
Buffy: Self insert

Cyrus Knight arrives in Sunnydale with a secret.Struggling to blend in while subtly guiding events, Cyrus faces the challenge of earning their trust without revealing his knowledge. As Buffy and her friends grow increasingly wary of the mysterious new figure, Cyrus must navigate the delicate balance of protecting them from the shadows. Support me: patreon.com/NeverluckySMILE

NeverluckySMILE · Televisi
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34 Chs

Chapter 1: Arrival in Sunnydale

The sun had just begun to dip below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the small town of Sunnydale. A lone figure stood at the bus stop, the last remnants of daylight dancing on his face. He adjusted his worn leather jacket and took a deep breath, the scent of the ocean mixing with the faint aroma of distant barbecues. This was it. The beginning of everything he knew and everything he could never reveal.

His name was Cyrus Knight, a name chosen to blend in yet stand out just enough. Cyrus had spent countless nights watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, memorizing every detail, every twist, every character arc. Now, he found himself inexplicably in their world, a world where vampires, demons, and a hellmouth were all too real.

As the bus pulled away, Cyrus slung his backpack over his shoulder and started walking towards Sunnydale High. He felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. He knew what was coming. He knew the pain, the loss, the battles that lay ahead. But he also knew he could make a difference. He had to be careful, though. Too much interference could change everything.

On his way, Cyrus passed by a small group of teenagers. He recognized them immediately: Buffy Summers, Willow Rosenberg, and Xander Harris. They were laughing, oblivious to the destiny that awaited them. Cyrus's heart ached with a mixture of nostalgia and foreboding.

"Hey, new guy!" Xander called out, his usual cheerfulness evident in his voice. "You lost?"

Cyrus gave a small smile. "Just looking for the high school. First day and all."

Buffy's eyes narrowed slightly as she scrutinized him. "Welcome to Sunnydale. Just stay out of trouble, and you'll be fine." Her tone was light, but there was an underlying caution in her gaze.

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind," Cyrus replied, giving her a nod before continuing on his way.

The school loomed ahead, a place of learning by day and a battleground by night. As he entered the building, Cyrus couldn't help but feel the weight of his knowledge pressing down on him. He had to find a way to blend in, to help when he could without revealing too much.

In the halls of Sunnydale High, Cyrus kept his head down, observing the students and teachers, noting the subtle and not-so-subtle signs of the supernatural. He made his way to the principal's office to collect his schedule, all the while acutely aware of the danger that lurked beneath the surface of this seemingly ordinary town.

As the day wore on, Cyrus attended his classes, making a mental note of the key players in the unfolding drama. He knew he had to gain their trust, but that would take time. For now, he would remain the mysterious new student, a puzzle that Buffy and her friends couldn't quite piece together.

That night, as he lay in his small, rented room, Cyrus stared at the ceiling, his mind racing with thoughts of what was to come. He had one advantage over everyone else in Sunnydale: he knew the future. But with that knowledge came a heavy burden. He had to be careful, to play his part without tipping the balance too much.

Cyrus sighed and closed his eyes, the faces of Buffy, Willow, and Xander swimming in his mind. Tomorrow would be another day, another step in a journey he had only just begun. He was here for a reason, and he wouldn't let them down. Not now, not ever.