
Chapter 4

Y/n's POV

When I wake up, I'm tied to a seat in what looked like a warehouse. I see a door open and Bangchan walks out.

Y/n: So much for not caring whether I'm dead or not.

Bangchan: Yeah I said that to Mina. Not to Y/n.

Y/n: So what? Suddenly you just wanna kill someone you just met? What did I do?

Bangchan: There's a reason you're important y/n. Its cause your important to Taehyung.

Y/n: Ha. You wouldn't even know. You know they technically knocked me out and kidnapped me right?

Bangchan: And you had so many chances to escape. Why didn't you?

Y/n: Well thats...thats.....

Bangchan: It's because you have feelings for Taehyung, no? Feelings for all of them. You care about those people who kidnapped you.

Y/n: I-

Bangchan: For such a long time, Taehyung had no weakness. Now he does. I thought I would grab the chance when it came along. He was worried for you, you know. When you fainted on camera. I could see the fear in his eyes. The fear in his voice.

Y/n: So what? You're gonna try to break Taehyung down by kidnapping me? Torturing me? Maybe even killing me?

Bangchan: You know, by now, most people would be begging for their life. Yet you willingly welcome death?

Y/n: Maybe you just don't know me. I'm different.

Bangchan: How?

Y/n: If I told you, wouldn't you know my weakness then?

Bangchan: Hm smart girl.

Y/n: So what now? You think you've won?

Bangchan: Actually yes.

Tons of men rush through the doors with guns and point them at me.

Y/n: Well not the kind of death I was hoping for but alright. Shoot me.

Bangchan: Ah ah ah. 3...2....1

Suddenly I feel a very fast sweep of air behind me as a feel my ropes being cut through then Tae comes in front of me and spreads his wings. His body and wings acting like a shield from the raining bullets and gunfire. They ricochet off him, landing on the ground.

Y/n: Tae....

Tae: Shh.....

Suddenly the gunfire stops. Tae pulls me in close and turns around. He has one wing guarding me as we face Bangchan.

Bangchan: I was wondering why you took so long. I thought you really had given up on her.

Tae: Did you forget that I was immune to bullets? They're nothing.

Bangchan: Oh how could I forget? But we do know something you can't block. Gold.

Tae: You didn't.....

Bangchan: Gold bullets? Yes. Gold tipped arrows? Yes. This is your doom. You can't win.

Suddenly 4 guards drop their weapons and start fighting each other.

Bangchan: Cut it out!

Jungkook: Oh they can't help it.

Bangchan: Ahhh yes. I forgot about the six of you.

Yoongi: Aww well thats sad.

Yoongi snaps his fingers and 3 guards drop down asleep.

Bangchan: Reducing the amount of guards won't do. You can only put down so much.

Yoongi: Tae, they're right. Jungkook and I can't put down all of them.

Jimin suddenly puts down 5 more.

Bangchan: Ugh seriously? FIRE!

As soon as the guns go off Tae blocks me with his wing but we hear the bullets hit heavy metal. When we look up. We see that Hobi is creating shields. One by one he puts up barriers in front of the members. But then we hear him grunt. When we look over, he had been hit.....Namjoon starts creating fire everywhere, unable to control his power because of the anger and the guards, along with Bangchan, start running.

We all run over to Hobi.

Namjoon: Yoongi! Help!

Yoongi puts Namjoon to sleep, stopping him from setting the whole place on fire.

Jimin: No no no no. Hobi wake up. Hobi no. Wake up!

Tae: Stay with us Hobi. Stay awake Jung Hoseok. I beg of you.

Hobi: T-Tae....

Tae: Yea I'm here. Do you hear me? We're gonna get you out of here ok?

Hobi: D-don't. Just get out of h-here. Before t-they come back. I-It's gold. We can't do anything anyways.

Tae: N-no Hobi.

Hobi: Y/n. Hurry. Come.

I rush over to Hobi's side. Hobi extends his hand. I hold his hand and suddenly our hands start glowing.

Y/n: W-what's happening.....

Suddenly beautiful golden wings come from my back and my eyes glow a yellow color before they slowly fade back to my normal color. Hobi goes limp and Jimin slowly picks him up.

Jimin: We need to hurry.

Tae picks up me up and Yoongi takes Namjoon. We all fly back home and we all rush to the garden, following Jimin. Hobi starts glowing and Jimin places him down. He suddenly glows and fades and when we look again, beautiful daffodils had taken their place.

Jimin: If one of us were to die, we turn into a flower.....we had gotten Hobi here just in time. He can rest peacefully now. His home.

Y/n: And I had barely met him....

Jin: I wish we had more time with him.

Y/n: But what did he do to me.....

Tae: He....had transferred his power to you...you are now Greed....

Y/n: I have his powers.....?

Tae: Yes...

Y/n: B-But I'll never learn to control them! I was a normal human. I can't just become one of the deadly sins...I have to get rid of them! There has to be a way!

Jin: Y/n....Hobi gave up his life for us. He gave his powers to you so you could fulfill his legacy. Don't put his powers to vain. He used his lifeline to give his powers to you.

Y/n: So that means....I'm the one who killed him.....

Jin: No! That's not what I meant.

I run upstairs and I hear voices call after me. I close the door to my room and sit on my bed.

Y/n: Ugh! My whole room was created by Hobi! Now I'll have to live with his memory....


Y/n: Ummmmm. Well it's very empty.

Hobi suddenly creates a beautiful bed, a wardrobe, a desk, and shelves. Books appear on the shelves and a laptop appears on the desk. Clothes line up in the wardrobe and bedsheets and pillows appear on the bed.

Y/n: I-

Hobi: Good?

Y/n: U-Uh yes....

Hobi: Great! The bathroom is inside the room with everything you'll need and down the corridors, the rooms have signs with whose room it is. Come to us if you need any help.

Y/n: Oh ok. Thanks.

-Back to reality-

Y/n: I can't live with this. Powers? Seriously?

Then, someone knocks on the door.