

The sound of gunshots echoed in the room " You are just mine, your blood, breath,body ,mind , your everything is just mine, No one has the right to take you away from me, I've been waiting for you for so long, I'll make you mine whether you like it or not." Emir drank a glass of water " This water will not quench my thirst, only your tears can quench my thirst, only your tears Miss Eda Ertan " _____________________________________________ "I lost him , I lost him " Eda crying like a baby " I lost him Firuze " "Eda don't be sad , everything will be settle trust me, If your love is true, it will be found, your love will not be empty your love will be return to you may be in different ways, in different shape or may be in different face but it will diffidently come to you " Firuze comforted her " How can you say ?" " you will see honey " Firuze said --------------------------------------------------------------------- Beautiful and delicate girl like fragrant flowers, Eda , who was hungry and desirous of love which she never got before . She was out to find love for herself and got stuck in an many year-old rivalry . It was her misfortune or her test, she got love but the one she loved turned out to be her worst enemy.She was caught in the beautiful trap of a hunter who was already waiting for her to unleash his revenge fire. Will she ever be able to get out of the trap of fake love and hatred? Will her flower of love bloom in the desert of hatred or will she lose her love in the burning fire of revenge? Will she get her love ? -----------------------------------------------------------------------

SiBa_Lili · perkotaan
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14 Chs

Chapter #12 : falling for me ?

Emir saw her face that how innocently she was smelling his scent, a small chuckle escaped from his lips causing Eda to open her eyes " Hey girl what do you want? Huh ? after kisses and hugs wanna eat me now ?? "

What did he say? this is so Oh I can't explain

" NOWAY " she exclaimed and took steps back to stand in a stable and normal position, she gazed at the man who had a small smirk on his face " What am I doing here? who brought me here ? " these were the questions she wanted to ask to him from the start

Emir crossed his hands over his chest " leave everything, tell me, you got only my car in this whole country to die in front of? if you wanted to end your life then you could jump Infront of another one's car but why me? Han? " Emir was complaining to her like a child complaining to her teacher that he got fewer marks after all hard work in test

Emir was questioning to her but in his questions there was an answer of Eda's questions, hearing his words she understood why she is here.

" I didn't want to end my life, actually something was stuck in my suitcase's spinner wheel, so I just " She paused as if she remembered something " wait !! Where is my suitcase? "

" your suitcase is in the room, don't worry about that " Emir said his posture still the same

" Girl I'm serious now, tell me are you falling for me ? " he said in a very serious tone like he really wanted to make sure that she likes him or not , Eda was all stunned by his words, she thought that she heard something wrong " What ? "

Emir was so direct to her, his expression was stable like he didn't have any intention to make her embarrassed, he again said " Are you falling for me? Do you like me? Hm? "

His words were very clear and straight, Eda tried hard to digest his words, she knew that she was drooling over him but it doesn't mean that she is falling for him " What! What are you talking about Mr ? " She exclaimed

" Then why are you following me ? " He said and took steps closer to her, Emir cold breath touched her face making her mind dizzy, a smirk appeared on his lips " Am I that kind of a man that you don't want to lose? hm? "

" no I wasn't following you," She said

Emir took a step head and pursed his lips " Okay , at first in the ice cream store you snatched ice cream from my hand then you kissed me then you came for an interview in my company then you again kissed me then you jumped in front my car and in my house, you fell on me , in my whole day schedule you were everywhere and still you are saying that you were not following me " he said while pouting, pressing the words ' Me ' and ' My '

What a man ! he was making everything in his favor like It was really Eda who was following him, he can think like that because many of the girls came to see this handsome creature but Eda she was there for an interview not for him

" Oh hello Mr, I am not following you and if things going like that so let me tell you, it was you who snatched ice cream from the counter , it was you who stood behind me and it was also you who called me for the interview even I was already late and again it was you who stood behind me just to scare me " Eda pointed at him with her index finger " it was you only you , if you really wanted to help me then you could take me to the hospital but you took me here in your house" She said everything in one beat like he won't give her a chance to speak

But in this time she forget to notice Emir's expressions that were completely changed now, Emir put his index finger on her soft lips and gazed in her dark brown eyes, Eda looked at him counting the intensity of his gaze

" Susshh .. you talk too much" he said in his sexy voice with a hint of seriousness

Eda shut her mouth like a obedient child, Eda looked at his finger that was on his lips , Emir's eyes followed her gaze and his fell on her lips , Emir couldn't think much, he remembered the accident kiss, he really wanted to happen that accident again , Eda lifted her eyes up and caught his eyes that were gazing at her lips like a thirsty cat

Emir's eyes were busy in gazing at her lips, it was the right chance for Eda to take a closer look at his beautiful face, her eyes scanning his face and finally, his lips caught her attention, those sexy lips any woman can die to get one chance to kiss on it

Eda felt paralyzed, she didn't feel this kind of feeling in her life before, Emir slowly downed his finger from her lips giving a shiver down her spine , that was something very weird feeling for him , their gaze met and their eyes locked

A soft knock echoed in the room, Eda averted her gaze , Emir moved back " Yes "

" Dear owner, the soup is ready " a feminine voice came from the other side of the door

" Thank you Mrs Firdous " Emir thanked and turned to look at the girl " Eat something healthy miss paşa " he said gently

" Eat something healthy, I'm not sick " she said

" you are not sick but you are weak , doctor told me, one of the reasons behind your fainting is your weakness that's why you should eat something healthy " Emir said in a very gentle tone his voice filled with the concern for her and Eda could feel it .

" I don't want to eat, I want to go home " She said

" Do you what time is it now ? " Emir said

cheer me up with your power stones

SiBa_Lilicreators' thoughts