
Brought to the DeCaDeNcE

Both where born as the definition of misfortune, betrayed by their believes and those the believed in, they cursed their weak self and abandoned everything behind them. So, he saw them, he who had shaped the world to his image gave them the power to shape and build their own world, but contrary to what he wanted, both searched a means to go back to their worlds to enact their revenge and to do that, the needed to climb the separate and isolated worlds and reach the submit, where the door of the origin was. This is the adventure of no longer humans existence, traveling from world to world in search for a means to go back to their world for a selfish purpose.

Poker_mon · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

The Banquet (3)

"what do you think your doing!" Those enraged words came to the woman's head before a lady near her collapse on her kneel and screamed.

That started the panic, as people ran away from the center of the incident, all searching for the exit, only few did not move, the Lord, knights, and those of the Guild Avian, also, some existence where curious as the hid behind pillars observing the situation.

"What are you really?" Asked Nine, he remembered her saying that, non came human, so, she wasn't in any sense human, the woman stared at his direction.

"Didn't I tell you?" She walked towards him, "I am a vampire, but at the same Time a Mage and researcher, I travel worlds in search of a means to get back to mine"

"GUARDS!" the woman halted in her step and turn to look at the head knight who screamed, a groupe of armed soldiers showed up well equipped, the Lord's personal guards, they were preparing to launch and offensive against her.

"Tss, you guys are blind, even your lord is more reasonable " She said, the Lord in question was brining back the son's head to the main body, seeing this bizarre behavior, she frown, "forget what I just said" She lifted her gun and prepare to shoot.

The guards had weakness that object just a moment before spitting out flames, and knew that it was dangerous, the all rush to protect their lord.


A guard was shot, he would thought that his body was strong enough, was headshot, he collapse on the floor never to stand again, the other guards immediately panicked but did not panic.

"Tss, useless and reckless " She said that, but the big and crazy smile on her face showed that she actually enjoyed it.

"Stop..." Her hand was grabbed, her amber eyes contracted and she glared at the moon like eyes who glared back at him, "there's no need to cause a massacre " Said Nine, "maybe is because of her long conversation, but we aren't friends, so, don't grab on to me as if I was your girlfriend " She waved away his hand and directed her attention on lord who attached back the boys head, "shit" It was late.

She turn and immediately ran the opposite direction, "it's up to you guys, I have created the situation, finish it" She said, she heard, curses and warnings but ignored them, Nine stared at her departing figure in confusion, soon he feld a chill, his attention was directed back to the Lord and what he was doing, this chill was familiar, he had felt it before, the moment he entered the red zone, but it was slightly weaker, he immediately took steps backwards.

"Son... Son, wake up" Said the Lord, giving a lovely smile at the body on the floor, a month ago, his son died from a disease nobody knew where it originated from, he was in deep sorrow and was ready to perform anything to get him back, to the extent of using a forbidden spell.

With the use of Necromancer and dark spells utility, on the child, he revived his dead son, he was happy, but the moment his son open his eyes, he screamed, the scream of terror and rage which burst out forced everyone around to bleed to dead, the blood turn into red mist and was absorbed in his body, the son stood up naked and stared at the Lord who definitely understood, this was no longer his child, but his heart broke and his mind got destroyed, the child's hand left the empty vessel body, "you would be my marionette " All dead bodies stood up including the Lord and bowed to the child.

The Lord attached the child's head to his body, the head started stitching back at rapid space, the Lord smiled at the child coming back, a small hand burst through his heart and the Lord vomited blood, everybody was startled by the scene, "I need more blood!" They all heard a voice originating from the scene, the Lord's body twisted and was being absorbed.

Nine immediately understood why July ran away, it did not take him long to take the same decision, he escaped the Hall leaving the confused knights behind, he wasn't a hero in any sense, he left them behind as baits to occupy that damn monster.

The child stood up after finishing with the Lord, "I need more " He turn his head to the people, he was a little disappointed, a majority had escaped, at least what was left was still sufficient, he could still go out and hunt more of them.

The main reason of this banquet, was to collect a maximum amount of body and absorbed, that was the gift his puppet lord was planning to hand to him, "you were a good father, unfortunately, it was spoiled " His anger skyrocket thinking about the scarlet witch.

"It's time for a feast of Blood" The evil smiled that crept out of his face paled out those who remain in the hall as the weakness the deformation occuring with the child's body.

His cheeks cracked open as sharp fangs showed up, the line drew all around his body, from his mouth to his head, to his legs, all where full of mouths and sharp razors like teeths eye emerged all around his body and his hairs fell down leaving his heard barren with only and eye and a mouth, red mist burst out of his mouths and eyes and he became a walking mass of red mist disaster swallowing the whole hall into it.

Immediately Nine exited the mansion, the whole building burst out in red mist, people screams of terror and agony was heard from within, cries of help and begging for mercy, Nine frowned, his senses where to sharp, he particularly did not like such display of cruelty.

"Your still to soft for this world, get ready, scenes like this would be frequent as we travel to the next zone" He heard the voice, but he did not know where it spoke from, he searched to no avail.

"Where are you?" He finally asked, but no response came, [you!] Nine turn to face the existence emerging from the mist, it size had triple just in mere seconds and was now a three meter giant full of mouths, it's entire body was submerged in red mist and only his head showed up, Nine was ready to put on resistance even though he knew that it would be hard to leave here without a heavy damage, he took out his daggers, the sharp talon of eagle was still as study as ever, even when it collided with the strike ugly white horror.

"Even though you're from the same race as the one I met, your much weaker" Said Nine grinning at it, the boy roared in anger and was at the point to attack, when his eye got the glimpse of a strange light.



His head blew up once again, dispersing the red mist, a few distance away, on one of the guards pillar, a materialize heavy caliber sniper rifle, enhanced with a reinforcement spells was still smoking out, a hand moved recharging the gun with another large bullet, "it took time to create this, so you take care of the small ones, I would look after the kid" Said July

Nine's eyes zoomed at her location and was shocked, "how do you materialize those things? Are you also from earth?" He asked, and only received an insult.

"Idiot, I copied it from your memories, now focus, or I will die, don't leave those minions come closer!" She screamed, Nine turn and saw ugly looking human monsters emerging from the mist, he knew perfectly what happened to them since it almost happened to him, they were degraded and regress to their primitive state and were deformed to look like abominations by the White horrors curse magic.