
Burned to Beta

When Lynexia's world is stolen by flame, her life falls apart. She is alone and an orphan. She is taken from her home and everything she had ever known. She must figure out what future she will live. Will her mate save her from her darkness?

Samantha_Shaffer · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

A new home

Lynexia sat at the alpha's table while the others ate. She didn't want to eat nor did she want to be there. The Alpha and his Luna had asked that she join them for dinner. Lynexia thought that declining would be disrespectful. These people had agreed to take her in when they really didn't have to. All around were conversations. When the others would address her, Lynexia would nod, give a weak smile, or monsolavic responses. Everyone understood that she was going through a hard time, even though they worried they did not push her to be more engaging.

After dinner, Melania and Rydell bid everyone goodnight and led Lynexia to their house. The house was not large but it was not small either. It was a two story Victorian style house. The first floor looked like a typical Victorian. To the left of the front door was the drawing room that connected to the library towards the back of the house. To the right of the front door was the living room that connected to the dining room towards the back of the house. Between the library and the dining room was the medium size kitchen. You could also access the kitchen by passing by the staircase and down the hall. Under the stairs was a small powder room. Up the stairs was the floor that had the master bedroom and two other rooms that were already dedicated to children that were yet to be conceived. Lynexia was led to another door at the far end of the landing. The door revealed another set of stairs. Rydell and Melania allowed Lynexia to lead the way up the stairs. Lynexia was a little nervous but she went ahead and ascended the stairs. At the top she found a little living room and kitchen area. The kitchen had a small stove and a refrigerator that was already stocked with food. There was a small counter beside the stove and a small table with two chairs. There was also a small island facing the living room. To the right of the stairs were three doors. One led to a good sized bedroom with a king size, four poster bed. The middle door led to a full bath with a clawfoot tub. The last door led to a study. It had a nice carved desk with matching bookshelves. The room was filled with books and papers ready for Lynexia to peruse. Lynexia turned to the couple. "We thought you would be more comfortable if you felt like you had your own place. That way you won't have to interact with anyone if you don't want to. If there is anything you want, need or want to change about your apartment, just let us know. Don't be shy about any request. This is your home and you should have everything you want that we can provide." Rydell explained. Lynexia gave a small smile, "Thank you." She whispered. "You are welcome. Even though we are taking the position of parental figures for you, you do not have to think of us that way. We are your friends and we want to help you anyway we can. And before you start to think this, you are not and never will be a burden to us. You should get some rest. When you are ready you can come find me and I can take you on a tour of our little village or we can take a nice long walk in the woods. I do ask that for now you do not walk off on your own. Atleast, not until you have learned the land and do not get lost." Melania said. Lynexia nodded. "Goodnight, Lynexia." Rydell said. "Goodnight, sweetheart." Melania smiled. Lynexia smiled and the couple left her to settle.

Lynexia sat on the couch and stared at the floor. She was thinking about her parents and how she would never see them or the rest of her pack again. Tears fell from her eyes, she was no longer the princess she had been raised to be. She had never been subservient to anyone. Not that she was sme spoiled brat but following orders was not part of her life. Then she started to think about the future without her wolf. This pack would have to protect her like they would a child. If anyone wanted to attack the village the pack would be in more danger because of the weak human in their midst. She wondered if they would still want to keep her when they realized how much of a liability she was. Would it be better for everyone if she did leave? She did have the means to take care of herself, thanks to her parents, but she did not know how to take care of herself.

Lynexia got up and crossed the room to the large circular window that took up most of the far wall. She looked out at the moonlit forest, the unfamiliar trees unnerved her. The shadows frightened her, back home she knew every tree and every shadow, this was a foreign land. She mine as well have been sent to the moon. She looked up at the moon and begged the moon goddess to guide her. She left the window and walked to the bedroom. She lay down on the bed and closed her eyes. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she fell asleep.

The next morning the bird songs woke Lynexia from her fretful sleep. She opened her eyes and looked around the room. She tried to sit but realized she was fully tangled in the bedding. She untangled herself and left the bedroom. She went to the bathroom and splashed water on her face. She looked in the mirror and saw her face and she barely recognized herself. She left the bathroom and walked to her new kitchen. She opened the fridge but nothing looked good. She grabbed the apple juice and drank straight from the bottle. She walked to the living room and sat down on the couch. She drank her apple juice and thought about going to see Melania. The thought of talking to anyone made her feel sick. Lynexia shook her head, set the juice on the table and went to the bedroom and lay down on the bed. She left the bedding on the floor. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.