
Brute Force: Heavens Might

In an Adventure in the fantastical world called Sapphire's Tear.

Novice_Mage · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Floating Blue Screen

"I'm afraid I can't take the responsibility for letting you stay here anymore," said the same girl who greeted me when I woke up.

"We have to keep you safe, so we might as well remove the scars from your body before they scar over." she said.

I asked her. "How long until those are gone, do you think?"

A soft chuckle followed the sentence before the woman replied, "Don't worry about the scars. It won't last for long. Now, are you ready? Let's begin."

I nodded and watched as she picked up a needle and some cotton balls. When she began dabbing the cotton balls on a piece of gauze that was lying on the table beside me, I noticed how delicate her fingers were compared to the rest of her hand.

They appeared thin and almost fragile, but her touch brought a sense of security within me, especially since I had just woken up from such a terrifying ordeal. She continued to apply medical tape over my torso, applying so little pressure that it felt like it would never leave.

"I'm done fixing your bandages, It will finish healing in a couple of days so try not to do any extreme movement in the meantime." the woman announced.

"And here are clothes that you can wear." She then handed me a blue silk shirt and a smooth black coloured silk pants.

After I finish clothing myself, I thanked her and waited patiently for her to move away, although I had no clue what would happen now.

Once I heard the door click close behind her, I pulled off the blanket wrapped around my legs, letting them hang loosely over the edge of the bed.

With a groan, I attempted to stand up, only to fall straight back onto the bed and let out a muffled cry.

A sharp stab of pain shot through my body, making me instinctively pull the blanket around myself tighter and curl up into a fetal position in hopes of minimizing the amount of damage to my wounds.

"This is so embarrassing!" I said to myself.

However, after taking a few moments to recover from the pain, I managed to lift my head up once again and look around my surroundings.

The dirty pile of books and equipment strewn around the floor, and the smell of sweat and blood wafting inside the room.

Finally taking it all in, I finally got to ask myself. "What just happened?"

"I died, and woke up in a stranger's room, a beautiful lady just helped me heal my wounds and suddenly left." I quickly listed off the events that happened.

"Wait, I think I'm forgetting something?" I mumbled.

Suddenly, I looked up to see if the floating blue screen was still there. Only to see nothing but the dusty ceiling looking down on me.

"What the... Where did it go?" I quickly wondered. I looked everywhere yet the floating blue screen was still gone.

"Oh well…" I muttered to myself and turned my gaze back towards the books in front of me, picking up a book I started flipping through it.

I had no idea how I ended up being here, but this was a good opportunity to pass the time.

As my hands touched the book, I heard another loud bang. The same sound I had heard earlier echoed inside the room again.

As the noise became louder, I finally lifted my head to look for the source. When I finally spotted the source, my jaw dropped in shock.

The blue screen suddenly appeared and was still hovering over my bed, but something was different about it.

Something had changed about it and it was definitely much brighter than it was before.

It slowly started to get brighter and brighter until I was unable to open my eyes anymore, I waited until the bright light disappeared and saw words had appeared on the floating blue screen.

[ User has decided his very first 'Spirit Soul' ]

[ "Book"! ]

[ Spirit Soul "Book" Can be evolved. ]

[ "Book" cannot be upgraded. ]

[ "Book" has limited abilities. ]

[ You need special skills in order to be promoted. ]

[ Please choose your Special Skills... ]

I stared at the screen blankly, completely taken aback by what I had just witnessed. As I continued staring at the floating white screen for several seconds, I could hear multiple footsteps approaching the door.

When the door slid open and someone entered the room, I snapped out of my daze and tried to scramble away from their sight. However, as I moved to one side I realised that someone was holding my foot and pulling it towards them to force me to follow them.

I looked down to find myself surrounded by what I assumed was a group of people. They were all dressed in the same kind of clothes that I was wearing, except that they wore a lot less clothing than I did.

One of the men grabbed my arm and dragged me along with him as he walked out of the room.

"Where are we going?" I asked. He didn't answer me.

The man dragged me across a large corridor, through many rooms, where it was completely silent besides the loud thumps coming from outside of my ears.

The hallways soon gave way to another room, which was filled with tables and chairs of various colors.

A few people were sitting around the tables playing cards, while others were drinking tea and talking to one another, laughing loudly as they spoke.

The man who was dragging me suddenly spoke. "You seat here." and forcefully sat me down in front of the table, they then left while leaving me here.

My whole body stiffened up, my heartbeat quickening as fear and anxiety overwhelmed me once more, but even more powerful than those emotions was anger and resentment.

I wanted answers; I wanted to know what had happened to me, and who these strange people were. But most importantly, I needed answers as to why the people from before looked so familiar, and why I seemed to recognize them somehow.