

They were all seated in the living room, the enforcers, the elders, Danica's family, Jerome and Vincent.

Jerome raised his hand and everyone went quiet.

"I trust Vincent has updated you on everything." Jerome stated. "Concerning Alicia's situation, I'm sure most of us are shocked, we all didn't think Alicia capable of such despicable acts, we thought her cute, beautiful, respectful, but to find out it was all an act is disappointing, we need to know more about how to stop her from going after anybody else, we need to figure out why she's doing it, what's her end goal, what's she aiming at.

"If you have anything to add before I call the alpha's of moonstone pack, please talk now."

No one did, Jerome nodded and tipped his head at Vincent who dialed Casper's number.

"Casper speaking." Casper said on the other line.

"Olivia present!" Olivia shouted along with Casper.

Danica's mouth tipped up in a smile.

"You may go ahead and tell us about your theory." Jerome said.

"Sure." Olivia replied. "What I think is that, Alicia made a deal with Andromeda, she's like the goddess of the three streams, Death, Life and Creation, my believe is she went to Death Andromeda and exchanged her life for the black seeds only death grows and she'll go to life exchanging the black seeds for her life back."

Many of them frowned.

"Uhm, could you explain what you just said?" Vincent asked on behalf of everyone.

"Sure, When I first killed mariofozna, I thought she was dead, not knowing that she'd already made a deal with Death Andromeda so when she died her soul went to Death Andromeda. The deal she made with dead Andromeda was; her life for ten black seeds only Andromeda grows.

Mariofozna planned to give these black seeds to creation Andromeda in exchange for her life back."

"So what you're saying is Alicia might have made the same deal?" Jerome asked. "But why would she have planned to die, was she counting on us finding out? She's the master mind?"

"I'd think so, and if she's already gone ahead with it then I'd say you have four more days before her spirit becomes solidified." Said Casper.

"Thank you Olivia and Casper."

"You're welcome." They disconnected the call.

"So anyone has any idea why Alicia would want to do this?" Jerome asked in a calm voice.

"For revenge?" Vincent said.

Jerome shrugged, "that's the obvious answer, but revenge for who, why? For what?"

"For power ?" Cara added.

"Power for what? to achieve what?" Jerome asked, "who was close to Alicia? Was she depressed? Angry, before she died?"

"Oh, I remember something." Said Danica, "my power didn't work on her, most of you probably don't know this, but when I touch people, in some cases, not all the time, and mind you I don't do it purposely, well sometimes I do, but I couldn't get a reading on her, it was like she blocked me from reading her."

"What do you mean?" Vincent asked.

"When I touch people in some cases, I know what they're thinking, what they've done, what they're hiding but I couldn't get anything on Alicia, it was quiet." Danica explained. "But Hailey would probably be the best person to ask about Alicia."

"Why do you say that?" Jerome asked.

"Because she bullied Alicia."

"Oh, I heard about that."


Hailey looked at everyone and bowed her head. "I bullied her, sure, but why am I here?"

"Well why did you bully her, what words did you call her, why bully her in the first place?"

"Okay before we start the interrogation, I should probably say Alicia wasn't exactly a saint herself, I mean everyone our age knew it. There was this human guy in school who loved Alicia, he was hot, so everyone knew who he was, Alicia treated him like trash, called him names, said he wasn't up to her level, but the most amusing thing was, no matter how much Alicia abused him the boy didn't give up, we went on a summer break and suddenly when we resumed Alicia and this guy were suddenly best of friends , they were inseparable, their relationship was what you'd call unhealthy, it was toxic, borderline obsessed, Alicia forbade him from being with anybody, he avoided the other students like they were plagues, turned into Alicia's lap dog, obeying her every whim, for a time we sorta started abusing the boy, telling him to grow a spine, laughing about how he was so blinded by the love he had for Alicia.

About seven months to the time he and Alicia became friends, He died while he was on his way to Alicia's house in a car accident, Alicia was the last person he called on his phone—that's what the police told us— so everyone just sorta assumed he was on his way to Alicia because he was like a street away from her house. Everyone blamed Alicia for his death, we just sorta took it out on her, well I did, Alicia changed drastically, she stopped talking to anybody, it was like she folded in on herself." Hailey shrugged. "That's it."

"Well bullying explains why your case was more critical." Jerome frowned, "but it still doesn't explain why she's doing it."