
Bullet Knight: A Mercenary's Journey to Another World

Kazuki is just an ordinary high school student, content with his quiet life as an anime and manga enthusiast. However, his life takes a sudden turn when he finds himself transported to a completely different world, filled with danger and excitement. In this new realm, magic and adventure abound, but so do death and struggle. As he navigates this strange and treacherous world, Kazuki must rely on the support of those who believe in him. Together, they set out to conquer the obstacles that lie ahead, with the ultimate goal of defeating the powerful Demon league led by the ruthless Heisen. Will Kazuki and his allies be able to survive the trials that await them and emerge victorious against their powerful enemies? Only time will tell as they embark on a perilous journey filled with mystery, magic, and unexpected twists and turns. Book plot under renovation

Tsuriis · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter 10.1: The Dangers from Within part 1

After several weeks of travel, we finally arrived at Ravensfield. As I surveyed the surroundings, the quaint and tranquil town appeared unchanged since my previous visit.

Many of the locals didn't seem to recognize our arrival as I observed them. Upon reaching the town's main entrance, the lively and thriving atmosphere continued as always.

It seemed that the massive catastrophe from before hadn't spread news and rumours of a fallen hero. It was as if those events had been forgotten, though I had not. Regardless, I preferred to operate discreetly, beneath the radar of the townsfolk. After a brief exchange of contemplative conversation, we proceeded to the gates of the Great Labyrinth.

The Ravensfield Labyrinth.

Surface Floor.

Here we stood once more. I turned to Claudia, my voice carrying a mix of excitement and challenge, "Are you prepared for this moment, Claudia?"

"You bet, Kazuki!" Claudia's response was resolute, her voice radiating determination.

With synchronised determination, we ventured into the labyrinth anew. As we crossed the threshold, I swiftly armed myself with my trusty revolver. In the past, I had been ridiculed as the weakest link among my classmates. Now, however, things have dramatically changed.

Claudia and I fought our way through a swarm of formidable opponents – dread skeletons and mechanoids – cutting down anything that dared stand in our path.

Descending from the 1st to the 4th floors, I tested my new weapon. With each cartridge I fired from my revolver, adversaries fell like leaves, one by one.


"Hell yeah! This gun can take down anything."

As the gun discharged, I noticed an electric aura swirling within the muzzle itself. It became clear that this revolver was more than just a weapon; it was a force to be reckoned with.

"The way the gun charges, an electrical aura inside the muzzle itself. This revolver is a keeper," I muttered, taking a moment to appreciate the craftsmanship of my weapon.

In the distance, I spotted a passage leading to where my former party and I had ventured – the same route that teleported us to the 62nd floor. Claudia and I hesitated briefly, mustering our courage before proceeding toward it.

As we entered the entrance of the 62nd Floor, the gates of the Floor Guardian loomed before us. I hesitated, memories of past encounters with my former teammates flooding my mind.

However, I drew strength from the progress I had made and the weeks of camaraderie shared with Claudia. My experience had grown, and my statistics had vastly improved as I levelled up to reach this point.

"Before we step inside and confront the Floor Guardian, this will test my past experiences with my former party," I addressed Claudia, my voice a mixture of reflection and determination.

"My strength will be perceived as that of an Irregular Entity."

"But no matter what happens, we will prevail."

As I entered the arena of the Floor Guardian, an expectant hush descended, punctuated only by a single spotlight illuminating the arena. I advanced cautiously, my footsteps echoing softly as I moved toward the centre of the shadowed expanse.

At that moment, the arena burst into life as surrounding lights flickered on. The Floor Guardian of the 62nd floor was summoned once again, yet this time, both Kazuki and Claudia were ready.

"Here it comes, Claudia. Get ready!"

"Acknowledged!" Claudia's reply was confident and unwavering.

Swiftly, I withdrew my Dual revolver from my waist. As I did so, the Floor Guardian's attention was suddenly fixed on me.

A grin crept onto my face, an adrenaline rush coursing through my veins. I commanded Claudia to flank the creature from its rear as I confronted it head-on.

Thus, the ultimate confrontation with the Abaddon of the Abyss commenced.

I began to unleash a torrent of bullets, each shot resounding through the cold, dimly lit arena. The Floor Guardian, with its immense strength and nightmarish appearance, responded with a primal roar, its armour made of reinforced obsidian clashing against Kazuki's gunfire. Its crimson eyes bore a malevolent intent, focusing directly on me.

Claudia's movements were lightning-fast, an essential aspect of our strategy. Evading the Floor Guardian's devastating attacks, she seamlessly weaved a barrage of spells and physical strikes.

Arcane energies crackled and danced around her, imbuing her strikes with amplified power. Her abilities complemented mine flawlessly, and together, we orchestrated a relentless onslaught.

As our coordinated assaults continued, the obsidian armour encasing the Floor Guardian began to shatter, revealing its vulnerabilities. Each precise shot I delivered, combined with Claudia's precisely timed spells, exploited these weak points.

"His armour is shredded; now's our chance."

In response to my cue, I unleashed a concentrated flurry of bullets. I alternated between left and right, targeting the exposed inner skin of the Floor Guardian. Each shot hit its mark, inflicting critical damage. The creature writhed in agony, its once-impervious defence now compromised.

Simultaneously, Claudia seized the opening, casting her spells with unmatched precision. Her incantations flowed seamlessly, invoking bolts of lightning and torrents of fire that rained down upon the vulnerable Guardian.

My relentless gunfire and Claudia's devastating magic coalesced into a symphony of destruction that echoed throughout the arena. The Floor Guardian fought back with a last-ditch effort, attempting to stave off the inevitable.

Summoning its remaining strength, the Guardian charged head-on toward Kazuki and Claudia, intent on delivering a final blow. Unwavering, we pressed on, drawing strength from the bond we had forged.

"Bang… Bang… Bang…" My gunshots echoed, their rhythm matching the pounding of my heart. Each shot became a declaration of our determination to emerge victorious.

Claudia's gaze burned with resolve, her focus unbreakable as she continued her onslaught of spells. The power she wielded was awe-inspiring, and I marvelled at her mastery of the arcane.

As the Floor Guardian weakened further, I gathered my resolve for the final blow. At that moment, memories of past experiences with my former classmates flashed before my eyes, serving as both a warning and a reminder of betrayal.

Simultaneously, a surge of anger and rage surged within me, a burning desire for vengeance.

In a final, coordinated effort, Claudia and I unleashed a devastating fusion of attacks. Her lightning intertwined with my bullets, creating a searing tempest of destruction that enveloped the Guardian.

The creature emitted a final, thunderous howl before disintegrating into ash. The once-dominant, malevolent Floor Guardian was no more. The victory was ours.

Exhausted but exhilarated, Claudia and I stood amidst the aftermath of battle. We had triumphed over an indomitable enemy, proving that together, we were an unstoppable force.

As we caught our breath, a sense of camaraderie washed over us. We exchanged a knowing smile, understanding that this victory was not merely about defeating a formidable foe, but about the unbreakable bond we had nurtured throughout our journey.

"Good work, Claudia," I commended sincerely. "We make a great team, you and I. Thank you; you've been a tremendous help."

Her smile radiates warmth and appreciation. "And thank you for being there, Kazuki. I couldn't have done it without you."

Our mutual expressions of gratitude deepened the connection between us. As we shared this moment, I approached Claudia with newfound confidence, gently taking her hands in mine.

A rush of emotions coursed through me as our fingers intertwined. My heart raced, its rhythm echoing the intense connection between us. My gaze met Claudia's, my eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and vulnerability.

She regarded me with curiosity, her own emotions playing across her expressive features. Her lips curved into a shy smile, mirroring the apprehension and excitement that danced within me.

With a steadying breath, I leaned in, closing the remaining distance between us. Our lips met in a soft, tender kiss, and in that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still.

Claudia's lips were soft against mine, her taste an intoxicating blend of sweetness and warmth. It was as though the universe had aligned to grant us this enchanting instant.

Our hands remained intertwined, and as we parted, our eyes locked once more. The blush that adorned her cheeks only enhanced her allure, and my heart raced as I realised the significance of this shared kiss.

"I… I've wanted to do that for a while," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. It was a confession of a long-held desire, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of vulnerability.

Her smile grew, a blend of surprise and delight lighting up her features. "That was unexpected," she confessed, her voice tinged with a mix of shyness and excitement. "But… I liked it."

A grin spread across my face at her response. "I'm glad you did," I replied, my excitement palpable.

The unexpected yet exhilarating exchange seemed to solidify the connection between us, deepening the bond we had forged through battles and trials.

With our shared victory behind us, we refocused our attention on the task at hand. My curiosity compelled me to explore further, my gaze wandering as I contemplated venturing down another passage beyond the 62nd Floor.