
Bunny Boy~

At the ripe age of twenty four Pro Hero Dynamight has never had a day off since he graduated from U.A. His birthday is coming up so the Bakusquad make sure he gets a day off and hire a prostitute named Bunny a.k.a Midoriya for him to relieve some stress with. But Bakugou rejects the idea of having sex with the total stranger so in the end Midoriya just stays the night and leaves the next morning. However, a few months later Midoriya has to vacate his apartment and has no where to go, Bakugou decides to help the stranger. Midoriya's goal is to return the favor. CW: Background relationships/ Midoriya is quirkless/ Quirk accident/ Eventual smut/ Slow burn. Ps. I don't own any of the characters credit to Horikoshi Sensei. Cover art is mine, but inspired by @Elenadrez on Twitter, go support them please. No BDSM lol sorry.

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27 Chs

Move Out.

A month later Deku heard a knock at his door.

He got up rubbing the grogginess from his eyes.

The knocking continued as he stumbled to the front door.

"Coming!" He called out to let the person know he would be there in a moment

Deku looked through the spy hole to see his landlord.

He sighed as he opened the door for the very tan, short, chubby, man with a horrible gray come over that wasn't fooling anyone.

"Hello, sir." Deku greeted the man politely

The guy looked Deku up and down making the other realize he answered the door in his boxers instead of actual clothes.

"Midoriya, you have to leave." His landlord said sternly crossing his dark hairy arms

Midoriya's eyes widened.

"What, why?" He asked taken aback

The man scoffed like Midoriya should already know his reason.

"Your rent is two months overdue." He stated

Realization donned on Midoriya. The middle aged man was right, he was overdue on his rent.

Midoriya unfortunately hasn't had many clients lately. Business was slow around this time of year, he usually gets the most clients during the summer. The last client Midoriya had was Dynamight, but he spent that money on food for the month.

Midoriya doesn't get much from his job in general, but when he does, he spends money on outfits to please his clients. He spends it on his appearance because his clients like a clean faced pretty boy. He also spends it on the things he absolutely needs like food.

However, as much as he tries to cut corners he always comes up short for rent.

Midoriya threaded his fingers together nervously.

"I'm sorry sir, can I just have a little more time? I-"

His landlord looked at the floor then back up at Midoriya with sympathy.

"I'll give you a week to pack your things." He said then turned to leave

Realizing there was no room for arguments Midoriya nodded his head.

"O- okay, thank you." He said shutting his door leaning against it and started to sniffle

He was always a crybaby, but he comes by it naturally. His mother was also a crybaby.


Early in the morning Katsuki walked into the little coffee shop that was only a block away from his agency.

It was cozy and always had lots of customers so Katsuki quite liked the atmosphere.

He waited in line just like everyone else albeit impatiently, but he waited.

"What can I get you handsome?" A barista with black hair and bright green eyes asked as he approached the counter

She almost reminded him of... of no one.

"Grande Coffee. Black." Katsuki told the woman, who's name was Kouhii on her name tag, his order

He liked his coffee natural and without all that sugar crap.

"Easy customer." Koukii smiled and walked over to the cups while pulling out a sharpie

"Can I have your name?" She asked looking at Katsuki through her long fake eyelashes

Katsuki thought about it then answered.

"...Kacchan." He said.

"That's awful cute for a guy like you." The barista giggled writing down the name

"I can be cute." Katsuki rolled his eyes

"I bet." Kouhii hummed turning around to make the coffee

It only took a few minutes to brew the coffee.

"Here you go. That'll be two ten sir." She said sliding it across the counter

"Thanks." Katsuki said inverting his card into the machine and waited for it beep to remove it

"Don't forget your napkin." Kouhii handed a napkin with a wink him just as he turned to leave

Katsuki frowned down at the napkin for a moment then with his black coffee he headed out the door saying a thank you.

On his way out the door he saw a flash of green in his peripheral vision. Once outside he whipped his head towards the window and saw Deku across the Café looking at his phone distressed.

Katsuki shook his head and kept walking. It's not his problem, he had a job, a home, a life, and so did Deku.

He got in his car and drove to his agency parking behind the building.

Katsuki made his way into the agency with his duffle bag over one arm and hot coffee in his other hand.

"Mornin', Bakubro." Hanta waved at him as he stepped out of the showers

"Hey, Kats." Denki smiled as he closed his locker and walked passed Katsuki

"Sup, man." Eijirou smiled pulling up his pants to his Red Riot uniform

"Are we good for beers later?" Hanta asked elbowing Katsuki as he pulled open his locker

"Yeah, whatever." Katsuki sat his coffee down on the bench to get ready for his patrol with Eijirou in twenty minutes

"Sweet!" Eijirou cheered with a big sharky grin

They liked it when Katsuki actually hung out with them even if he complained the whole time.

Once Katsuki finished getting read he and Eijirou headed out for patrol.


It was late in the afternoon when Katsuki clocked out and returned to the small coffee shop.

The jingle of a bell rang as he entered the cute coffee shop. He instantly spotted Deku sitting in the same spot he saw him in this morning.

Katsuki made his way over to the booth and sat down without a greeting.

It wasn't his problem. Deku wasn't his problem. The guy was just a stranger that spent the night at his house and left the next day. They had no attachments other than that one night. Hell, Katsuki didn't even know the guy's real name.

But he looked like he might need help and as a hero Katsuki can't overlook that. His heroic trait told him he needed to help the man.

"Oi, what're you still doing here?" He asked startling the guy in front of him

Midoriya looked up from his phone with wide eyes.

"Still?" How- Are you following me? I told you I wouldn't say anything. I swear I didn't." He started sputtering

Deku looked tired, his clothes were definitely well worn. Katsuki could barely read what the shirt said.

Katsuki frowned.

"I believe you and I'm not following you!" He yelled in a whisper

Katsuki cleared his throat.

"I... saw you this morning on my way to the agency. I get coffee here everyday." He told Deku

Now that he thinks about it he's not really sure why he gets coffee here. He has a coffee machine at home so why would he spend money on coffee here?

Midoriya sighed

"I just came back again this afternoon, I was thirsty."

Katsuki gave him a disbelieving look.

"You're tellin' me you came back, sat in the same exact spot, and drank over half of a Trenta by your tiny ass self?" He stared at Deku quizzically

"I'm not lying." Midoriya said sternly

"You are and you look like shit too, what happened?" Katsuki asked

Midoriya looked down casted.

"You're only saying that because I got prettied up for my client aka you the last time you saw me. Hate to break it to you, but this is what I usually look like. And frankly if something did happen- which it didn't. It's none of your business." He said looking back up to Bakugou

Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"Well lucky you that the pro hero Dynamight is here to help your nerdy ass."

Midoriya frowned.

"With all do respect, Dynamight. I don't need your help." He shook his head

Katsuki opened his mouth only to be interrupted by a feminine voice.

"Hey there, I remember you from this morning." The two turned to see the sweet looking barista Katsuki met this morning

Not many people know what Katsuki looks like outside of his suit. Most people think he's just a Dynamight look alike. However, he has come across people who know right away. Like Deku.

"Hello." Katsuki flatly

"I was expecting a text." She said knitting her eyebrows together sadly

"Lost the napkin." Katsuki replied as an excuse for the fact that he actually threw away the napkin once he discovered the phone number written on it

He gets that shit all the time as Dynamight and as Katsuki.

"I can give you another, if you like." Kouhii said sweetly with shrug

"No thanks." Katsuki said politely, gritting his teeth so he doesn't lash out at the civilian even though she rudely interrupted his important conversation

If word got out that he yelled at this "innocent" barista, his PR agent would be up his ass barking orders for him to be polite to the public until he dies and he wasn't about to deal with that again.

She gave a pout crossing her arms lifting her average sized chest up a little.

"Oh c'mon. We have something good going on." Kouhii grabbed Katsuki's upper arm

Midoriya who had been quiet the whole time decided to speak up once he saw Bakugou's uncomfortable glance at the woman's hand then back up to her face.

"Uh, you shouldn't go around grabbing strangers. it's impolite." He told her

She turned her head towards the voice as if just realizing there was another person at the booth.

"He didn't say anything about it. Let the man speak for himself." The woman frowned

Midoriya sighed irritatedly. He was getting more and more fed up with today.

"He definitely can, trust me, but he's being polite because he has too." Midoriya said slowly standing up

"If you paid more attention you would see that he's uncomfortable and unlike him I'm not in the mood to be polite, but I'll still say it as respectfully as I can. Please, go the hell away." The smaller man planting both his hands on the table leaning towards her plastering the fakest looking smile he could manage

Midoriya knew how things went for Bakugou. Ever since his outburst on the paparazzi that barged into his previous house's property, they're always looking for a reason to trash Dynamight's good name in the tabloids.

He was sure Bakugou probably didn't care, but a good hero like him shouldn't be repeatedly demeaned by the public when he works so hard. He's the number one Hero, people didn't treat All Might like that. They might have treated Endeavor like that, but Dynamight and Endeavor are very different.

A situation like this is exactly what the news outlets would love to get their hands on. So they can publicly shit on Dynamight even though the barista was the one at fault. They didn't care, they would just make Bakugou out to be the bad guy because he's aggressive and a loudmouth.

Midoriya might not know the guy personally, but he's seen how much Bakugou helped society and of course he was strangely kind to Midoriya when he stayed the night at his house.

"You can't-" She started to argue until Midoriya rose a finger to stop her from talking as picked up his phone

*A phone call is here! A phone call is here!*

"Now I have a phone call, it would be best for you not to interrupt me with your desperate attempt to pick up a man who's obviously not interested." Midoriya smiled sweetly again as he answered ringing phone

He was deadly and Katsuki was weirdly proud.

"Yes? Hey... yea it's me, look um..." Midoriya looked at Bakugou , moving the phone and mouthed an "I'll be right back" as he pointed towards the public restrooms

The suddenly irritated Deku was replaced with worried Deku.

Katsuki nodded without a word and Deku excused himself.


"Sorry, I had to come to the restroom for some privacy." Midoriya said as he entered the thankfully empty restroom

The person on the other line inhaled.

"I got your message, but... we don't have the room." He said

"Right, I'm sorry for asking Shouchan. I'll just stay at the hotel again until I find a place. Thank you anyways." Midoriya said

"I'm... I'm sorry Izuku." There was much empathy his voice which he didn't show for just anyone

"Hey it's okay, I'll be fine." Izuku smiled at himself in the mirror as he eyes started to blur

"Are you sure?" Shouchan asked sounding doubtful

Izuku nodded then laughed wetly.

Of course this would happen to him. The world must really hate him.

"Yea, I'm good." Izuku reassured his friend

"Okay..." His friend said and Izuku can imagine his furrowed brows

There was a strange noise on the other end then a louder voice came through the phone.

"Izuku, please be careful and let us know if something changes." Another man said

"I- I will Ina." Izuku nodded with a quiet sniffle as he wiped his eyes with the heel of his hand

"Then, good bye. We'll call you tomorrow." Ina told him

"Can't wait, bye guys." Izuku nodded

"We love you Izuku." Ina friend said with all the kindness he had

"Love you guys too." Izuku laughed wetly again as he hung up

Izuku placed his hands on the sink counter one clutching his phone as his eyes dripped tears down the drain.

Why did everything have to be so hard for him? He's a good person, he follows the laws, he's never hurt anyone, so why does it feel like the world wants to constantly metaphorically shit on him.

Things will be going good for a while then something bad will happen and Izuku's life has to completely change, but it's always for the worst it seems.

He just can't get a break. He feels so alone like no one cares about him.

Izuku sniffed a few times then grabbed a paper towel to wipe his eyes.

He glanced at himself in the mirror, thinking he doesn't look any worse than before so he left the restroom heading back to his seat to deal with Bakugou.