
Buddha’s Late Night Visit

FoxyBoxy23 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Season Two - Buddha at Night

It had been several days and nights since my last encounter with any holy beings. I was beginning to think that I had imagined the whole thing. Skeptical in nature as I was, I found it hard to believe that such a situation had occurred in the confines of my own room. I decided that I should find a way to forget the whole thing even happened.

I was walking along the sidewalk on a cold, bleak November evening when I thought I saw something in the overwhelming darkness around me. I turned to look at whatever it was, but upon further inspection, I saw that nothing was there. A cool breeze rushed passed my left ear. I thought I faintly heard a whisper in the wind at that moment, but, of course, I ignored it as my imagination and I kept walking into the night. All but a few moments later, I once again felt the brisk wind swish the hairs by my ear and this time I knew what was said.

"Peeenis...peeeeeenis..." Whatever it was spoke.

I was immediately reminded of my tryst with the honorable Buddha just a few days prier. I wondered if this was once again Buddha sending me a message. Suddenly, a whirlwind of air began to twirl around me, whispers of "Peeeenis..." and "Big peeeeeenis..." coming from hundreds of disembodied voices, male and female, all around me. I started to spin around, desperately searching for the owner of these voices, but I could not find one.

"Peeeeenis..." a familiar female voice said.

I recognized this voice. It was the voice of one of my closest friends, Summer. I looked around in a panic, trying to find her, but once again, I could not find anything.

"Peeeeeenis..." another familiar voice, a male this time, said. I understand this to me the voice of my brother, Danny.

"Big peeeeeenis..." another female voice spoke. This was the voice of another one of my friends, Kennie.

At this point, I had given up on searching for the owner of these voices, coming to terms with the fact that they were not coming from a human. I wondered if once again, Buddha was indeed speaking to me, or at least playing a trick on me. I wondered when it would end.

But the familiar voices only got louder, closer, and more daunting than ever. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I felt myself tipping over, my footing lost during my spinning. I hit the rough concrete, blacking out, Buddha's soft, calming voice the last thing I heard because my world faded to black.
