

I used to believe in happy endings in fairy tale books with enchanting twists of events followed by the romantic scene wherein the prince meets the princess and they both fall in love. Then after that, they will face some challenges that might be a hindrance to their love story, but eventually, they will always fight for what they so-called "love" and it will always end with a "happy ever after".

How romantic and sweet but, all I felt upon reading those books made me envious of the characters in the story for having that one man in their lives who is willing to sacrifice anything for them.

I used to believe in those things that maybe someday I would meet a man in my life, and then boom! He's the one. Tada, and we will live happily ever after.

But in my case, I get tired upon trying, and because of my past relationships that didn't even go well. And because of that, I decided to change my perspective on love.

Love? It's nothing but a bunch of heartaches, what-ifs, and pain, and horrifyingly, it can make you crazy. How can I even believe in love when, in the first place, my parents weren't in love with each other? They have their own families now and somehow forget about me.

Who am I to them anyways? I am just a result of my parents' mistakes. An obstacle for mom to achieve her dream and a responsibility for dad that he can't escape. He ended up giving me everything without his presence, because he was in his new family. Mom also has a new family that I have never been able to get along with, in short, they don't like me.

But whatever, the most important person that I could ever have by my side is me, not anyone else but me. People come and go but you, yourself will always stay with you. That's why, don't ever lose yourself, because if that thing happened, your world would be nothing but a piece of crumpled paper that isn't considered useful.

What I mean by losing yourself is when you're not feeling yourself anymore. You're doing things that you never even imagined you'd do; you become the person you fear and never wanted to be like, and you can sense that you don't recognize who you are anymore and that you no longer know what makes you feel fulfilled.

Too much for the cloudy thought, I heard a loud thud from the roof, which brought me back to my senses. I ran out through the window to see where that came from, and then I just saw two kids throwing random rocks just to get that mango in the tree.

"Hey!" I shouted, which made them run as fast as they could, silly kids. They thought I would scold them for doing that. I walked back to my room, where I left my painting—the painting of the man in my dreams.

I traced my hand across his handsome, perfect face. It started from his thick black messy hair to his thick and perfectly shaped brows to his fox eyes and curving lashes to his pointed nose, then to his sexy kissable lips. He looks so perfect; he's indeed handsome.

And who's this guy? No one; he's the man of my dreams. I once dreamed that I was spending my time with him. It was when something really bad happened to me, and I dreamed about him being with me the whole time. I didn't even know this guy; I don't know him and I've never seen him in real life. I don't know why I dreamed about him, it's really weird to dream about someone I never even met.

Nonetheless, the most important thing that happened was that I did not forget about his handsome face.

It was already dark when I decided to go outside and look for something to buy and eat. I'm totally hungry, but I didn't even cook for my dinner. I'm alone in this not-so-big house of my grandparents in this province, but this place gives me peace and keeps me away from those who hurt me. Away from everyone.

I was casually walking when I saw a barbeque street food stall, which made me crave for it. Way back in Manila, I was living in luxury; that's why I don't have time to eat this kind of food, and in our village there wasn't any vendor selling street foods that's why it's been so long since I tasted this kind of food. 

Ate, how much is the barbeque?" I ask the vendor that is currently fanning the barbeque

"10 pesos per stick"

"Hmm, I'll order about 15 barbeque" I said shyly because I know I ordered a lot and I'm the only one who'll eat all of those.

While waiting for my barbeque to be cook, I saw a tall guy wearing a navy blue hoodie and black shorts walking in my direction. I didn't notice that I was already looking at him intently while he was walking. My heart skips a beat when he moves his face upward, causing his eyes to meet mine.

Oh god, those eyes. Why are they so familiar?

It only took a second, and he then bowed his head after that eye contact. Gosh, it only took a second. A second, but why is my heart beating so fast? Am I nervous about eye contact coming from a guy? This is so not me, fvck.

"5 barbeque please" He said to the vendor, and guess what? The girl is now wearing her super weird smile to that guy. My gosh, she looked like she was melting while looking at the guy's face.

What's with that guy's face that made the vendor girl giggle? And why does his eyes look so familiar to me? It feels so nostalgic when our eyes meet; it screams a thousand memories I can't even recall for myself. Who is he?

I was casually spacing out while thinking about who he was when suddenly I heard the girl calling my name.

"Hey! I was calling your name for about three times now but why aren't you paying attention?" She said, then rolled her eyes. What the—what's with the sudden burst of attitude?

"Here's your order, for 150 pesos" She said, and when I was about to look for my wallet, when I suddenly remembered I did not bring it with me. Shit, what now?

"Uhmm, ate? I left my wallet, can I ask for a favor? Can I just get my wallet for a while and return here to pay for my barbeques?" I ask shyly but she just raised her eyebrows at me, gosh!

"Yeah right, this is what I'm talking about, scammers and thieves are everywhere and I can't believe I just saw one in front of me. Young lady, I cannot let you do what you want and get out of my barbeque stall before I call someone to get you" What the actual fvck, did she just call me a thief?

"I'm sorry, but I'm telling the truth. I left my wallet in our house."

"House? I don't even know you and for your information, I know everyone living in this small town. Don't you dare fool me with your words--." She stopped blabbering when the guy with the hoodie spoke.

"I'll pay for her food and mine, here." He handed the girl the money. The girl suddenly became quiet; maybe she just realized what she was talking about and handed me and the guy our food.

"Thanks" I said to the hoodie guy, but he didn't even respond or look at me. He just walked away. I was shocked by what he just did, and I just came back to my senses when I saw his handkerchief fall from his pocket.

I took it and started walking towards him typically two times faster than my usual walk, just to catch him.

"Hey, you dropped your handkerchief." He just stopped walking without facing me.

"I also wanted to say thank you for paying that; I swear I'll pay you back If I get my wallet in our house. Can I ask where you live so that I can pay for my food?" I stopped talking when he swiftly moved his body in my direction.

It feels like time moves slowly when he is facing me, and then he removes the hood from his hoodie and smiles sweetly at me. "No need to pay me; welcome back to our very own province, Kate."

I felt like the world paused for a moment when he faced me with a smile on his lips while greeting me. It made me more shocked when I saw his face. That's why he is too familiar to me because he is the guy in my painting. A hundred questions suddenly crept into my head, like Why? How? Who is he? How did he know my name? And why does he look so much like the guy in my painting? This thing is insane!