

"And what could that be?"

"Your daily exercise"

"HA!!!...B-But it's still 40 mins past 5 in the morning, ISN'T IT A LITTLE TOO EARLY?!!"

"Oh no, no, no, it's just perfect"


You might be wondering now how my morning went, well to give you a short answer...terrible, merciless, cruel, I was maltreated...the coach was terribly heartless and out of everything that was given to me I only did little out of it, so please... promise me you won't laugh ok.

21 sit ups out of 100, remaining: 79 sit ups

18 push ups out of 100, remaining: 82 push ups

28 squats out of 100, remaining: 72 squats

Come on, I even did better than some guys... I haven't done any workout for almost 2 years and my last sit up record was 3 and push up was 7 so cut me some slacks will yeah.

And the only one I did completely was running from here till school, but here's the problem with this one...I have to run to school and come back home before getting prepared for going to school and I will also run while coming, that's just Hayami being lenient and she also agreed we should add the remaining schedule into tomorrow's own so I have to do +100 in each of them and If I also fail tomorrow it will keep pilling up as long as I surpass the last record by 10 and more.

I could have gone to school with Momoi and Hayami, but the problem is if someone sees us together so I decided to make an excuse that I was supposed to meet up with Sasuke to go to school with him so I left a little earlier than them and I actually did my entire body feels as if I was carrying an entire house on my back, I went to Sasuke's home but I heard he wasn't home, maybe he left for school early today.

I got to school and everything went on as it usually went, I successfully escaped Momoi throughout the entire day even though there was literally no to do that, and during break I searched for Sasuke but couldn't find him and also no clue on Daitan as well, and so the day ends and it was finally time to begin my test on the tennis club and I will make sure I become a regular.

Hayami sent me a text to meet her at the football field as I did yesterday and at the same time, I got there after school and waited. She came as late as she did last time or maybe a little later this time, but I wonder...if shes doing it on purpose or maybe she just had something keeping her busy till now. We walked straight towards the tennis club field.

"Joe...I've brought him, I hope you've brought enough people who are up to the challenge".

"Yeah I did, now let the guy go change and get him ready because I've got some student for you to crack, but that's if you can"

Maann!!, Hayami sure has gotten me into something stressful, Huh?!. I've got to play against two people today and I'm sure both of them must be bad news, but I should check it out before going full strength.

"The Best of One Set!, Kakeru Lead!"

Kakeru threw the ball into the air without saying anything to me and smashes it into my side of the court in full force. It's fast and he's serious cause he started with an ace.


Alright then let's spice things up, I pressed the ball hard in between my folded palm with it inside as it then slipped out of my hand spinning and then I hit it with my racket into his court. He tried to hit it back at me, but he couldn't reach where it landed.


"That's totally unexpected, a tie so early in the game huh, makes it even harder to predict who's going to win". (JOE)

"Huh?!, where's the fun in that...you know your prediction aren't always right, right?" (HAYAMI)

"Tch, I'm not in the mood to argue with you, it would be a real stress to get you to agree with things" (JOE)

"Hmph, well I would have also love to predict how it would go out but like I said before it would be no fun. it's sometimes good to keep your head away from calculations for a change" (HAYAMI)

"Hah, I guess you might be right"

Kakeru served but this time it was a serve that was spinning really fast, I move to catch it but it didn't work, I couldn't hit it back...even after timing it I still couldn't hit it, hah, maybe my body is still slightly stressed cause a lot of people watching or I haven't gotten into the flow of the game, but either way...this is getting a little fun.

I rubbed my hair backward and got ready to serve. I served a normal service but it hits the net and came back to me.


"I don't know why I'm saying this but it seems this game might be a little boring don't you agree?" (HAYAMI)

"Yeah, There is some sort of tension in the atmosphere that's making both of them not to be in agreement" (JOE).

"And if he loses this match, will it make him qualify?" (HAYAMI)

"Well I've already promised him two matches, so if he loses both and the second match ends in either total defeat for him or it gets real boring then he won't qualify, sorry though" (HAYAMI)

"haha, there's no need to get all apologetic but there's no need to worry, the kids real good at making things interesting, no doubt". (JOE)

I got prepared for his service to come and he did it the same as he did last time but this time I actually caught it, I returned it and it actually went in, he caught it and returned it as we continued to hit it back and and forth for almost two minutes without stopping and no increase in the force we added, I could hear some of them saying that he was next in line to become a regular for them, but I don't know if neither of us are serious but I can at-least say we're both just enjoying our selves. But just as they say any good thing doesn't always last forever...this is a test, not my birthday for happiness and If I take him out, I will be able to go against the next person and if I win then I will become a full fledge regular and make Hayami happy or should I say meet her expectations, so for me this isn't just a test for my skills but more like an entrance exam to the next level, maybe.