
Chapter VIII. The Agreement

"System? What is the origin of this egg?"

[ Host! The system can't tell you much right now, to unlock the data of this, you have to reach the 9th stage and transcend. Only then are you strong enough to understand everything what happened. ]

"The 9th Stage? That's the legendary stage, only the ancestors of mankind achieved this stage thousand of years ago." I was shocked at what the system had told me. What dangers could there be hidden that even the 9th stage was only enough to get some information about it.

Now there was another reason why I had to become the greatest.

I dreamed of a lot this night, from ruling an empire to just enjoying the life, some of the old memories of earth flashed past me and I couldn't help but think about all the good times I had, they weren't many but the ones that were, were the best moments of my past life.

Unbeknownst, a tear appeared on my face.

A long and unforgettable night past me, the next day waited for me. Today I would meet with the mayor and maybe make a trading agreement to support the economy of my town.

I had already put on my clothes and went down the stairs. Downstairs, some other guests were already enjoying their breakfast, so I sat down and ordered myself, some bread and beer.

After a few minutes of waiting, the young girl from yesterday brought me my dishes while looked at her perfect skin.

After eating the breakfast, I went through the many streets, past the thousand of little houses, until I stood in front of a 5 floor building resembling a small mansion. Two heavy guards guarded the entrance and didn't allow anyone to get through. I walked towards the entrance and was stopped like everyone.

"What is your business here?"

One of the two said with a deep voice.

"I have some great things for your lord."

I replied while pulling a little bottle with red liquid hidden inside my jacket out.

"And I don't think, you want to be responsible, when you told your lord, he let a great trade slide, because of your incompetence." I quickly added to my sentence.

The guard with a mustache looked at the other guard.

None of them dared to do anything, until one of them finally decided to go in and ask for permission.

The other one was still watching my every move.

A moment later, the guard returned and signaled me to come inside.

"The lord awaits you and your business."


I entered and stood inside the grand main hall. The Walls were decorated with red trapeze and lion like status were engraved in the ceiling. In the middle of the large room a huge crystal was hanging on a chain connected to the ceiling. Reflecting the light of the sun shining through the 8 exquisite windows.

When I stopped admiring the choice of the architect, a young lady opened a white tall door and said in a humble and sweet voice

"The Lord is ready to talk about your business now, please come in."

I followed her into the room. Just like the room before, everything was built with showing of the luxury of the owner.

A desk, made out of dark red wood was standing in the middle of the room.

Behind the desk, was a grand chair, in wich an old man about 60 to 70 years old, sat.

"I have heard of your potion, may I see for myself?"

"Sure" I handed him one of the middle grade healing potions.

"Mh" He sniffed at the red liquid and a little smile appeared on his face.

"Is this a middle grade healing potion?"

"Yes, an original middle grade, I have one thousand of these, and I also have one hundred high grade ones" I replied as I looked into his eyes. I could clearly see his unwillingness to let this deal get thrown away.

As he remained silent for a moment, many things shot through my head. For how I should explain him, how I got them and so on.

"I would buy all of your stock for 50 Gold Coins per middle potion. And for the high grade potions, I would pay 500 gold each, that would be all together 100.000 Gold" He answered hesitating a little, because the normal price of a healing potion was 60 gold.

"I accept! I can give you the potions today, and we can reach an agreement that I will sell my potions to you for the next months. 2000 middle grade and 200 high grade every month. What do you think?" I said, hoping to close the deal as soon as possible.

"My assistant will bring the contract in a minute, let's talk about something else."

"You know, I also have a very lovely daughter around your age.."

"What?" I suddenly cried out. "In the most respectable way, sir, but I am not looking for any kind of engagement."

"Well if you say so, but I can always arrange a meeting if you want" A laughter erupted.

"I really don't thin-"

"Sir, I have prepared the contract."

The ice cold assistant came into the room holding a document in her hand.

When I looked at the contract, I noticed some clauses written, but that didn't have much of an impact on the trade. I cut my finger and a drop of blood splashed onto the paper. He did the same.

"Happy Cooperation"

We said in union and shaked hands.

An hour later, I arrived outside the city, when I went to the hiding spot where I had left the army and carriages, Zhang Yi and Zhang Yu noticed me and immediately came running towards me.

"Your Majesty, we await your orders!"