
Bullet Wound

"I like your moxie love" the boss man says while he walks over and put his what I soon find out to be chloroform cloth over my face as my vision slowly darkens.

FaythgoWrite · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

What does this mean?

Before you start reading this book this story may contain:

•Abuse/Graphic Violence

•Sexual talk/Nature


•Mature language

This book is made for a mature audience, That being said I hope you enjoy!

-Bullet Wound-

~Chapter 6~

It felt nice like this warm feeling, the one

you could only get from a father

I wish I gotten to grow up with the warmth like that. I could tell he is all tough on the exterior but a soft teddy bear on the inside but I guess you have to be when your the lead of the Italian mafia, I could tell that there all like that. "How long is she going to be here for? Are you going to kill her boss? Or do you want me too?" Xavier says and I can't help but laugh 'This is really the way I'm about to die?? By mafia men? Pffffff' I said in my mind still laughing.

"Ah ah sorry it's just that this whole thing-" I say while pointing at them and the whole room "-is definitely the way I wanted to go out god good,Thank you" I say while looking at the ceiling "We're not going to kill you love-" Asher says while looking around the rest of the room "-we just don't know what we're going to do with you" he says while staring at me. "How about one of yous get Harlow and she'll help what's your name dear?" Lillian I reply "Lillian get some proper clothes and not dress like a bloody street walker"(hooker).

"Damion you do it" Luka says "you know what I will actually" Damion says then turns to me giving me a devilish smile. "Actually no I'll do it" Luka quickly spits out "Nope, lets go Angel" Damion says the throws me over his shoulder "HEY! Put me down!" I say furiously. He lets out a laugh and starts walking up the stares "what? Scared of height? Aw to bad lets get going, don't try to fight me by the way I'm apart of the mafia Angel and your what five foot so don't try to bite my ankles".

I scoff "Actually I'm five four thank you very much" I say with sarcasm "hmm oh that just changed everything- gasp you can kick my six foot-ten ass now I'm trembling!" Damion says in a stupidly fake scared voice. "Hmmmfff good you know you should be scared of me now" I say in full seriousness before both of us just start laughing hysterically. "My lady we have arrive to our closet room" ...a what no no sorry go back a WHAT A CLOSET ROOM!? WHO HAS A CLOSET ROOM? Okay okay okay Lillian calm down calm down calm down.

"Why thank you kind sir" I say and when Damion placed me down I bowed "oh oh and who the hell has a closet room!? Like I've literally never in my entire life heard of a closet room like is that a rich person thing? Or a mafia thing?" Damien lets out a laugh "It'sk a mother who is obsessed with fashion thing" I let out a laugh "okay also what am I supposed to be doing in here like have you see your moms body just like swoooop-" I say making a hour glass in the air "and I'm not putting myself down but like I am definitely not going to fit in her clothes" yes I know I sound really self conscious but it's true I definitely don't look like that.

"There's no need to be like that Angel" Damion said in a soothing voice and gently tilts my head with his hand. I can feel my face heat up when he does that and it's so weird I haven't felt like this since middle school. It only grows hotter when Damion says "Angel crimson definitely suits you" I quickly pull away and turn around, trying to get myself back to reality.

"Hey! Um when do I get to try on some new stuff?" I say embarrassed "Enzo puoi aiutare il mio grazioso angelo qui?"

(Translation: Enzo can you help my pretty Angel here?)

I look at him confused but I can tell he definitely tell he's talking to someone who isn't me.

Shortly after a well dressed man appears with a bunch of breath taking outfits. "But- you didn't even- have my-" the man I assume is Enzo hands them to me, I can't help but be surprised but well the surprise arose so did dread. What if they'll prostitute me? What if they sell my to a human trafficking trade? What if there giving me nice clothes then murder me!? All these thoughts started spiralling around my brain.

I quickly snap back to reality when I heard Damions voice "Are you okay Angel?" Why does he even care? Isn't he supposed to be all horrible and terrifying? "...yeah.. I'm going to go try on the clothes now" Damions face falls like he's concerned, I don't give that much time because Enzo leads me to the changing room. "Ecco qui" he says then walks away I didn't notice in-till now but the changing room is massive, I should of expected it but still I can't help but to be shocked.

(Translation: here it is: Ecco qui)

-End of chapter😊✌🏻


Hii lovely's I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it was quite short but I'm going threw writers block so I just wanted to post something that is good quality.

~Hugs and kisses : Fayth🥺✌🏻💖