
Building A Base In An Immortal Realm

TheWierdo_Legion · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Primal Energy


The beasts body fell to the ground while it bled from its eye.

Alex could hear its heart stop beating with sensory awaken. He also heard the remaining beast stop attacking the porch.

"It must've heard the shattered glass"

The beast ran to the patio and looked stunned when it saw its partners corpse. When its saw Alex standing in the house its eyes went bloodshot knowing it found the culprit.

Before Alex could ask the being to enable the protection, the beast ran to the patio and broke the remaining glass giving it enough space to go through through the glass door.

Alex was surprised but not afraid. With sensory awaken activated it was as if time slowed down so everything seemed slower, too bad his body couldn't keep up though, so he couldn't attack it before it went through the glass door.

When Alex saw it go through the glass door he decided to retreat to the living room because he knew he couldn't win within close range. When he got to the living room with the beast hot on his tail, he took out the knife he kept in his pocket from its sheath, then threw it with all the power he could muster.


The knife ripped through the air towards the beast.

When the beast saw Alex stop running, it stood on it hind legs to lunge towards him. It saw the weak human trying to throw things at it but it payed him no mind, all it wanted to do was kill this human.

The knife hit the beasts paw as it was lunging towards Alex. It roared in pain.

When its paws landed on the ground it caused the knife to penetrate even deeper and it roared even louder.

Alex took this opportunity to run outside, and the beast now in an even greater frenzy charged viciously towards the door.

It seemed to forget that it couldn't break through the house in its rage causing it to ram into the wall. It squealed and opened its mouth to let out a scream.

Alex, already outside saw this as an opportunity and with his crossbow already loaded he shot towards its open mouth that was in front of the door.


the bolt ripped through the air and went into the beast's mouth penetrating through the back of the neck.

It tried to scream but it couldn't, all it could let out was a small squeal before it quickly suffocated.


Its lifeless body dropped to the floor. Alex intentionally threw the knife at its paw to get it in a frenzy knowing that even with sensory awaken he still didn't have the strength to stab through its tough skin.

Alex was finally relieved knowing that he tided through this crisis, but now he had to think of how to get out of the desert.

As he was walking back into his house he heard the voice of the mysterious being ring in his mind.

[Ten Seconds Left for Sensory Awaken Activation]

[10, 9, 8, 7,...]

When Alex heard this he started running towards towards his house because he knew that it would be disastrous to be weakened in the desert, but before he could reach the door he heard the voice again.

[Sensory Awaken Deactivated]

Alex felt a wave of fatigue wash over him combined with a painful soreness.

This was the most tired he had ever felt; it felt like something was pulling him into the darkness, he finally couldn't hold on and passed out.

Alex regained consciousness and heard three people talking over him.

"Miss, we can't help this person, you know how these desert people are, they'll do anything for a quick gain"

Another man with a deep voice spoke

"He could just be bait and might have a tracking item on him."

A woman with a light voice spoke up.

" He's just a child, even those old men in the nadi clan couldn't be so unscrupulous."

Before Alex could hear anymore he passed out.


Alex woke up on a hard bed with scraggly sheets, his surroundings pitch black. He looked around to see the only piece of furniture was a nightstand to the side of the bed.

The door of the room slowly opened and in came three people: one woman and two men.

The woman told one of the two men who seemed to be a subordinate to press a button. After the man did that a light opened from an unknown place in room, temporarily blinding Alex.

When he regained his senses he could finally see the three people clearly; there was a burly man with pale white skin and with a bushy brown mustache, a skinny old man with dark brown skin and a goatee, and then a woman who he could only see her dark brown eyes but with clothing that outlined her curves.

They started to speak in some foreign tongue Alex had never heard before and after a few minutes of seeing Alex confused face they congregated to discuss something between them. It was mostly the two who seemed like subordinates trying to convince the woman of something and her expressing disagreements.

After a while of this they turned to Alex and the old man looking annoyed came in front of him and started doing hand gestures. He took out a small purple crystal from a pouch on his cotton trousers and did a gesture of pointing his index finger at the crystal, then he opened his mouth and acted as if he were placing it in his mouth while gulping. He then looked directly at Alex with a forced smile that made him look very unsettling while throwing him a thumbs up.

He then tossed the small crystal to Alex who was still on the bed who grabbed it and gave the old man a look of suspicion. Even though he understood what the old man wanted him to do he was still very reluctant to swallow an object he knew nothing about, not only because of his unfamiliarity with the object but also because he didn't believe he could even swallow the object.

Seeing the unwilling expression on Alex's' face the burly man started to laugh at the old man while holding his stomach. The old man glared fiercely at the burly man then turned back to Alex with an irked expression he then started releasing an aura that made Alex sweat as if he was facing a tiger that could pounce at him at anytime. Feeling the situation changing Alex got the feeling they would stop being so polite and whether he wanted to or not he would have to swallow the crystal, so relunctly Alex took the crystal and placed in his mouth.

As he was contemplating on whether to swallow the crystal or to find some way to hide it in his mouth the crystal suddenly started melting on his tongue. He unconsciously gulped when he felt the liquid in his mouth, he then felt a cool stream go down his throat leaving a bitter taste.

After a few moments he started feeling dizzy while he was swinging from side to side to try to hold on as he fell back on the bed. He heard some whispers come from his brain and some hums' of some kind in an unfamiliar language. He was close to passing out but before that he heard some conversation from the trio in the room and this time to his amazement he actually understood what they were saying!